no matter who造句

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no matter who造句

2023-07-18 03:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、No matter who it is, we'll act according to principle.别管是谁, 一律按原则办事。

2、No matter who you are, you must show your identification card.不管你是谁都得出示身份证。

3、No matter who Rolling Stone puts on their list, it is sure to get people talking year after year.无论《滚石》每年评选什么人上榜,都一定会引来人们的争议。

4、No matter who is to blame, consumers lose with PSP Go's price.但结果是无论谁该受到责备,输在价格上的还是消费者。

5、No matter who wins the presidential election, the United States is on its way out of Iraq.不管谁赢得大选,美国总要从伊拉克撤出来。 奥巴马提出了最具体也最快速的撤离方案,而麦凯恩的计划也不会把大规模地面部队在伊拉克拖太久。

6、No matter who you are, you have no right to do that.不管你是谁,你都无权那样做。

7、An old maid has one consolation: she can never be a widow no matter who dies.老处女有一则安慰:不管是谁死掉也好,她也决不会当寡妇。

8、No matter who you are, you cannot do anything going against nature.不管你是谁,都决不会做违背自然规律事。

9、No matter who comes here, tell him never to touch the switch.不管谁到这里来,告诉他不要碰这开关。

10、Don't open the door, no matter who calls!不管谁叫门, 都不要开!

11、But no matter who is chosen, he will still face Mr Ozawa's dogged obstructionism.但是不论谁被选中,他仍将面对小泽顽固的狙击。

12、No matter who he may is, he must do his duty.不管他是谁,他都要尽他的责任。

13、Penalties should be imposed on all guilty parties, no matter who they are.该受惩罚的,不管是谁,一律受惩罚。

14、No matter who you are, youknow more than enough about something to be a valuable participant.无论你是谁,作为一个有价值的参与者,你对于某些事知道得再多也不为过。

15、No matter who may say so, it is not true不管谁这样说都不是真的。

16、No matter who he was, every guest must wipe his dirty boots on the mat before entering the theatre.进剧院前,无论他是谁,每一位客人必须在垫子上蹭蹭他的脏靴子。

17、He will continue the work no matter who tries to stand over him.不管是谁监督他,他都不会停止工作。

18、No matter who you are, you can build happiness by doing the following things.不管你是谁,你都可以通过做以下事情来获得快乐。

19、With fairy tales, however, the location is generally unspecified, no matter who the storyteller is.然而,在童话故事中,不管讲故事的人是谁,故事发生的地点一般都是不具体的。

20、This way, no matter who writes the code, you will have a certain level of consistency.这样,无论是谁编写该代码,你都将获得一定程度的一致性。

21、The effect of pushing the button is the same no matter who does it.不论是什么人去按电钮, 其效果都是一样的。

22、There comes a time when all of us, no matter who we are, heed the call to the battlefield.这样的时候终将到来,我们所有的人,不管我们是谁,都能留意到战场号角的召唤。

23、Today's a day to celebrate and support equality, no matter who you are.今天是一个庆祝和支持平等的日子,无论你是谁。

24、No matter who he is or who he wants to be, she accepts it.无论他是谁,想成为什么样的人,她都接受。

25、We want to go into the semifinal, no matter who the rival is.我们想要进入半决赛,无论对手是谁。

26、No matter who point out our shortcoming, we will correct them.不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。

27、No matter who the guest is, she or he must be treated as a VIP.不论客人是谁,我们都要以贵宾相待。




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