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2023-08-01 02:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





[1] Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu and Xuejie Zhang, "Explainable Detection of Adverse Drug Reaction with Imbalanced Data Distribution", PLOS Computational Biology, vol. 18, no. 6, article e1010144, 2022.

[2] Li Yuan, Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu and Xuejie Zhang, "Hierarchical Template Transformer for Fine-grained Sentiment Controllable Generation," Information Processing & Management, vol. 59, no. 5, article 103048, 2022.

[3] Yanjun Qian, Jin Wang, Dawei Li and Xuejie Zhang, "Interactive Capsule Network for Implicit Sentiment Analysis", Applied Intelligence, 2021.


[1] Jin Wang, You Zhang, Liang-Chih Yu and Xuejie Zhang, "Contextual Sentiment Embeddings via Bi-directional GRU Language Model", Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 235: 107663.

[2] Jun Kong, Jin Wang and Xuejie Zhang, "Hierarchical BERT with an Adaptive Fine-Tuning Strategy for Document Classification", Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 238: 107872.

[3] You Zhang, Jin Wang and Xuejie Zhang, "Personalized Sentiment Classification of Customer Reviews via an Interactive Attributes Attention Model," Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 226.

[4] You Zhang, Jin Wang and Xuejie Zhang, "Learning Sentiment Sentence Representation with Multiview Attention Model," Information Sciences, 2021, 571:459-474.

[5] You Zhang, Jin Wang and Xuejie Zhang, "Conciseness is Better: Recurrent Attention LSTM Model for Document-Level Sentiment Analysis, " Neurocomputing, 2021, 462:101-102.


[1] Liang-Chih Yu, Jin Wang, K. Robert Lai and Xuejie Zhang, "Pipelined Neural Networks for Phrase-level Sentiment Intensity Prediction," IEEE Trans. Affective Computing, 2020.

[2] Bo Peng, Jin Wang and Xuejie Zhang, "Adversarial Learning of Sentiment Word Representations for Sentiment Analysis," Information Sciences, 2020, 541: 426-441. 


[1] Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu, K. Robert Lai and Xuejie Zhang, "Tree-Structured Regional CNN-LSTM for Dimensional Sentiment Analysis," IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2019, 28: 581-591. 


[1] Xi Liu, Weidong Li and Xuejie Zhang, "Strategy-Proof Mechanism for Provisioning and Allocation Virtual Machines in Heterogeneous Clouds", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2018,29(7):1650-1663.

[2] Liang-Chih Yu, Jin Wang, K. Robert Lai and Xuejie Zhang, "Refining Word Embeddings Using Intensity Scores for Sentiment Analysis," IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2017, vol.26,no. 3, pp. 671 - 681, 2017. 

[1] Jin Wang, Bo Peng and Xuejie Zhang, "Using a Stacked Residual LSTM Model for Sentiment Intensity Prediction," Neurocomputing, 2018, vol. 322, pp. 93-101.


[1] Liu X, Zhang X L, Li W D, Zhang X J*. Swarm optimization algorithms applied to multi-resource fair allocation in heterogeneous cloud computing systems [J]. Computing. Springer Vienna, 2017. online publication, doi: 10.1007/s00607-017-0561-x.

[2] 丁强龙, 王津, 张学杰*. 基于子模式的关系数据到图数据ETL方法研究[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2017, 53(12): 76-84.


[1] Wang J, Yu L C, Lai K R, Zhang X J*. Locally weighted linear regression for cross-lingual valence-arousal prediction of affective words[J]. Neurocomputing, 2016, 194: 271-278.

[2] Li W D, Liu X, Zhang X L, Zhang X J*. Dynamic fair allocation of multiple resources with bounded number of tasks in cloud computing systems[J]. Multiagent and Grid Systems, 2016, 11(4): 245-257.

[3] Wang J, Yu L C, Lai K R, Zhang X J. Community Based Weighted Graph Model for Valence-Arousal Prediction of Affective Words [J], IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 24(11):1957-1968, 2016.

[4] 张潇璐, 刘曦, 李伟东, 张学杰*. 基于共享资源量的动态多资源公平分配策略[J]. 通信学报, 2016, 37(7) :151-160.

[5] 刘曦, 张潇璐, 张学杰*. 异构云系统中基于智能优化算法的多维资源公平分配[J]. 计算机应用, 2016, 36(8): 2128-2133, 2138.

[6] 杨天晴, 王津, 杨旭涛, 张学杰*. 一种Spark环境下的高效率大规模图数据处理机制[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2016, 33(12): 3730~3747.


[1] Gao Y, Zhou H, Zhang X J*. Enhanced fast compressive tracking based on adaptive measurement matrix[J]. Computer Vision, IET, 2015, 9(6): 857-863.

[2] Li W D, Li J P, Zhang X J, Chen Z B. Penalty cost constrained identical parallel machine scheduling problem[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 2015, 607: 181-192.



[1] Jun Kong, Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu and Xuejie Zhang, "Accelerating Inference for Pretrained Language Models by Unified Multi-Perspective Early Exiting", in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-2022), Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, to be appeared.

[2] Xinge Ma, Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu and Xuejie Zhang, "Knowledge Distillation with Reptile Meta-Learning for Pretrained Language Model Compression", in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-2022), Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, to be appeared.

[3] Zhewen Yu, Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu and Xuejie Zhang, "Dual-Encoder Transformers with Cross-modal Alignment for Multimodal Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis", in Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (AACL-IJCNLP-2022), Taipei, Taiwan, to be appeared.

[4] Xingyu Zhu, Jin Wang, and Xuejie Zhang, "An Enhanced Key-utterance Interactive Model with Decoupled Auxiliary Tasks for Multi-party Dialogue Reading Comprehension", in Proceedings of IJCNN at IEEE WCCI 2022, to be appeared.

[5] Fulai Nan, Jin Wang, and Xuejie Zhang, "An On-Device Machine Reading Comprehension Model with Adaptive Fast Inference", in Proceedings of the 11th CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC-2022), to be appeared.


[1] You Zhang, Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu and Xuejie Zhang, "MA-BERT: Learning Representation by Incorporating Multi-Attribute Knowledge in Transformers", in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021, pp. 2338–2343.

[2] Jun Kong, Jin Wang and Xuejie Zhang, "Accelerating Pretrained Language Model Inference Using Weighted Ensemble Self-Distillation", in Proceedings of the 10th CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC-2021), LNAI 13028, pp. 224–235, 2021.

[3] Ruijun Chen, Jin Wang and Xuejie Zhang, "Variational Autoencoder with Interactive Attention for Affective Text Generation", in Proceedings of the 10th CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC-2021), NLPCC 2021, LNAI 13029, pp. 111–123, 2021.


[1] Li Yuan, Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu and Xuejie Zhang, "Graph Attention Network with Memory Fusion for Aspect-level Sentiment Analysis", in Proc. of The 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (AACL-IJCNLP-2020), pages 27-36. 2020.


[1] Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu, K. Robert Lai and Xuejie Zhang, "Investigating Dynamic Routing in Tree-Structured LSTM for Sentiment Analysis," in Proc. of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing & International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP-19), pages 3423-3428, Hong Kong, China, November 3–7, 2019.

[2] Dawei Li, Jin Wang and Xuejie Zhang, "CIEA: A Corpus for Chinese Implicit Emotion Analysis," in Proc. of the 2019 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP-2019), pages 90-95, 2019.

[3] Yi Zhao, Jin Wang and Xuejie Zhang, "Research on Cross-lingual Machine Reading Comprehension Technology Based on Non-parallel Corpus", in Proc. of the 6 th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (ICAIS-2020), vol 1252, 2020. 


[1] Liang-Chih Yu, Jin Wang, K. Robert Lai and Xuejie Zhang, "Refining Word Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis," in Proc. of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-17), pages 545–550, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 9 - 11, 2017.


[1] Zhang X L, Li W D, Liu X, Zhang X J*. A Profit-Maximum Resource Allocation Approach for Mapreduce in Data Centers [C]. //International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing. Springer, Cham, 2017: 460-474.

[2] Li W D, Liu X, Zhang X L, Zhang X J. A Further Analysis of the Dynamic Dominant Resource Fairness Mechanism [M]. Frontiers in Algorithmics. Springer International Publishing, 2017, vol 10336.

[3] Zhang H W, Wang J, Zhang J X, Zhang X J*. YNU-HPCC at SemEval 2017 Task 4: Using A Multi-Channel CNN-LSTM Model for Sentiment Classification[C]. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2017), pages 787–792, 2017.


[1] Wang J, Yu L C, Lai K R, Zhang X J. Dimensional Sentiment Analysis Using a Regional CNN-LSTM Model[C]. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-16), 2016.

[2] Yu L C, Lee L H, Hao S, Wang J, He Y C, Hu J, Lai K R, Zhang X J. Building Chinese Affective Resources in Valence-Arousal Dimensions[C], In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL/HLT-16), 2016.

[3] Peng B, Yang J N, Yang X T, Xu D, Zhang X J*. A comparison of approaches to affective rating of Chinese words on valence-arousal space[C]. In Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP-2016), pages 320-323, 2016.

[4] Yang J N, Peng B, Wang J, Zhang J X, Zhang X J*. Chinese grammatical error diagnosis using single word embedding[C]. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (NLPTEA-16), pages 155-161, 2016.


[1] Yu L C, Wang J, Lai K R, Zhang X J. Predicting Valence-Arousal Ratings of Words Using a Weighted Graph Method[C]. In Proceedings of the 53th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-15), 2015:788-793.

[2] Li W D, Liu X, Zhang X J*, Cai X B. A Task-Type-Based Algorithm for the Energy-Aware Profit Maximizing Scheduling Problem in Heterogeneous Computing Systems[C]. In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2015: 1107-1110.

[3] Wang J, Lai K R, Yu L C, Zhang X J*. A locally weighted method to improve linear regression for lexical-based valence-arousal prediction[C].In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2015: 415-420.

[4] Gao Y, Zhou H, Yuan G W, Zhang X J*. Compressive Tracking Based on Particle Filter[M]. Computer Vision. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015: 220-229.

[5] Liu X, Zhang X L, Zhang X J*, Li W D. Dynamic Fair Division of Multiple Resources with Satiable Agents in Cloud Computing Systems[C]. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BDCloud), 2015: 131-136.

[6] Li Guan, Li J P, Zhang X J*, Li W D. The Directed Ring Loading with Penalty Cost[M]. WALCOM: Algorithms and Computation. Springer International Publishing, 2015: 20-31.


[1] Li W D, Li J P, Zhang X J, Chen Z B. Parallel-machine scheduling problem under the job rejection constraint [M]. Frontiers in Algorithmics. Springer International Publishing, 2014: 158-169.


[1] 国家自然科学基金项目“基于知识蒸馏的联合多模态基础模型关键技术研究”,2023.01-2026.12,主持。

[2] 国家自然科学基金项目“面向小语种的高性能文本情感分析关键技术研究”,2018.01-2021.12,主持。

[3] 国家自然科学基金项目“面向云计算环境的应用迁移策略及资源优化配置关键技术研究”,2012.01-2015.12,主持。

[4] 国家自然科学基金项目“高性能动态可重构硬件加密芯片设计技术研究”,2006.1-2008.12,主持。

[5] 教育部国家级特色专业“计算机科学与技术”建设项目,2008.1-2012.12,主持。




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