Chinese Food 51: Chrysanthemum Wine 菊花酒

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Chinese Food 51: Chrysanthemum Wine 菊花酒

2024-07-06 20:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The chrysanthemum wine was regarded in ancient times as "auspicious wine" that people must drink on the Double Ninth Festival to prevent disasters and pray for blessings. Chinese people have it as a tradition to drink the chrysanthemum wine on the Double Ninth Festival. 菊花酒在古代一直被当做吉祥的酒,每每到重阳佳节,人们都会喝菊花酒祛灾祈福。重阳佳节喝菊花酒一直是重阳佳节的一个习俗。

It is a well-established custom for Chinese people to drink chrysanthemum wine on the Double Ninth Festival. Chrysanthemum wine was regarded in ancient times as an auspicious wine that people must drink on the Double Ninth Festival to avoid misfortunes and pray for blessings. 重阳佳节,我国有饮菊花酒的传统习俗。菊花酒,在古代被看作是重阳必饮、祛灾祈福的“吉祥酒”。

As it can relieve internal heat, nourish the liver, improve eyesight and diminish inflammation, chrysanthemum wine is of high medicinal value. Li Shizhen, a medical scientist of the Ming Dynasty, pointed out that chrysanthemum could cure headache, improve hearing and eyesight, and treat various diseases. 由于菊花酒能疏风除热、养肝明目、消炎解毒,故具有较高的药用价值。明代医学家李时珍指出,菊花具有“治头风、明耳目、去瘘瘅、治百病”的功效。

In the past, chrysanthemum wine was brewed on the Double Ninth Festival for the next year. On that very day, people picked chrysanthemums that had just blossomed and some green leaves, mixed them with grains to brew wine for the next Double Ninth Festival. It is said that people drinking the wine will prolong their life. In terms of medical science, chrysanthemum wine can improve eyesight, cure dizziness, bring down blood pressure, replenish liver qi, soothe the stomach, promote blood circulation and contribute to weight loss. Apart from climbing a mountain and wearing cornel (a kind of flower), people usually drank chrysanthemum wine with their friends and relatives while appreciating chrysanthemums on the Double Ninth Festival. Poets improvised and chanted poems while enjoying the flowers and wine, leaving behind a lot of beautiful poems for later generations.古时菊花酒,是头年重阳节时专为第二年重阳节酿的。九月九日这天,采下初开的菊花和一点青翠的枝叶,掺和在准备酿酒的粮食中,然后一齐用来酿酒,放至第二年九月九日饮用。传说喝了这种酒,可以延年益寿。从医学角度看,菊花酒可以明目、治头昏、降血压,有减肥、轻身、补肝气、安肠胃、利血之妙。时逢佳节,清秋气爽,菊花盛开,窗前篱下,片片金黄。除登高插茱萸外,亲友们三五相邀,同饮菊酒,共赏黄花,确实别有一番情趣。尤其是诗人们,赏菊饮酒,吟诗唱酬,给后世留下不少佳句。

On the Double Ninth Festival, besides ascending heights and wearing dogwood branches, people usually drank chrysanthemum wine with their friends and relatives while appreciating chrysanthemums. In particular, poets would improvise and chant poems when enjoyed the flowers and drank the wine, and they left behind a lot of beautiful lines for later generations. 重阳节除了登高插茱萸以外,人们还喜欢和亲戚朋友一起喝菊花酒。特别是诗人当他们欣赏这些花和喝酒的时候还会即兴创作或吟唱他人之作。因而留下了很多供后人怀念的美妙诗句。




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