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2024-07-06 08:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

正确理解“a+比较级+名词”很重要 请看下面两道题:1. “I’ve never found a better job.” “_________.”A. I don’t think so   B. Too bad            C. Congratulations     D. Don’t worry【分析】此题容易误选B或D,主要是将上文的意思理解错了,即将其理解为“我从来没找到一份好工作”。其实,I’ve never found a better job 的实际意思是“这是我所找到的最好的一份工作”,此这是我所找到的最好的一份工作 I’ve never found a better job than this job (我从来没有找到比这份工作更好的工作,即这是我所找到的最好的工作)之省略,面对此话,对方最佳的回答当然应是C,即表示祝贺。请看下面一道,最佳答案是C,你明白是什么原因吗?“What do you think of the service here?” “Oh, _________. We couldn’t have found a better place.”

A. too bad     B. sorry                 C. wonderful               D. impossible 2. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _________ voice.

A. a better              B. a best                C. the better              D. the best 【分析】此题容易误选D,认为最高级前用定冠词才是最佳的。其实此题最佳答案为A,该句可视为是下面这句的省略形式:…I have never heard a better voice than her voice. 全句句意为“她唱得多好啊!我从未听过她这么好的声音”。请再看以下类似的实例:He is fine, never better. 他很好,比以往任何时候都好。He is fine, never better. I've never seen a finer bird. 我从未见过比这更美的鸟(即这是我见过的最美的鸟)。I’ve never found a better job. 这是我找到的最好的工作。比较以下试题,情形也大致相同:(1) Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _________IQ.A. a high                B. a higher               C. the higher             D. the highest答案选B,句意为“……”,即“我认为他可能是班上智商最高的”。(2) “Are you satisfied with his answer?” “Not at all. It couldn’t have been _________.”A. better                 B. worse                 C. more                   D. less【分析】此题最佳答案为B,关键是要理解 Not at all 的意思。根据上文语境,Not at all 为 I am not satisfied at all with his answer. 之省略,即表示“我对他的回答一点也不满意”,既然如此,他的回答当然会是 couldn’t have been worse(不可能更糟)。

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