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2024-07-10 04:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




1. the+比较级, the+比较级


The better I knew him, the more I liked him. 我越了解他就越喜欢他。

The more difficult the questions are, the less likely I’ll be able to answer them.  题目越难我越答不出。

2. the+比较级+of the two


He is the taller of the two. 他是两人中较高的那个。

She was the more promising worker of the two. 她是两人之中更有培养前途的工人。

3. 比较级+and+比较级

此句型表示“越来越…”,单音节形容词或副词用“-er+and +-er”,如:

Things are getting better and better every day. 情况一天天好起来。

It’s becoming more and more difficult to find a job. 找工作越来越困难了。

Holiday nights are getting less and less expensive. 假日机票越来越便宜了。

4. not +比较级+ than / no +比较级+ than

比较级前加not,表示前者不如后者,与not as…as相当;比较级前加no是对两者的否定,意为“和……一样不……”,与neither…nor…或“as+相反意义的形容词或副词+as”相当。如:

He is not taller than me. 他不如我高。

He is no taller than me. 他同我一样不高。(即一样矮)

His English is not better than mine. 他的英语不如我的英语好。

His English is no better than mine. 他的英语同我的英语一样不好。(即一样差)

You are not more careful than he is. 你不如他仔细。

You are no more careful than he is. 你和他一样不仔细。(即一样粗心)

5. no more thannot more than


This test takes no more than thirty minutes. 这个测验只需30分钟。

For thirty years, he had done no more than he had needed to. 30年来,他只干了他需要干的工作。

He has not more than three children. 他最多 3 个孩子(有或许还不到 3 个之意)。

6. no more…thannot more…than

两者均可用于比较,前者表示对两者都否定,意为“同……一样不”(=neither ... nor);而后者则指两者虽都具有某种特征,但程度不同,意为“不如”、“不及”(= not so ... as)。如:

He is no more a writer than a painter. 他不是画家,也不是作家。(= He is neither a painter nor a writer.)

He’s no more able to read Spanish than I am. 他和我都读不懂西班牙语。(=Neither he nor I am not read Spanish.)

She is not more clever than he is.  她不如他聪明。(= She is not so clever as he is.)

This book is not more difficult than that one. 这本书不比那本书更难。(This book is not so difficult as that one.)

7. no less than not less than


He paid no less than $10,000 for it. 他为此付了10000多美元。

He paid not less than $10,000 for it. 他为此付的钱不下10000美元。

He walks no less than five miles to school. 他上学至少要走五英里。

He has no less than seven daughters. 他有七个女儿之多。

He has not less than seven daughters. 他至少有七个女儿。

有时两者都可译为“至少”,但no less than语气比not less than要夸张,表示所涉及的数量比预料的要多,其用法可比较其反义结构no more than(只不过,只有),用于强调少。

8. no more …than no less…than


She’s no more a great singer than I am. 他不是优秀歌手,我也不是。

Your brother is no less wise than you. 你的兄弟跟你一样聪明。

A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. 马不是鱼,鲸也不是鱼。

A dolphin is no less a clever animal than a dog is. 海豚与狗同样都是聪明的动物。

9. less / least +原级


Would you mind speaking less quickly? 你可否讲得慢一点?

The movie was less funny than the book. 电影没有书那么滑稽有趣。

This is the least useful of the four books. 这是四本书中最没用的一本。

It is said that those who eat the most are the least healthy. 据说吃得最多的人身体最差。

10. less…than…的用法


Statistics show that there are more boys than girls at school. 统计数字表明学校的男生比女生多。 

(2) 后接多音节形容词和副词:more后接多音节形容词或副词,前后是两个或两类人或物进行比较时,表示“比……更”。如:

Airports were more closely watched than anyplace else. 飞机场比任何其他地方看守得更严密。

All human beings are much more intelligent than animals. 所有人类的智力都比动物高得多。


He is more hungry than tired. 与其说他累了,倒不如说他饿了。

I was more annoyed than worried. 我与其说是着急,不如说是生气。

12. 几个有用的习语

(1) more or less其意为“几乎,差不多”“大约,或多或少”。如:

The work is more or less finished. 工作基本上完成了。

The answers were more or less right. 回答基本上是正确的。

It’s an hour’s journey, more or less. 大约有一个钟头的路程。

(2) sooner or later其意为“迟早,早晚,总有一天”。如:

Don’t worry―the child will come back sooner or later. 别急,这小孩迟早会回来的。

You should tell her, because she’ll find out sooner or later. 他应该告诉她,因为她迟早会发觉的。

(3) what’s more其意为“而且”“此外”“还有”“更有甚者”。如:

She says we could use her car, and what’s more, she’ll pay for the petrol. 她说我们可以用她的车,而且她还愿付汽油费。

He came home after midnight, and what’s more, hew as drunk. 他半夜过后才回家,而且喝醉了。

(4) no sooner…than…其意为“一…就…”。如:

We had no sooner set out than a thunderstorm broke. 我们刚出发就遇到了大雷雨。

No sooner had he gone to sleep than the telephone rang once again. 他刚睡着电话铃又响了。






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