
您所在的位置:网站首页 六年级英语英汉互译词汇 小学六年级英语词组英汉互译专项练习(毕业复习


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小学六年级英语词组英汉互译专项练习1.five times a week________________ 2.work hard __________

3.each other__________________ 4去游泳______________



7.看杂志__________________ 8.去郊游____________

9. last weekend ________ 10去滑冰_________________

11接电话_______________ 12.用英语______________

13.弹钢琴_______________ 14保持联系____________

15去散步________________ 16.good work____________

17.擅长于__________ ______ 18运动会_____________

19.禁止停车____________ 20.public signs____________ 21.see a Bei jing Opera_______________ 21.与……一样高_____________ 23.be quiet__________ 24.禁止吸烟______________

25步行_________________ 26.挨着_______________

27.上学________________ 28看电视_____________________ 29.向左转____________ 30去上班___________

31上车_______________________ 32交通灯_____________

33向左转_______________ 34.向右转____________________ 35直走_________________ 36.look for________________ 37.take it easy___________ 38.在将来_________________

39 good work______________ 40.have a good time_________ 41.越来越高________________ 42.a bowl of rice ___________

43.祝你好运_______________ 44.once a day _____________

45 twice a week____________ 46.next to the hospital________

47吃早餐______________ 58.get off at the cinema___________ 49快回信_______________ 50.保重____________________

51下周___________________ 52醒来___________________

53 get off______________ 54.阅读杂志________________

55浇花___________________ 56.一本漫画书__________

57午饭后__________________ 58.buy a postcard__________

59 a busy weekend__________ 60.traffic rule_______

61.确保__________________ 62.做晨练________________

63捉蝴蝶_______________ 64.观察昆虫______________

65收集邮票_________________ 66收集树叶_____________

67.采摘树叶______________ 68.去远足_________________

69.划船_________________ 70.去上学________________

71.回家____________________ 72.制定计划______________

73. 起床_________________ 74.弹钢琴___________

75喉咙痛_______________ 76.因----发笑___________

77 have a toothacke___________ 78.起床_________________

79 say hello to____________ 80.say goodbye to____________

81长城_________________ 82.牙疼_______________

83 over there _______________ 84洗衣服____________

85.on Monday __________ 86.上周末__________________

87..go ice-skating___________ 88 buy presents _______________ 89.拍照________________ 90 learn English__________

91.laugh at _____________ 92.喉咙疼_______________

93.tongue twister___________ 94.感冒________________ 95. kill er whale_______ 96.头疼_________________ 97.胃疼__________ 98.看医生_____________

99不要担心_________________ 100吃药_______________

101.发烧_______________ 102.照顾________________


一般过去时 定义: 表示在过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。通常在句子里找到表示过去时间的词或词组。如:yesterday,yesterday morning/ evening,this morning,last night/week/ month/year,two days ago,a week ago,等。如:I went to bed at eleven last night. 昨晚我11:00睡觉 动词一般过去式变化规则: 1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:cook-cooked, play- played 2.结尾是e加d,如:dance—danced live—lived love—loved use —used argue—argued like—liked phone—phoned arrive—arrived 3.末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped,drop—dropped,skip—skipped。control —controlled 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied,carry —carried try—tried 句式变化 Be动词在一般过去时中的变化。 1) am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn’t)

2) are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren’t) 3) 带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。 (2)句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子. He goes to school. 过去式:He went to school. 否定句:He didn’t go to school. 疑问句:Did he go to school? 练习题 一、写出下列动词的过去式 is\am_________ fly_______ see________ are ________buy_________ play_______ go________ make ________does_________ dance________ ask _____ like_________ eat__________ draw________ run_________ 二、用be动词的适当形式填空 1. I _______ at school just now. 2. He ________ at the camp last week. 3. We ________ students two years ago. 4. They ________ on the farm a moment ago. 5. Yang Ling ________ eleven years old last year. 6. There ________ an apple on the tree yesterday.


小学英语毕业考试模拟试 卷 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

一、选出与其它单词不同类的选项。 (). Is B. are C. do D. am ()2. B. writer ()3. C. long ()4. B. read ()5. 二、词型转换。 (1)tomato (复数) __________ (2)thin (比较级) ____________ (3)smaller (反义词) ___________ (4)your (名词性物主代词) ________ (5)watch(过去式) _____________ (6)swim(现在分词) __________ (7)have(第三人称单数) _________ (8)wear(同音词) ___________ (9)头疼(英文)_____________ (10)see(过去式) _______________ 三、选择。 (1)( ) I have ___English book. A. a B. an C./ (2) ( ) Last weekend we _______in the park. A. read books B. sing C. climb the mountain (3)( ) How are you today ’m five. B. I feel well. C. I can jump. (4) ( ) Did you learn English A. Yes,I do. B. Yes,I did. C. Yes,you did. (5) ( ) It’s 11:30. It’s time____lunch.


(1) 翻译句子 ( )1、Please don ' t listen to the parrot A.请听鹦鹉的 B.请听鸟的。 C.请不要听鸟的。 ( )2.1 ‘ m sorry Mr green ' A.对不起,格林先生。 B.对不起,李老师。 C.对不起,格林老师。()3.鸟在哪里? A. Where are the bird? B. Where is the bird? ( )4.Is this your schoolbag?. A .这是你的书包吗?B。这是你们的书包吗? ()5.很高兴遇见你. A. Nice to meet you B. What' s your name? ( )6..Don t sleep ,Li u Tao A.不要睡觉,刘涛。 B.不要吃东西,刘涛。 (2) 情景对话 )1.如果在晚上你去Mike家,你应说: A Good morni ng. B. Good eve ning. C. Good after noon. ()2.如果你想知道是不是对方铅笔? A Is this your pencil? B.Is that your pencil? C.What' s your pencil? ()3.如果你把Amy介绍给你的朋友,你应说: A. She is Amy. B. This is Amy. C. This Amy. ()4.如果你想向对方介绍自己,你可以说: A.. Hi, I ' m Bai Li ng. B. Hi, This is Bai Li ng. C. Am I Bai Ling? ()5、当你告诉同学这是你的英语书应该如何问? A. It ' s an English book B. It ' s my English book. ()6、你想问:这是什么?”时,应这样说: A. What' s this? B. What' s that? ()7、你刚买了新的水彩笔,想给你的朋友看,你应该说:________________ A.Look at my new cray ons. B. Can you find my cray ons? ()8.、你想让别人不要喝牛奶你应该怎么说: A . Don' t drink the milk. B.Do n' t drink my milk. ()9.当告诉别人这不是你的钢笔时: A. This is my pen. B.This isn ' t my pen. ()10.当别人Look,a bird!你应回答_ A.How beautiful! B.What a nice! ( )11 当别人说I have a new robot你应说_______ A. Oh, It' s beautiful. B. Oh, I’ m sorry. ( )12.当别人说Here you are你应说__________ A. OK. B. Tha nk you. ()13.当你想知道照片上的这个男人【他】在哪?,应说_____________ A. Who, s this boy? B. Where is he? 14. 当你想让别人看一看你的小熊时,说: A. Have a look at my bear. B. May I have a look ? C. Look at my bird. 15. 当你想向别人展示你能表演像猫一样做动作时,说: A. I can act like a cat. B. May I have a look ? ()16、有一天,你的一位朋友生日,你应该说:


小学英语pep六年级上册翻译练习试题及答案 翻译练习 1、有时候我走路去上学。Sometimes I go to school on foot. 2、---请问去动物园怎么走?---你可以坐12路公车去。 ---Excuse me.How can I get to the zoo? ---You can go by the No.12 bus. 3、我通常做地铁去上学,因为它速度快。 Usually I go to school by subway, because it's fast. 4、每个国家的交通灯都是一样的。The traffic lights are the same in every country.

5、在中国,司机在右行驶。但在英国,司机在左行驶。 In China drivers drive on the right side of the road. But in England, drivers drive on the left side of the road, 6、如果你骑自行车、或走路,你必须知道交通规则。 If you go by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules. 7、我们怎样去公园? How can we get to the park? 8、绿灯意思是'通行'。 The green light means "Go". 9、每个学生都必须记住交通规则。Every students must remember the traffic rules. 10、---我可以步行去吗?---当然可


外研版六年级英语上册 第一模块短语和句型 一、短语: 1、the Great Wall长城 2、visit America拜访(参观、游玩)美国 3、in New York 在纽约 4、look at 看..... 5、a picture of....... 一张....图画(相片) 6、tell sb. more about...多给某人讲点关于... 7、how long多长 8、It`s about .它是大约(关于) 9、six thousand seven hundred kilometres六千七百千米10、tell me something about...告诉我关于...的事11、how big 多大 12、eight million people 八百万人13、fourteen million一千四百万 14、That`s a lot!太多了!15、be great太棒了16、an animal一只动物17、in the east of在...的东部18、in the west/south/north of在...的西/南/北部19、San Francisco旧金山20、a (big) map of...一(大)张...地图 21、lots of=a lot of=many/much许多22、from...to..从....到...... 23、such a big country=a so big country如此大的一个国家 24、every day and night 每个白天和夜晚 25、What am I?我是干什么的(什么职业)? 二、句型: 1、Daming is visiting America.大明正在美国游玩。 【is visiting是现在进行时态(构成:be+动词ing)表示动作正在发生.。】再如:He`s watching TV.他正在看电视。练习:她正在写字。 2、He`s in New York with his cousin Simon.他和他的堂兄西门在纽约。 【He`s=He is. in New York 在纽约。in New York with sb.是和某人在纽约。这个句子也可以这样说:He and his cousin,Simon are in New York.此时谓语动词要用“are”】再如:他和他的父母亲在北京。He`s in Beijing with his father and mother. 练习:玲玲和萨姆、艾米在伦敦。/ 3、And look at this one.看这个。【look是个不及物动词,后面必须加介词at,才能跟宾语。】再如:Look at your books.please.请看你们的书。练习:请看黑板! 4、It`s a picture of the Great Wall.它是一张长城的照片。【a picture of....... 一张....图画(相片)。the Great Wall长城。这是一个专有名词,它前面的冠词the不能省略,且后面的两个单词的首字母要大写。】再如:That is a picture of my father.那是一张我父亲的照片。练习:这是一张我们教室的图片。 5、Tell me more about the Great Wall.多给我讲一些关于长城的事情。【tell sb. more about...多给某人讲点关于...。“more”更多。下面句子中“tell me something about...”告诉我关于...的事】再如:Tell us more about your family,please.请多告诉我们一些


小学英语毕业模拟试题(含答案) 导读:本文小学英语毕业模拟试题(含答案),仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 小学英语毕业模拟试题(含答案) 一、把不同类的单词找出来,将其序号填在括号里。(10分) ()1. A. spring C. weather ()2. A. juice B. milk C. book ()3. A. tree B. desk C. window ()4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy ()5. A. the B. near C. behind ()6. ()7. ()8. ()9. ()10. 二、选择正确的选项,填写在前面的括号内。(20分) ()1. -- _______is his football -- It’s under the bed. A. Where B. Who C. What ()2. -- Thank you very much! -- ________. A. You're right B. All right C. You are welcome ()season do you like ________?

A. better B. good C. best ()red car is ________ than the black one. A. nice B. nicer C. very nice ()'s very hot _____ summer in Beijing. A. on B. at C. in ()6. Can you sing the song in English -- No, I ____ . 't B. mustn't C. needn't ()7. --What did you do last weekend -- I did my homework and _____ TV. A. watch B. watched C. am watching ()8. I like drawing pictures and she____________. A. like to sing B. likes singing singing ()9. Wu Ming is a girl, she _________ long hair. A. has B. was C. have ()10. He is going ____________ artist in the future. A. to an B. to be an C. an ()11. She is _________ than me. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest ()usually get up ______ seven o’clock in the morning. A .at B. on C. of ()______ is the coat --Thirty-five yuan, please. A .How B. How much C. How old


小學英語300句 Unit One 1.I’m Eda.我是艾达。 2.Hello!你好! 3.Good morning! 早上好! 4.This is Kaide. 这是凯德。 5.This is Miss Daisy, your English teacher. 这是戴西小姐,你们的英语教师。 6.How do you do? 你好! 7.Hi! 你好! 8.Good bye! 再见! 9.So long! 再见! 10.Bye-bye! 再见! Dialogue A: A: Hello, I’m Eda. B: Hello, I’m Mr. White. C: I’m Bobby. D: I’m Kate. Dialogue B: A: Good morning, Mr. White. I’m Bobby. B: Good morning. C: Good morning. I’m Eda. D: I’m Miss Daisy. Good morning. Dialogue C: A: This is Kate. This is Ellen. B: How do you do? A: This is Miss David, your English teacher. C: How do you do? Dialogue D: A: Hello! Bobby. B: Hi. Eda. A: Good bye,. B: Bye-bye. A: Hi. Kate. B: Hi. Bobby. A: So long. B: Bye-bye. Unit Two 11.Is this your football?这是你的足球吗? 12.Yes, it is. 是的。 13.Thank you.谢谢! 14.May I use it?我可以用它吗? 15.Please. 请吧。 16.Sure. 当然。 17.No, it isn’t.不是。 18.It is my hat. 它是我的帽子。 19.Here you are. 给你。 20.Thank you very much.


U 6 1.儿童节在什么时候?在六月一日。 ________ _______ ________ ? It’s _______ ______ _______ . 2.孩子们在儿童节通常干什么?他们唱歌跳舞。 ________ _______ _______ usually ________ ______ ______ ______ ? They _______ and _______ . 3.圣诞节就要到了。 _________ _________ _________ . 4.老师和学生们正变得越来越兴奋。 The teachers and the students _______ ________ ______ _________ . 5.格林先生正在和他的学生谈论节日。 Mr Green ______ _______ _______ his _______ ________ ______ . 6.圣诞节在十二月二十五日。 ________ is ________ the _______ of_______ . 7.圣诞节之后是什么节?元旦和春节。 ________ ________ _______ after _______ ? _____ ______ _______ and _______ _______ . 8.去年元旦我没有去晚会,我和我的全家吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。 I _______ _______ ______ the ______ last________, I ______ a _____ ______ with my ________ . 9.去年春节你走亲访友了吗?当然。 ______ ______ _______ your _______ and ______ last _______? ________ ________ . 10.你最喜欢什么节日?我最喜欢万圣节。 ________your _______ _______ ?______ _______ _______ is _____. 11.中秋节在九月或十月。在中秋节我们通常吃月饼,玩灯笼和赏月。 Mid –autumn Festival is _____ ______ or _______. ______ Mid –autumn Festival we usually ______ _____ ______ and ______ ______ lanterns .


苏教牛津版英语六年级上册:翻译词组 练习 2. walk in the mountains_______________ 7. 和父母看比赛_______________ 3. last year ______________ 8. 在野营地__ _________________ 4. pull up carrots_______________ 9. 在星期三_ __________________ 5. sweep the floor________________ 10. 在农场__ ________________ 1. 弹钢琴________________ 6. 洗衣服________ ________ 2. 有趣的卡通________________7.一棵苹果树_____ ___________ 3. 参观农场________________ 8. milk cows_____ ___________ 4. fruit trees________________ 9. pick a lot of oranges________________ 5. clean the house________________ 10. watch a film with friends________________ 1. January or February 2. 去年国庆节 3. dress up 4. 赏月

5. go out to beaches 6. 去游泳 7. a class project 8.玩灯笼 9. give presents to your friends 10. 上个周末 11. full of love and joy 12. 看一场电影 13. this afternoon 14. 浇花 15. play the violin 英汉互译。〔10分〕 1. the police station 2. 一个美丽的茶壶 3. point to that dog 4. 不用谢 5. our combs 6. 下车 7. at the back of the bus 8. 一棵圣诞树 9. the man in front of me 10. 一个来自妈妈的礼物 英汉互译。〔10分〕


2019-2020年小学英语毕业模拟试题一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将其序号写在题前括号内10% ( ) 1. A. stamp B. plan C. black D. date ( ) 2. A. these B. leg C. left D. friend ( ) 3. A. fine B. milk C. write D. mine ( ) 4. A. ago B. close C. clock D. home ( ) 5. A. study B. jump C. must D. duty ( ) 6. A. mean B. sweater C. heavy D. weather ( ) 7. A. cool B. food C. foot D. zoo ( ) 8. A. blow B. now C. know D. snow ( ) 9. A. teacher B. school C. Christmas D. ache ( )10.A.which B. whom C. what D. where 二、按要求写单词。10% 1. heavy(比较级) 2. fly(过去式) 3. same(反义词) 4. plus(对应词) 5. rainy(名词) 6. carefully(形容词) 7. more(原形)8. foggy(名词) 9. far(比较级)10. miss(第三人称单数) 三、英汉词组互译。10% 1. 比我快十分钟 2. 观看京剧表演 3. 在第四站下车 4. 成为好朋友 5. 许多信纸和一张信封 6. sit by the window 7. start to fall 8. have problems with English 9. go jogging 10. look for things on the Internet 四、用所给词的恰当形式填空5% 1. The red skirt is (small) than the blue one. 2. She (go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow. evening. 3. It’s Children’s Day. All the students are ver y (excite). 4. Ben an Benny are good at (China). 5. She wants (buy) a new pen. 6. It’s often (rain) in summer. 7. Sometimes they (not have) lunch at home. 8. Look! The bus (come). 9. He (make) many cakes for his friends yesterday. 10. (be) there any tea in the cup? 五、选择题15% ( ) 1.Do you have brothers sisters in your family? A. some…and B. some…or C.any…or D.any…and ( ) 2. Jim and Mary good English and computer. A. are…in B. is…in C. are…at D. is…at ( ) 3.How is the cinema from here?


1, pen [pen] n. 钢笔;作家;围栏 vt. 写;关入栏中 2, pe ncil ['pens?l] n. 铅笔;笔状物 vt. 用铅笔写;用眉笔涂 vi. 成铅笔状 Pencil: 铅笔工具| 光维| 笔剂 3, pencil-box ['penslb?ks] n. 铅笔盒;文具盒 4, ruler ['ru:l?] n. 尺;统治者;[测] 划线板,划线的人 ruler: 直尺| 标尺| 尺子 5, eraser [i'reiz?] n. 擦除器;[计] 清除器 eraser: 橡皮擦| 蒸发密令| 擦除器 6, c rayon ['krei?n] n. 蜡笔,有色粉笔 vt. 以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画 Crayon: 蜡笔| 色粉画 7, bag [[b?ɡ]] n. 袋;猎获物;(俚)一瓶啤酒 vt. 猎获;把装入袋中;[口]占据,私吞;使膨大vi. 松垂 bag: 垒垫| 袋子| 包 8, book [buk] n. 书籍;卷;帐簿;名册;工作簿 vt. 预订;登记 book: 预定| 书籍| 图书 9, school [sku:l] n. 学校;学院;学派;鱼群 vt. 教育 school: 学校| 学院| 小学 10, s harpener ['?ɑ:p?n?] n. 卷笔刀;[机] 磨具;研磨者 sharpener: 磨石| 卷笔刀| 磨刀器 11, hello [he'l?u, h?-] n. 表示问候,惊奇或唤起注意时的用语 int. 喂;哈罗 Hello: 你好| 哈罗你好| 哈啰 12, hi [hai] int. 嗨!(表示问候或用以唤起注意) hi: 打招呼| 血凝抑制试验 13, m y [mai;弱mi] pron. 我的 int. 哎呀(表示惊奇等);喔唷


Unit 1 How do you go there ( A) 班级姓名得分 一、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思。 on foot () by bus () … by train () by bike () by ship ()

by plane () by subway ()~ 二、认真书写下面的重要句子。 How do you go to school How do you go to Canande How do you go to the USA " 三、抄写本单元的对话。 How do you go to school,SarahMy home is near .Usually Igo to school on foot .Sometimes Igo to school by bike .What about you I usually Igo to school by bus .

@ 四、认真读单词,写出汉字意思。 Go to school( ) go to Canade( ) Go to Beijing( ) go home ( ) Go to the park( ) how ( ) Go to the bus stop( ) USA ( ) Canade ( ) usually ( ) Sometimes ( ) @ 五、仿照例子,写句子。 例:School by bike How do you go to school I go to school by bike (1)Kunming by bus (2)Shanghai by plane


小学六年级英语词组英汉互译专项练习1.five times a week________________ 2.work hard __________ 3.each other__________________ 4去游泳______________ 5.自然公园____________________ 6.爬山______________ 7.看杂志__________________ 8.去郊游____________ 9. last weekend ________ 10去滑冰_________________ 11接电话_______________ 12.用英语______________ 13.弹钢琴_______________ 14保持联系____________ 15去散步________________ 16.good work____________ 17.擅长于__________ ______ 18运动会_____________ 19.禁止停车____________ 20.public signs____________ 21.see a Bei jing Opera_______________ 21.与……一样高_____________ 23.be quiet__________ 24.禁止吸烟______________ 25步行_________________ 26.挨着_______________ 27.上学________________ 28看电视_____________________ 29.向左转____________ 30去上班___________ 31上车_______________________ 32交通灯_____________ 33向左转_______________ 34.向右转____________________ 35直走_________________ 36.look for________________ 37.take it easy___________ 38.在将来_________________ 39 good work______________ 40.have a good time_________ 41.越来越高________________ 42.a bowl of rice ___________


2011年-------2012年六年级英语毕业模拟试卷 一.听词组,按照你听到的顺序为下列图片编上序号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ()()()()二.听词组,选择与录音内容相符的图片。 ( ) 1 . A. B ( ) 2 A B ( ) 3.A. B ( ) 4 A B ( ) 5 A B 三.听对话,把正确答案的序号写在括号里。 () 1. A I’m five. B. I’m fine.

( ) 2. A. yes,they did. B. No,they didn’t. ( ) 3.A I’m 80 kg. B. I’m 80 cm tall. ( ) 4.A. She likes playing -----. A basketball .B. the violin. ( ) 5.Her father is a ----. A . teacher B. doctor. 笔试部分 四.看图片写词组。(10分) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 五.选择最佳答案,把代号写在括号里。 ()1. What --------your father do? A .do B. does ()2. Do you like_______? A .draw B.drawing ()3. She often goes to school ________foot. A .by B. on ()4. Do you often_______football after school? A. plays B.play ()5. She _____in a factory .She is a ______. A. works, worker B. works, work ( ) 6. Did John -----football yesterday? A played B. play ( ) 7 .Yesterday Lisa ----a storybook . A read B reads ( ) 8.. Mary usually ------kites in the park on the weekend. A make B makes. A. do B. does ( ) 9 ..How she feel? She’s happy. ( ) 10. I a stomachache. A. have B. has 六.根据图片意思,用正确的形式填空。 1.--What does Sarah usually do on the weekend? --She usually-------------------------------。 2. --What did you do on your holiday? --I went to Beijing and ----------------------- there. 3.–What is Mike doing now? --He is------------------------------------ on the playground.


5A 词组复习(1---9)Name______ 乒乓室_______________________阅览室__________________________________ 运动房_______________________第一天__________________________________ 新学期的第一天____________________________________________ 所有的学生____________________回到学校_______________________________许多_________________________在二楼__________________________________ 去那里玩_____________________在沙发上________________________________ 在书房里_____________________在床下__________________________________ 在椅子旁_____________________在门后__________________________________ 在桌子中间___________________一张世界地图____________________________ 在墙上_______________________制作木偶________________________________ _ 制作飞机模型__________________弹吉他_________________________________ _ 拉小提琴______________________在下午_________________________________ _ 上课_________________________上音乐课________________________________ _ 上英语课______________________他的家庭_______________________________ _ 买东西________________________喜欢马_________________________________ _ 喜欢游泳______________________在学校工作_____________________________ _ 老虎面具______________________骑自行车_______________________________ _


楚州区2006~2007学年度第二学期牛津小学英语毕业会考全真模拟试题 时间:90分钟总分:120分 学校班级姓名 一、择合适的字母完成单词。(共10分,每小题1分) 1.sw ter A.ea B. ee C. ae D.oo 2.comp ter A.a B.u C.i D.e 3.newsp per A.m B.e C.a D.a 4.W dn sday A. e e B. a e C.e a D.e o 5.chri mas A. s t B.t s C.s D.s s 6.ev ry hing A.a s B.e t .C.j j D.f f 7.weath A.re B.ere C. er D.y 8.b n n A.a a a B.a e a C.e e a D.e o a 9.a tu n A.u n B.n m C.u m D.o e 10.p liceman A. e B.a C.o D.u 二、情景配对(共10分,每小题1分) ( ) 1. What time does your sister get up every day? A. Thirteen years old. ( ) 2. How many chairs are there in your classroom? B. Yes, I’d like to. ( ) 3. When did your mother clean the house? C. Sure. ( ) 4. Who jumps higher than Li Ping? D. She is going to go to the park ( ) 5. Can you give me some glue? E. It’s 6. ( ) 6. Would you like to play with me? F. At 6:00 every day. ( ) 7. Where is she going to? G. Wang Fang. ( ) 8. What’s your favourite number? H. Twenty-four. ( ) 9. Are you from Africa? I. At about 3:00 yesterday afternoon. ( ) 10. How old is your cousin? J. No, I’m English. 三、单项选择。(共15题,每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. —_____ are you going there? — On foot. A. Where B. Why C. How




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