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【#小学英语# #小学六年级上册英语期中试卷【三套】精选#】小学生对母语的正规学习也是处于起步阶段,母语具有的保护性心理尚未完全建立起来,语言自我灵活性高,接受和学习性的语言能力强,此时学习新的语言即英语,语言信息就容易摄入。从更加有利于孩子语言形成的角度来看,小学生正处于学习语言的黄金时期。以下是®无忧考网整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。


一.写出下列动词的三单形式(9’)1.have________ 2.walk_______ 3.go_________ 4.help___ ______5.read________ 6.do________ 7.cook________8.work__________9.practise____________二.写出下列动词的现在分词形式(9’)1.collect__________2.swim__________3.fish_____________4.plant.___________5.get.____________6.begin____________7.cry_____________8.smile___________9.feed_____________三.请选出正确的选项,将序号填在题前括号内。(10’)( )1.What are you _______, Peter?A. doing B. do C. does( )2.Mimi eats a big lunch ______11:45.A. in B: to C: at( )3.______she play the piano on Saturdays? A: Is B: Does C: Do( )4.I’m very happy _____your email. A: get B:gets C: to get( )5.Make a wish and blow ____the candles, please. A: at B: out C: on( )6.Every morning ,she _____at 6:00. A. get up B: getting up C: gets up( )7.Here _____ some chocolates for you. A. is B. you C.are( )8._______you come to my birthday party? A.Will B.Shall C.How( )9._______she interested in dancing? A.Does B.Is C.Are( )10.Please tell me_______your parents. A.to B.for C. about四.根据首字母填空(20’)1.What t__________________________ does your party begin?2.Can I have some i________________________?3.What k______________________of cake would you like?4.I’ll get some c_________________and fruit pies for you.5.It begins at about 5:30 a____________________school.6.First, they l_________the candles.7.I’m interested in playing c_______games.8.What’s your d________hobby?9.C______ the door, please.10.She goes to school at 7:00 every m________.五.英汉互译(28’)1.do homework_______________ 2.take a walk_________ ____3.learn from her_____________ 4.collect picture cards___________5.feed the baby___________ 6.take good care of______ _____7.celebrate your birthday___________8.light the candles___________9.吃晚餐________ _____ 10.擦窗户________ ___ _____11.收集地图______ ______ 12.喝茶________ ___________13.照相____________ ____ 14.生日聚会______ _____________六.为下面的图片找到合适的句子(5’) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A.They like to play football very much. B.She goes to bed at nine o’clock.C.The girl blows out the candles.D.He enjoys cooking.E.My grandma’s hobby is drinking tea.七.为下面的句子找到正确的搭配(4’)( )1.Does she help her mum to do housework?( )2.What do you do on Sundays?( )3.Where is your new friend?( )4.What’s your grandpa’s hobby?( )5.What are you interested in?( )6.Would you like to come?( )7.How do they celebrate the birthday?( )8.What shape would you like?A.His hobby is fishing.B.I’m interested in drawing.C.First, they light the candles and…D.Sure. I’d love to.E.I’d like a heart-shaped cake.F.She is at school.G.Yes, she does.H.I often go to park.八.根据情境补全对话,只填序号。(5’)Lisa:Hi,Kate,Gaowei and Peter._________________Would you like to come to my birthday party?Peter:__________________________________Lisa: What about you ,Gao Wei?Gaowei:_____________________________________Lisa : It begins at about 5:30 after school.Gaowei: That’s good!_______________________Kate: Me too. We can celebrate your birthday!Lisa : Thanks!___________________________Peter ,Kate & Gao Wei: Thanks! Goodbye! See you tomorrow!Lisa: Bye-bye!A:What time does your party begin?B:Tomorrow is my birthday.C:Here are my invitation cards for all of you.D:I can come then.E:Sure. I’d love to.九.阅读理解(5’)Our teacher , Miss White , is a good teacher .She teaches us English. She comes from England. She is very beautiful, but we don’t know her age(年龄). She likes listening to Chinese songs. In her class, she often sings for us. Sometimes she draws pictures on the blackboard. But she is not good at drawing. After work, she is interested in keeping pets. She has two dogs and three cats. She doesn’t like cooking. So she usually goes out to eat in the evening. She enjoys playing games with us. We all like her. ( ) 1.Miss White is from .A.America B.England C.China D.Australia ( ) 2.After work, she likes .A.listening to Chinese songs B.drawing pictures C.keeping pets D.piaying games ( ) 3.Miss White teaches .A.Chinese B.music C.English D.math ( )4.In her class, she often for you.A.sings B.draws pictures C.plays games D.goes out to eat ( ) 5.How old is Miss White .A.She is twenty-five B.She is thirty-seven C.She is fifty D.I don’t know


一、英汉互译。(14分)1.do homework_____________________ 2.take a walk_______________________3.learn from her__________________ 4.collect picture cards________________5.feed the baby___________________ 6.take good care of____________________7.light the candles_______________ 8.celebrate your birthday______________9.吃晚餐__________________________ 10.擦窗户______________________________11.收集地图_______________________ 12.喝茶________________________________13.照相___________________________ 14.生日聚会____________________________二、按要求写单词。(6分)1.have(第三人称单数)_____________ 2.make(现在分词)_________________3.child(复数)_________________ 4.cry(现在分词)__________________5.go(第三人称单数)_________________6.eat(现在分词)__________________三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)1.Here are some ______________________(chocolate)for you.2.My hobby is ________________(eat)bananas.3.My uncle enjoys_________________(play)basketball.4.―What are you doing?―I`m_______________(make)a doll.5.I am______________________(interesting)in collecting stamps.6.We should take good care of young____________________(child).7.Is it difficult____________________(play)the piano?8.She doesn`t _______________(go)to the cinema.9.He always__________________(have)meals in his office.10.Mr Brown__________________(take)a long walk from 6:15 to 7:00 every day.四、读句子,选择正确的答案。(40分)( )1.What are you ______,Peter? A.do B.do C.doing( )2.Mimi eats a big lunch _____ 11:45. A.at B.in C.to( )3._____ she play the piano on Saturdays? A.Is B.Do C.Does( )4.I`m very happy_______your email. A.get B.gets C.to get( )5..Make a wish and blow_____the candles,please. A.at B.on C.out( )6. Every morning,she_____ at 6:00. A.get up B.gets up C.getting up( )7.Here ____some chocolates for you. A.you B.is C.are( )8._____you come to my birthday party? A.How B.Will C.Shall( )9._____she interested in dancing? A.Is B.Are C.Does( )10.Please tell me_____your parents. A.about B.to C.for( )11.My uncle enjoys _____CDs. A.collect B.collects C.to collect D.collecting( )12.What time_____ your party begin? A.is B.are C.do D.does( )13.He_____ go out in the evening. A.do B.don`t C.does D.doesn`t( )14.In the afternoon,he usually plays_____his pet dog. A.at B.in C.for D.with( )15.My sister_____ on Tuesday. A.play piano B.plays piano C.play the piano D.plays the piano( )16.My grandpa`s hobby is ______. A.farm B.farms C.farming D.on the farm( )17.I`m interested in_____ stamps. A.collect B.collects C.to collect D.collecting( )18.Mr Li eats dinner in his office every day.So we can say,“He_____eats out.”A.often B.usually C.never D.always( )19.Have_____ cake,please. A.an B.some pieces C.a piece D.a piece of( )20.Here is teddy bear_____you. A.to B.on C.for D.at五、选择相应的答语,只填序号。(8分)( )1.Does she help her mum to do housework? A.Yes,she does.( )2.What do you do on Sundays? B.I often go to the park.( )3.Where is your new friend? C.She is at school.( )4.What`s your grandpa`s hoppy? D.I`d like a heart-shaped cake.( )5.What are you interested in? E.Sure.I`d love to.( )6.Would you like to come? F.First,they light the candles and.( )7.How do they celebrate the birthday? G.His hobby is fishing.( )8.What shape would you like? H.I`m interested in drawing.六、读一读,选词填空。(5分)1.She doesn`t_________________(get up,gets up)at 6:30 in the morning.2.I`m interested in_______________(take,taking)photos.3.Here___________(is,are)some chocolates for you.4.He has English lessons___________(in,on)Tuesday at 9:40.5.Let________(I,me)make a wish.七、选择方框中的句子,补全对话,只填序号。(5分)Zhou Pei:_________Yang Ming: I`m interested in playing computer games.How about you?Zhou Pei:_________Yang Ming: Really?Zhou Pei: Yes.I have two photos here.Look at this one.Yang Ming: How cute!__________Zhou Pei:Yes,the baby is hungry._______And now look at this photo.The baby is smiling.Yang Ming: What a super kid!_________A.He is crying.B.What are you interested in? C.I`m interested in taking photos.D.She takes good care of the baby.E.The kid is feeding the baby. 八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分) Shan Shan loves to read good books.She is interested in famous people.She tells these stories to her friend,Winnie.Today,she tells Winnie about the American president,Lincoln. Every morning,Lincoln got up at five o`clock.He washed his face with cold water.He helped his father to cut some wood.Then he helped his mother to cook the breakfast.Every afternoon,Lincoln studied under a tree.He didn`t go to school.There was no school near his home.He didn`t have a teacher.In the evening,He went for a walk.He usually took a walk at four o`clock.Then he went home fordinner.( )1.Winnie is Shan Shan`s friend..( )2.Lincoln washed his face with warm water.( )3.He usually took a walk at five o`clock.( )4.He didn`t cook the breakfast.( )5.He didn`t study in school.


一,听音,圈出你所听到的单词。每小题一分,共十分)1, light bring heavy2, find out search for nearly3, often always never4, orange juice a few cans of Coke a few bars of chocolate5, weather forecast sunny and warm sunny and cool6, lotus seed nuts peanut 7, email my friends send greetings have breakfast8, wave goodbye play chess do her homework9, learn writing play games practice listening10, speak return taste二,听音,排序,请将正确的序号写在括号内。(每小题两分,共十分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三,听音,判断句子的正(√ ),误( × )。(每小题两分,共十分)1,There will be a light wind in Changsha. ( )2,Katie always gets up at 6:30 am. ( )3,I’d like a box of red bean mooncakes , please. ( )4,I will bring a big bottle of orange juice. ( )5,She often does her homework after dinner. ( )四,听音,将方框中选择正确的单词填空。(每小题两分,共十分) enjoy strong wind orange saw read1,I ______________ an interesting bird in a book yesterday.2, I ______________ many books during the holidays.3, I will bring a big bottle of ________________ juice.4, I _________________ eating mooncakes.5, There will be a _________________ tomorrow. 笔 试 部 分一,书写,按正确的格式抄写单词和句子。(共二十分)1, What did you do during the holidays?2, It will be sunny and warm tomorrow.3, We can send greetings to our friends.4, What are we going to bring for the picnic? 5, Katie always gets up at 6:30 am.二,单项选择。(每小题两分,共十分)( )1, This is CCTV. It’s time_______ the weather forecast. A.for B.on C in( )2, I ______ _____ with my friends during the holidays. A.plays games B played games C. playing games( )3, She often ______her homework before dinner. A.do B. does C. did( )4, _______will _______ a light snow next Thursday. A. It, 不填 B There ,be C. It, is( )5, I will bring three ______ of apple juice here. A.bars B bottles C.pieces( )6,I enjoy _______ poems when looking at the moon. A.to read B.reads C reading( )7, We can find out______ countries on the computer. A. in B about C. for( )8, It will be sunny ______Shanghai. A.at B. on C. in( )9, The Mid-Autumn Festival is _______ . A.coming B to come C. come( )10, It will______ tomorrow in Changsha. A. rainy B rain C. to rain三,看图,选择。(每小题两分,共十分)A. B. C. D. F. ( )1,This is CCTV. It’s time for the weather forecast.( )2,I like my computer. I can find out about countries.( )3,I will bring a bottle of orange juice.( )4,There will be a strong wind in Beijing.( )5,I learnt words and sentences during the holidays.四,根据左边的情景对话,从右边选择正确的答案序号填在括号里。(每小题两分,共十分)( )1,Let’s meet at the park at 9:00 a.m. A, Yes,it will.( )2,What can we do on the computers? B, I like the ones with red beans.( )3,What did you do during the holidays? C, I visited my grandparents.( )4,Which type do you like,Benny? D, OK. I can’t wait for it.( )5,Will it rain tomorrow? E, We can search for a lot of things.五,阅读,判断正误,对(T),错(F)。(每小题两分,共十分)Mike is going to have a picnic with his best friends this Sunday. He is going to invite(邀请) Sally,Mingming, Jiamin, Ben and Janet to come. He is getting ready for it. He is going to buy some sandwiches, hamburgers, Coke and orange juice. He ’ll ask his friends to have the picnic on Maofeng Hill. Maofeng Hill is a big park in Guangzhou. They can get there by bus. Mike is going to meet his friends at the bus station in Guangwei Road at eight thirty.( ) 1. Mike is going to have a picnic this Saturday. ( ) 2. Mike is going to invite his best friends to have a picnic. ( ) 3. Mike is getting ready for the picnic.( ) 4. Maofeng Hill is a big park in Beijing.( )5.Mike is going to meet his friends at the bus station in Guangwei Road at 9:30. 小学六年级上册英语期中试卷【三套】精选 =相关文档推荐= 小学六年级英语作文大全10篇 小学六年级简单英语日记10篇 小学六年级优秀英语作文范文(10篇) 小学六年级介绍节日的英语作文 小学六年级英语日记大全(范文10篇) 小学六年级英语作文范文8篇 查看无忧考网小学英语全部文档 >>




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