每日一词∣中医药传承创新发展 the preservation and innovative development of TCM

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每日一词∣中医药传承创新发展 the preservation and innovative development of TCM

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每日一词∣中医药传承创新发展 the preservation and innovative development of TCM

中国日报网 2019-11-01 09:26

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全国中医药大会10月25日在北京召开。国家主席习近平对中医药工作作出重要指示,他指出,中医药学包含着中华民族几千年的健康养生理念及其实践经验,是中华文明的一个瑰宝。习近平强调,要传承精华,守正创新,加快推进中医药现代化、产业化,坚持中西医并重,推动中医药和西医药相互补充、协调发展,充分发挥中医药防病治病的独特优势和作用,为建设健康中国贡献力量。President Xi Jinping called for the unique role of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in disease prevention and treatment to come into full play and allow it to contribute to the building of a healthier nation. Xi said in an instruction that TCM contains the nation's ideas and experience in healthcare spanning millennia and is a treasure of Chinese civilization. China should carry on the essence of TCM while pursuing innovations in the field, Xi stressed, adding that it should speed up the modernization and industrialization of TCM. Equal importance should be placed on both TCM and Western medicine. Let them complement each other and develop in a coordinated manner, he said. Xi's instruction was delivered at a national TCM conference on Friday in Beijing.



【知识点】中医药学是中华民族优秀文化的瑰宝,为中华民族的繁衍生息和健康作出了不可磨灭的贡献,也是中华民族对世界人民健康之贡献。近年来,我国出台了一系列振兴发展中医药的文件法规与措施,为中医药发展提供了立体化政策支持与财力保障。党的十九大报告提出,实施健康中国战略,“坚持中西医并重,传承发展中医药事业”。《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》提出,实施中医药传承创新工程,重视中医药经典医籍研读及挖掘,全面系统继承历代各家学术理论、流派及学说,不断弘扬当代名老中医药专家学术思想和临床诊疗经验,挖掘民间诊疗技术和方药,推进中医药文化传承与发展。2019年10月26日发布的《中共中央 国务院关于促进中医药传承创新发展的意见》为中医药发展“把脉”“开方”,提出要健全中医药服务体系、发挥中医药在维护和促进人民健康中的独特作用、大力推动中药质量提升和产业高质量发展、加强中医药人才队伍建设、促进中医药传承与开放创新发展,以及改革完善中医药管理体制机制,为新时代传承创新发展中医药事业指明了方向。



要深入发掘中医药宝库中的精华,推进产学研一体化,推进中医药产业化、现代化,让中医药走向世界。More efforts should be made in exploring the essence of TCM and better collaboration between enterprises, universities and research institutes to advance the industrialization, modernization and globalization of TCM.——2018年10月22日,习近平考察广东珠海横琴新区粤澳合作中医药科技产业园时强调



防病治病disease prevention and treatment

中医药现代化、产业化modernization and industrialization of TCM

中西医并重equal importance should be placed on both TCM and Western medicine





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