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BBC Learning English

2023-07-01 18:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


网友 “闪电小子” 想知道 “despite、as、though、 although” 和 “while” 之间的区别。这五个词都能用来表达 “虽然,尽管” 的意思,强调主句与从句对比鲜明,但它们的用法不同。听节目,学习这五个词的正确用法。

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NeilHello, this is Question and Answer of the Week. I'm Neil.

JiayingAnd I'm Jiaying. Welcome! 本期节目要回答的问题来自网名是 “闪电小子” 的听众,问题是这样的:

Question您好,我是 BBC 英语教学的忠实粉丝,我想问一个问题:“despite、as、though、although” 和 “while” 这五个词表示 “虽然,尽管” 时,有不同之处吗?

NeilThis is a great question – because these words are all used in very similar ways, but there are differences and these differences are often quite small.


NeilYes, and the obvious one to start with is 'despite' – all the words we're looking at are used for introducing something contrasting or surprising. 'Despite' does this – but there is one really important thing to remember – what is it, Jiaying?

Jiaying问得好!虽然介词 “despite(尽管)” 和问题中的其它词语一样都可以用来引出 “对比鲜明或出人意料的情况”,但我们要记住一点:“despite” 后总是接名词成分。

NeilYes, that's right – so let's look at these examples, which mean the same thing.

ExamplesDespite the fact that it's raining, we're going out.(尽管正在下雨,我们还是要出去。)

Despite the rain, we're going out.(尽管下雨了,我们还是要出去。)

Jiaying在上面的两个例句中,单词 “despite” 后面都接名词成分。第一个例句中的 “despite” 后面接 “the fact”,第二个例句中的 “despite” 后面接 “the rain”,但两句话的含义基本相同。另外要注意,在本期节目中给出的多数例句中,主从句的顺序可以互换,语句仍正确,句意不变。

NeilSo, as you'll see, sometimes the word we choose has an impact on the structure of our sentences. We have to follow 'despite' with a noun, and if we want to use 'as' in this way, we have to use a special word order.

Jiaying没错,在问题中的五个词当中,我们即便是想要表达相同的含义,也要慎重地选词,因为所选的词语会对句子的结构产生影响。刚才我们说 “despite(尽管)” 后面必须接名词成分。那么,如果想用 “as” 来表达 “尽管” 的意思,则应该用以下这两个例句中的特殊词序。

ExamplesRaining as it is, we're going out.(尽管正在下雨,我们还是要出去。)

Difficult as it is, we're going to succeed.(尽管这件事情很难,但我们一定会成功。)

Jiaying在上面的两个例句中,“as” 引导的从句应以部分倒装的形式出现。比如,第一句话 “Raining as it is” 中提前到 “as” 前的部分为 “raining”;第二句话中 “Difficult as it is” 中提前的部分为 “difficult”。

NeilYou might find this more often in literary language, or anywhere where someone is using language carefully and deliberately. It's not just 'as' that we can use in this way – 'though' can also work in this structure.

Jiaying你可能更常在文学语言或较严谨的措辞中看到这类结构。除了单词 “as” 以外, “though(尽管,虽然)” 同样可以用于这类结构中。

ExamplesRaining though it is, we're going out.(尽管正在下雨,我们还是要出去。)

Late though it is, I'm not going home.(尽管很晚了,但我还不打算回家。)

Jiaying这是 “though” 表示 “虽然,尽管” 时的用法之一。“Though” 还有另一个用法,与 “although” 用法相同。听两个例句。

ExamplesAlthough it's raining, we're going out.(虽然正在下雨,但我们还是要出去。)

Though it's sunny, we're staying in.(虽然天气晴朗,但我们还是要待在家里。)

NeilSo, yes, 'though' and 'although' can be used in the same way – and here they are interchangeable with 'despite the fact that'. Note that 'though' is probably more common than 'although', especially in speech.

Jiaying“Though” 和 “although” 都表示 “尽管,虽然”,在前面听到的两个例句中用法相同,而且分别都可以用 “despite the fact that” 来替换,句意不变。注意:“though” 可能比 “although” 更常用,尤其是在口语交流中。

它们两者的区别是:要想强调句中所描述的条件并不充分,那么可以使用搭配 “even though”,但这里不能用 “although” 来替换 “though”。听两个例句。

ExamplesEven though it's raining, we're going out.(尽管正在下雨,但我们还是要出去。)

Even though my leg hurts, I'm still going to play.(虽然我的腿疼,但我还是要参加比赛。)

NeilThen, we've got 'while' – as long as we're not talking about time, it can also be used in the same way as 'although' or 'despite the fact that'.

Jiaying最后来看 “while”。“While” 的一个常见用法是表示 “在…的时候,与…同时”,但 “while” 同样也有 “尽管” 的意思,这个用法与 “although” 和 “despite the fact that” 的用法相同。听两个例句。

ExamplesWhile it's raining, we're still going out.(虽然正在下雨,但我们还是要出去。)

While I like your idea, I'm going to use mine.(虽然我喜欢你的想法,但我还是会用我的想法。)

Jiaying在第一个例句中,“still” 用来强调虽然 “while” 从句中描述的条件非常不充分,但主句中的事情仍会发生,主从句形成了鲜明的对比。还要注意的是:用 “while” 表达 “尽管” 的意思时,它要放在句首。

NeilSo, we've just had a look at the differences between 'despite', 'as', 'though', 'although' and 'while'.

Jiaying希望我们的讲解帮助大家理解了这五个词在表示 “虽然,尽管” 时的区别。

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