能否用be armed with造句?

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能否用be armed with造句?

#能否用be armed with造句?| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

be armed with 用...武装起来;装备有;带着be armed with1.用……武装,配备……武器 2.以……武装 3.以……装备 4.配备着 The new battleship will be armed with 16-inch guns.那艘战舰将装备16英寸口径的大炮.The police are anxious to apprehend a middle-aged man believed to be armed with a gun.警察急于逮捕一名确信携有枪支的中年人.A teacher should be armed with answers to questions that his pupils are likely to ask.一个教师应该为他的学生们可能提问的问题准备好答案.The new battleship shall be armed with 16-inch guns.新战舰将以16英寸口径的大炮武装起来.He who teaches the deaf and dumb must be armed with patience.教聋哑学生的人必须有耐心.Those who teach the deaf and dumb must be armed with patience.聋哑学生的教师必须有耐心.I be armed with a letter of introduction .我带有介绍信在身.Be armed with;装配有..武器"But anyone touching them has to be armed with iron and the rod of a spear; and they will be burned with fire,every one of them."拿它的人必带铁器和枪杆,终久它必被火焚烧.In the course of this struggle it is necessary to build up contingents of cadres well versed in Marxism and dialectical materialism,so that large numbers of our cadres and people can be armed with the fundamental theories of Marxism.在反唯心论的斗争中间,要建立马克思主义的辩证唯物论的干部队伍,使我们广大干部同人民能够用马克思主义的基本理论武装起来.




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