雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well好消息

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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well好消息

2023-07-11 12:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well好消息

2023-06-08 13:56:04 来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well好消息


Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well

You should say:

What it was

When you heard it

How you knew it

And explain how you felt about it


A piece of good news I got lately was from my little brother.


He was selected as a student in the so-called Rocket Class in his senior high school.This rocket type of class is designed for straight-A students who have the potential to be matriculated in prestigious universities in China.Unlike the average classes,this class has more workload and most things taught there would be quite demanding.But,the class also has the most experienced teachers at school to help them.


I heard it about a month ago.Honestly,I didn’t think my brother would get it.He has the talent for studying but doesn’t put his whole heart into it until the deadline approaches.But,I was told by my parents that he had been quite hardworking for the entrance exams for months.You know,he even burnt the midnight oil to get extra preparations.


Well,I definitely felt proud of his achievement.You know,it really made my day when I heard this good news from him.I know he is a smart guy,but I also hope he could exert his effort for the upcoming challenges.


Part 3追加问题

Is it good to share something on social media?

Should the media only publish good news?

How does social media help people access information?

What kind of good news do people often share in the community?

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