apprehension是什么意思 apprehension的中文翻译、读音、例句

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apprehension是什么意思 apprehension的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-05-14 09:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

apprehension是什么意思 apprehension的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:疯狂试用者 • 2023-06-19 10:37:14 • 阅读 17


1. 词义:Apprehension是名词,指的是担心、恐惧、理解、领会等含义。

2. 词性:名词

3. 词组搭配:apprehension of danger(对危险的担心),apprehension of a suspect(逮捕嫌疑犯),feel apprehension(感到担心),apprehension about the future(对未来的担忧)

4. 短语:with apprehension(带着担心)

5. 发音拼写:əprɛˈhɛnʃən


1. Despite my apprehension, I decided to take the job. 尽管我感到担心,决定接受这份工作。

2. He was filled with apprehension when he heard the news. 听到这个消息,他充满了担忧。

3. The police acted on the apprehension that a crime was about to be committed. 警方根据犯罪即将发生的猜测采取了行动。

4. The student showed apprehension when asked about the upcoming exam. 当被问及即将到来的考试时,学生表现出了担忧。

5. The apprehension in the room was palpable as the suspect was brought in for questioning. 嫌疑犯被带进审讯室时,房间内的紧张感十分明显。





1. He felt a sense of apprehension as he walked into the dark and deserted street.(当他走进黑暗荒废的街道时,他感到一种担忧。)

2. Her apprehension about the exam made her lose sleep for days.(她对考试的忧虑让她失眠了好几天。)

3. The police officer said the suspect was taken into custody without any apprehension.(说嫌疑犯被逮捕时没有任何抵抗。)

4. The teacher's apprehension of the students' needs and abilities helped her create effective lesson plans.(老师对学生需求和能力的理解帮助她制定了有效的教学计划。)




例句:A blend of joy and apprehension and also... terror. (一种掺杂着喜悦,担忧... 和恐惧的感觉)


例句:The carriage in front perhaps alludes to an apprehension that our two daughters, and other children perhaps still to come, will impede my progress even more. (前方的马车可能暗指我对孩子们的恐惧 我怕我的两个女儿和可能还将诞生的孩子们 会给我的事业带来更多拖累)


例句:We have an apprehension order on you... for questioning regarding the murder of a woman this morning in Arlington. (我们接到命令... 将就早上在阿林顿被的女子对你进行调查.)


例句:It reflects real anger and apprehension about the future. (翻译:这反映出对未来真正的愤怒和忧虑。)


apprehension一般作为名词使用,如在in apprehension for(对…感到不安,担心…)、with apprehension(担忧地,不安地)、entertain apprehension for(对…有些担心)等常见短语中出现较多。

in apprehension for对…感到不安,担心…with apprehension担忧地,不安地entertain apprehension for对…有些担心entertain apprehension of对…有些担心evaluation apprehension评价忧虑、评价焦虑have apprehension for对…有些担心have apprehension of对…有些担心immediate apprehension[网络] 立即逮捕impending apprehension[法] 听候拘押例句

1. We have an apprehension order on you... for questioning regarding the murder of a woman this morning in Arlington. (翻译:我们接到命令... 将就早上在阿林顿被的女子对你进行调查.)

2. It reflects real anger and apprehension about the future. (翻译:这反映出对未来真正的愤怒和忧虑。)

3. His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious. (翻译:他对钟摆附录的全面理解是显而易见的。)

4. The slow days drifted on, and each left behind it a slightly lightened weight of apprehension. (翻译:缓慢的日子一天天过去,每过去一天,心头的忧虑就稍稍减轻一点。)

5. Because sometimes there's this fear and there's this apprehension that if I say anything, I'm afraid I'll offend, or I'm afraid I'll trigger something, so the common default is just saying nothing. (翻译:因为有时如果我说点什么, 会有这个害怕、那个担心,比如: 恐怕我会触犯军规, 或恐怕我会挑起事端, 所以通常保持沉默,什么也不说。)

6. There was also among the Italians of that period a singular and fastidious apprehension of too much daylight. (翻译:那时期的意大利人由于过分挑剔,还古怪地唯恐日光太多。)

7. I went to hide in my bedroom, under the blankets, and then I waited for my father to come back from work with, one could say, much apprehension. (翻译:我躲到房里 藏在毯子底下 等着父亲下班回家 很是提心吊胆)

8. K, 0-5 can you ascertain if the apprehension team on the S-N. (翻译:K, 0 -5 你可以确定,如果 逮捕团队的S)

9. The apprehension of Dussander brings to a close a manhunt that has been underway for 40 years in three continents. (翻译:至于被捕的杜森达 已被三大洲通缉了四十年)

10. A frisson of apprehension rippled around the theatre. (翻译:一阵突如其来的恐慌在剧院里蔓延。)

11. Mr Mulloy, did you have any apprehension that a delay in launch would reflect badly on you or NASA Marshall? (翻译:马洛伊先生,你是不是有所顾虑 发射延迟会严重归咎于你 或是太空总署马歇尔太空飞行中心?)

12. It's always Boston. Why can't anything like that ever happen here? ...quick apprehension of the perpetrators (翻译:永远是波士顿 为什么这种事从不发生在这里?)

13. Had they no apprehension of any thing before the elopement took place? (翻译:他们俩私奔之前,难道看不出一点形迹可疑的地方吗?)

14. So, the audience is dispersed, focused attention and dramatic build-up and climax are all replaced by a kind of attenuated attention that's sustained by a sense of apprehension caused by the fog. (翻译:因此,分散的注意力, 将重点关注雾气空间的建设, 所有减少的注意力被放回原位 是因为一个持续的大雾造成的恐惧感. )

15. Then you do have some doubts, some apprehension of what you're getting yourself into? (翻译:那么你确实有一些 疑惑,有些忐忑 什么你得到自己陷入?)


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