Taylor Swift

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Taylor Swift

2024-06-30 23:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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「  Are you ready for it? 你準備好了嗎? In the middle of the night, in my dreams 夜半時分,你該潛入我的夢境 I know I'm gonna be with you 我知道你就是我的歸宿 So I take my time 所以我會放慢步調  」

[ 艾莉翻譯 ] Tay的首支宣傳單也能這麼好聽!!!歌曲中描繪的是兩個情場高手間的對峙,完全回到那個擅寫情歌的Tay (但這次又有那麼一點不同,是女人而非少女的心境),曲風也同樣洗腦th_1218127136.jpg成功把上一首的暗黑風格平反回來025.gif謝天謝地,我很愛Tay但不想買一張負面專輯啊啊


整支MV令人目眩神迷,塞滿了各種鐵粉們最喜歡分析的暗示性字眼016.gif, 只可惜劇情指數頗低,起初真的看不大懂, 好在有Taylor Swift Taiwan的小編一秒一秒定格來透徹地分析 (( 請收下我的膝蓋122.gif

於是,在了解整支MV後,艾莉突然想到Lady GAGA曾說過的話,覺得十分吻合這首歌的意境

“How can I protect something so perfect without evil...” '' 我要如何能,不用惡來保護最珍貴的事物 ''

被關在屏障後一絲不掛的Tay看似純潔無瑕,彷彿還是那個單純熱愛音樂和詩詞的少女, 而身穿黑色帽衣的Tay則是內斂又深具殺傷力,是被社會現實洗鍊後的模樣, 兩者都是她,但為了保護內心的純粹(裸Tay),她必須武裝起外在表象(帽衣Tay), 在此同時,也鍛鍊著那溫柔易碎內心(裸Tay) 最後,震破屏障而獲得釋放的是心裡住著的那個Tay, 也許代表著,最強大的力量始終來自內心。


:: 歌詞解釋 :: Burton to this Taylor 就像伊莉莎白泰勒和李察波頓 這裡是指一對因為共演 埃及豔后 而相愛的銀幕情侶,兩人分分合合多次,Tay應該是想用同名的雙關語來表達一對愛恨糾葛的戀人

Taylor  Swift

... Ready  For  It?


Knew he was a killer 早知道他是少女殺手 First time that I saw him 當我初次遇見他 Wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted 不禁想著 究竟有多少女孩愛他愛得 魂不守舍 But if he's a ghost then I can be a phantom 但假如他是猛鬼般的存在,那我便是魅影 Holdin' him for ransom 把玩男人在掌上,要脅贖金

Some, some boys are tryin' too hard 有些男孩竭盡全力只為獲得一顆芳心 He don't try at all though 而他卻不必費吹灰之力 Younger than my exes but he act like such a man, so 比我的前任都要年輕,卻渾身的男子氣 I see nothing better, I keep him forever 再也沒有比他更好的人,我決定把他永遠留著 Like a vendetta-ta 就像豢養宿敵

I-I-I see how this is gonna go 我能預見故事將怎麼走 Touch me, and you'll never be alone 觸碰我,你將不再被寂寞擄獲 I-Island breeze and lights down low 你的氣息宛如熱帶島嶼的微風,燈光漸趨微弱 No one has to know 此刻心情誰也不用明說

In the middle of the night, in my dreams 夜半時分,你該到我的夢裡來 You should see the things we do, baby 好看看那些有你相伴的美好未來,親愛的 In the middle of the night, in my dreams 夜半時分,你該潛入我的夢中 I know I'm gonna be with you 我知道你終會是我的歸宿 So I take my time 所以我會放慢步調 (Are you ready for it?) (而你準備好了嗎?)

Me, I was a robber 說到我,我是個強盜 First time that he saw me 他第一眼就這麼指認我 Stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry 說我偷走別人的真心,連一句道歉都不肯說 But if I'm a thief then 但假如我是小偷 He can join the heist 他大可加入這場搶奪 And we'll move to an island-and 我們一起搬到兩人專屬的小島上

He can be my jailer 任由他囚禁我 Burton to this Taylor 就像伊莉莎白泰勒和李察波頓 Every lover known in comparison is a failure 每一對戀人都知道,互相計較是愛情失敗的因由 I forget their names now 舊人的名字我全忘了 I'm so very tame now 現在的我溫馴得很 Never be the same now, now 過去的我已經被改造

I-I-I see how this is gonna go 我能預見故事將怎麼走 Touch me, and you'll never be alone 觸碰我,你將不再被寂寞擄獲 I-Island breeze and lights down low 你的氣息宛如熱帶島嶼的微風,燈光漸趨微弱 No one has to know 此刻心情誰也不用明說 (No one has to know)

In the middle of the night, in my dreams 夜半時分,你該到我的夢裡來 You should see the things we do, baby 好看看那些有你相伴的美好未來,親愛的 In the middle of the night, in my dreams 夜半時分,你該潛入我的夢 I know I'm gonna be with you 我知道你終會是我的歸宿 So I take my time 所以我會放慢步調  (Are you ready for it?) (Ooh, are you ready for it?)

Baby, let the games begin 親愛的,讓遊戲開始吧 Let the games begin Let the games begin Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin

I-I-I see how this is gonna go 我能預見故事將怎麼走 Touch me, and you'll never be alone 觸碰我,你將不再被寂寞擄獲 I-Island breeze and lights down low 你的氣息宛如熱帶島嶼的微風,燈光漸趨微弱 No one has to know 此刻心情誰也不用明說

In the middle of the night, in my dreams 夜半時分,你該來到我的夢裡 You should see the things we do, baby 好看看那些有你相伴的美好未來,親愛的 In the middle of the night, in my dreams 夜半時分,你該潛入我的夢 I know I'm gonna be with you 我知道你終會是我的歸宿 So I take my time 所以我會放慢步調

In the middle of the night 就在夜半時分 Baby, let the games begin 親愛的,好戲才正要開始呢

Let the games begin Let the games begin (Are you ready for it?) Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin (Are you ready for it?)


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因為有粉絲反應FB會看不到貼文所以辦了Instagram ig裡艾莉兩三天就會推一首好歌哦029.gif因為比較自在所以也隨興些 想追蹤的小粉絲們,直達連結點這裡 @aeri.z

♥ ♥ ♥

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♥ ♥ ♥





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