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2024-05-25 23:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


“正义不会自己伸张。” 全称 杰西·麦克雷 国籍 美国 职业 赏金猎人 行动基地 美国新墨西哥州,圣达菲 隶属 (前)守望先锋(前)暗影守望 类型 突击


Contents 1 概要 1.1 官方提示 2 技能 2.1 能力解析 3 Strategy 3.1 Weapons & Abilities 3.2 General Strategies 4 故事 4.1 维和者 4.2 雇佣兵 4.2.1 Train Hopper 4.2.2 Noodle Shootout 5 麦克雷的游戏视频 6 皮肤 7 轶事 8 参考 9 外部链接 概要[ | ]


官方提示[ | ] 麦克雷是一个灵活的英雄并且拥有一把准确而致命的左轮手枪。 使用闪光弹来眩晕前方的敌人。 用神枪手一击秒杀所有视野内的敌人。 技能[ | ] 技能 图标 描述 维和者 Ability-mccree1 麦克雷手中的六发左轮手枪是他的主要武器。他可以迅速扣下扳机,打光所有子弹。 战术翻滚 Ability-mccree2 麦克雷向移动方向翻滚的同时,利索地重新装填“维和者”的子弹。 闪光弹 Ability-mccree3 麦克雷扔出一枚会在数秒后迅速爆炸的闪光弹。爆炸会使小范围内的敌人目眩。 神枪手 (终极技能) Ability-mccree4 专注、瞄准、拔枪。麦克雷只需花费宝贵的数秒时间就可以锁定敌人;当麦克雷准备就绪后,他会向视线范围内的每个敌人射出子弹。敌人越虚弱,瞄准速度就越快。 能力解析[ | ] 技能 弹药 射速 伤害 爆头伤害 重装/冷却 维和者 6 每秒转动2次 35-70 ✓ 1.5秒 快速射击 1x6 每秒转动6次 每次射击为45(6次射击) - 2秒 战术翻滚 - - - - 8秒 闪光弹 - - 25 (加上0.7秒的目眩) - 10秒 神枪手 - - 每蓄力1秒约为270 - - Strategy[ | ]

As befits a gunslinger, McCree is the game's best duelist. He is capable of killing almost anyone he gets up close to with blinding speed by stunning them with Flashbang and unloading his Peacekeeper into them. The accurate hitscan nature of his primary weapon also makes him suitable for fighting mobile targets like Genji and Pharah at medium range. His damage falls off a cliff at longer ranges, and his low mobility means that he has to take conventional routes to get up close to his opponents, making it easy to outflank him and kill him before he has a chance to fire back.

Weapons & Abilities[ | ] Peacekeeper: McCree's main weapon. The primary fire shoots a single, perfectly accurate bullet down the crosshairs. The secondary fire "fans" the Peacekeeper's hammer, causing McCree to unload the remaining rounds in the Peacekeeper's cylinder at lightning speed. The bullets from the secondary fire cannot headshot. The deadly accuracy of the primary fire is best used on targets at medium range. It's also useful on particularly agile targets like Tracer who are difficult to hit with the secondary fire. The secondary fire is woefully inaccurate at anything past short range, but will kill anyone except a Tank in a single volley if all of the bullets hit. Use the secondary fire when close to an opponent to quickly deal massive damage to them before they can respond. Combat Roll: When activated, McCree rolls a short distance in the direction he's currently moving. He also fully reloads his Peacekeeper during the roll. While Combat Roll does give McCree a small amount of mobility, it's nothing compared to Tracer's Blink. Combat Roll is best used as a quick way for McCree to reload his Peacekeeper than anything else. If you're in danger, however, it's best to use Combat Roll to get to cover instead of saving it for the reload. Flashbang: When activated, McCree hurls a small grenade forwards in an arc, which detonates after traveling a short distance. Enemies caught in the explosion are dealt a small amount of damage and briefly stunned. The main reason that McCree is such a good duelist. Use Flashbang to stun your opponent, then deal damage with Peacekeeper while they can't respond. While Flashbang (and its explosion) is blocked by Reinhardt's Barrier Field if thrown directly at the barrier, it can be thrown over top of the barrier to circumvent it and stun Reinhardt. Try to only fight Reinhardt if you have enough height to throw the Flashbang over top of his Barrier Field successfully. Deadeye (Ultimate): McCree's Ultimate ability. When activated, McCree enters a special targeting mode for a short duration, during which time he is dramatically slowed and cannot use his other abilities. Enemies are gradually highlighted with a red bullseye as long as they are within McCree's vision. McCree can press the primary fire button at any point during this time to shoot a bullet at all highlighted targets, with the damage increasing the longer they were within McCree's vision. This is a channeled ability, and will immediately end if McCree is hit by a stun. The bullet fired by Deadeye will always hit a highlighted enemy, so long as they are within McCree's vision when he presses the primary fire button. The red dot in the middle of the bullseye indicates how much damage Deadeye will do to that specific target. When the dot stops growing, that indicates that Deadeye will instantly kill the target, unless they are protected by a barrier, have bonus Health from an ability like Sound Barrier, or are otherwise invulnerable. Enemies who were previously targeted but who have left McCree's vision will have their bullseye turn grey. It will turn back to red when they are once more in his vision. The secondary fire button can be pressed at any time to cancel Deadeye without shooting a bullet, refunding half of the Ultimate charge. This also occurs if McCree lets the duration of Deadeye run out without pressing the primary fire button or if he dies while the ability is active. General Strategies[ | ] McCree is a powerful anti-flanker and medium range damage dealer. Though it might be tempting to send him out on his own, he actually works best when staying near his team, as he can quickly kill annoying flankers like Genji and tear through Tanks like Winston, keeping his own team safe. McCree's low mobility makes him vulnerable to being picked off by enemies like Widowmaker if he travels by himself, and most enemies will be able to hear him coming a mile away due to his loud footsteps. McCree's usual combo is to stun a target using Flashbang, and then follow up with the Peacekeeper's secondary fire to quickly kill them. If the target is still alive (due to having high Health or from missed Peacekeeper shots), follow up with Combat Roll and another round of bullets from the Peacemaker's secondary fire. Keep in mind that McCree is highly vulnerable after using all of his abilities in this way. If your aim isn't good enough to kill them before then, they'll likely kill you instead. Stick to using the Peacekeeper's primary fire at anything other than short range. Aim for headshots if your enemy is moving in a predictable way, as they deal a large amount of damage. Try to gain some vertical height before using Deadeye, as this will let you get more vision of targets hiding behind cover. Be aware that McCree is extremely easy to kill while using Deadeye, so watch out for enemies like Widowmaker or Soldier: 76 who can burst you down before you even have a chance of lining up your shots. Deadeye can be used in one of two ways: as a way of clearing out an area, or as a way of assassinating mobile priority targets. The "standard" combination of Mercy and Pharah flying through the air are especially vulnerable to being killed by Deadeye, as it takes little time for McCree to line up a killing shot for both of them. If no priority targets present themselves, use it instead to threaten enemies into ducking into cover so that your team can advance in a similar way to D.Va's Self-Destruct. Remember that you gain a good portion of the Ultimate charge back if Deadeye is cancelled, letting you repeatedly threaten with it within a short time. 故事[ | ] File:Icon-mccree.png “正义不会自己伸张。”


维和者[ | ]


尽管一开始他对守望先锋的理念嗤之以鼻,但他逐渐相信可以通过扫除世上的不公,来弥补自己过去犯下的罪行。而暗影守望不受官方明文制约、我行我素的行动风格正合麦克雷之意。他是另外一个暗影先锋的成员——加布里尔·莱耶斯的部下。[2] 然而,随着守望先锋影响力的不断缩小,暗影守望内部出现了异样的气氛:废除守望先锋,独掌大权。麦克雷由于不想参与其中,于是便独自离开,销声匿迹。[1]

雇佣兵[ | ]


Note: the following sections aren't necessarily in chronological order.

Train Hopper[ | ] "Ain't the fastest or cheapest way to travel, but that's the appeal. Rich folks like to go where the gettin's expensive. But hey, the food is great. So is the bourbon selection. Not that I'd know. They don't sell folks like me a ticket.." McCree-crash

McCree 'crashes the party'

McCree caught a ride on a hypertrain headed for Houston.[3] Caught a ride, as in, sitting on top of the train as it barreled along, for, in his words, "they don't sell folks like me a ticket." Nor did hypertrains make it easy for soldiers to rappel down from helicopters onto, but that's what started happening, as McCree observed such an action taking place. Staying out of sight, he could tell that the operatives weren't after him, but he was concerned. First, the operatives (or at least their method of insertion) were operating in a manner similar to Blackwatch. Secondly, if McCree's face was spotted, he knew that he'd take the heat for whatever was about to go down. Making a decision, McCree vaulted into a train car and quickly dispatched a number of the operatives. He told the stunned passengers to stay in their seats, and that things would be over shortly.

Moving on, McCree saved one of the train staff from being executed, as he didn't know a set of codes. Apparently the soldiers were after something at the back of the train, so McCree headed that way. He dispatched the enemy soldiers there, but only after hearing one of their number call for backup. Reaching the device at the back, he tossed it off the train, content that the operatives would go after it and leave the train itself alone. His face now out in the open, McCree settled down to enjoy the ride, only to learn via a news report that the robbery had indeed been laid on him, and from a steward, learnt that the train would arrive in Houston in three minutes. He asked that the truth of what happened be relayed to the police, and that the arrival time be "fudged," in order to give him time to make his exit.[4]

Noodle Shootout[ | ] "Street still in shambles following noodle joint shootout - who's keeping us safe?" Noodle Shootout

The aftermath of the shootout

McCree made an appearance as a vigilante, thwarting a robbery attempt of a ramen shop. The media mainly focused on his "anachronistic fashion sense," though pundit Joel Marricone espoused the belief that McCree's vigilantism should be welcomed, given the high crime rate in the area.[5]

麦克雷的游戏视频[ | ] 皮肤[ | ] v ·· eCassidy Skins   Common (Free) Cassidy Skin ClassicClassicWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin Overwatch 2Overwatch 2Weapons: #1 Rare‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 75 Cassidy Skin EbonyEbony Locked CosmeticWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin LakeLakeWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin SageSageWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin WheatWheatWeapons: #1 Epic‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 250 Cassidy Skin On the RangeOn the RangeWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin RoyalRoyalWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin White HatWhite HatWeapons: #1 Lunar New Year Lunar New Year Icon‎ ‎ ‎ Locked Cosmetic Overwatch Anniversary Overwatch Anniversary Icon‎ ‎ ‎ Locked Cosmetic Cassidy Skin XiakeXiakeWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin Masked ManMasked ManWeapons: #1 Summer Games Summer Games Icon‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 750 Halloween Terror Halloween Terror Icon‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 750 Cassidy Skin AmericanAmericanWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin UndeadUndeadWeapons: #1 Winter Wonderland Winter Wonderland Icon‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 750 Battle Pass Battle Pass Cassidy Skin ScroogeScroogeWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin Forest RangerForest RangerWeapons: #1 Epic - Cassidy's New Blood Challenge Cassidy Skin SandstormSandstormWeapons: #1 Shop Shop‎ ‎ ‎ Overwatch2 Coin 1000 Cassidy Skin RitzyRitzyWeapons: #1 Legendary‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 1000 Cassidy Skin GamblerGamblerWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin RiverboatRiverboatWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin Mystery ManMystery Man Locked CosmeticWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin VigilanteVigilanteWeapons: #1 Lunar New Year Lunar New Year Icon‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 1500 Overwatch Archives Archives Icon‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 1500 Cassidy Skin MagistrateMagistrateWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin BlackwatchBlackwatchWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin DeadlockDeadlockWeapons: #1 Overwatch Anniversary Overwatch Anniversary Icon‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 1500 Summer Games Summer Games Icon‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 1500 Cassidy Skin SherlockSherlockWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin LifeguardLifeguardWeapons: #1 Halloween Terror Halloween Terror Icon‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 1500 Winter Wonderland Winter Wonderland Icon‎ ‎ ‎ 守望币 1500 Cassidy Skin Van HelsingVan HelsingWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin Mountain ManMountain ManWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin FormalwearFormalwear Locked CosmeticWeapons: #1 Battle Pass Battle Pass Cassidy Skin Invisible ManInvisible ManWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin LonghornLonghornWeapons: #1 Shop Shop‎ ‎ ‎ Overwatch2 Coin 1900 Cassidy Skin Space RangerSpace RangerWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin C-455 SharpshooterC-455 SharpshooterWeapons: #1 Cassidy Skin Spike SpiegelSpike SpiegelWeapons: #1

轶事[ | ] There is a Developer at Blizzard Entertainment who shares the name "Jesse McCree."[6] McCree's Gambler skin shares a likeness with Doc Holliday, specifically actor Val Kilmer's portrayal of him in the movie Tombstone. McCree's voice line "I'm your huckleberry" is a nod to the same movie, where Kilmer's character taunts another gunslinger. Fitting with Mccree's cowboy motif, activating Deadeye causes a tumbleweed to roll in front of him, a common cliche in western films. The engraving of McCree's belt buckle spells "BAMF", which is an acronym of "Bad Ass Mother Fucker".[7] 参考[ | ] ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 McCree, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2015-03-09 ↑ 守望先锋,麦克雷的台词 ↑ 2016-04-20, HERE’S YOUR FIRST LOOK AT THE OVERWATCH: MCCREE DIGITAL COMIC (EXCLUSIVE). Nerdist, accessed on 2016-04-21 ↑ Overwatch: McCree: Train Hopper ↑ 2015-03-04, The New Peacekeepers. Play Overwatch, accessed on 2015-03-16 ↑ Overwatch Yes or No Interview - PAX East 2015, Jeff Kaplan (오버워치 개발자 인터뷰), PlayersCutTV. Accessed on 2015-13-08. ↑ BAMF - Wiktionary 外部链接[ | ] 麦克雷 - 官网 Icy Veins上麦克雷的攻略 v ·· e守望先锋里的英雄   TankIcon重装 Icon-D.VaD.Va Icon-DoomfistDoomfist Icon-Junker QueenJunker Queen Icon-MaugaMauga Icon-OrisaOrisa Icon-RamattraRamattra Icon-ReinhardtReinhardt Icon-RoadhogRoadhog Icon-SigmaSigma Icon-WinstonWinston Icon-Wrecking BallWrecking Ball Icon-ZaryaZarya OffenseIcon突击 Icon-AsheAshe Icon-BastionBastion Icon-CassidyCassidy Icon-EchoEcho Icon-GenjiGenji Icon-HanzoHanzo Icon-JunkratJunkrat Icon-MeiMei Icon-PharahPharah Icon-ReaperReaper Icon-SojournSojourn Icon-Soldier: 76Soldier: 76 Icon-SombraSombra Icon-SymmetraSymmetra Icon-TorbjörnTorbjörn Icon-TracerTracer Icon-VentureVenture Icon-WidowmakerWidowmaker SupportIcon支援 Icon-AnaAna Icon-BaptisteBaptiste Icon-BrigitteBrigitte Icon-IllariIllari Icon-KirikoKiriko Icon-LifeweaverLifeweaver Icon-LúcioLúcio Icon-MercyMercy Icon-MoiraMoira Icon-ZenyattaZenyatta




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