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2024-07-16 05:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Being Chased梦到被追

There is an issue in your waking life that you want to confront but are unsure how to do so. This issue is often a great opportunity for you to pursue a particular personal ambition. Although they may seem scary, your pursuers are actually bringing your attention to your unrealised talents in your own pursuit of fulfillment.梦到被追说明在现实生活中,你有一件事情想要去面对,却又不知道该怎么做。这件事情往往是实现你个人抱负的一个好机会。虽然听起来有点让人觉得害怕,但是,那个在后面追你的人在现实生活中就是有助你完成目标的那些你还未发现的才能。


Urge To Go To The Toilet梦到着急想上厕所

Toilets are what we use to cleanly respond to some of our most fundamental needs, so there is an issue in waking life where you are finding it a challenge to clearly express your own needs. This can often occur if you always spend your time looking after the needs of other people, rather than your own needs.厕所是我们清楚地回应基本需要的地方。因此,梦到厕所说明在现实生活中,你遇到了一个挑战,需要清楚表明自己的需求。这种情况经常发生在你花时间去关心别人的需要而忽略了自己的时候。


Naked In Public梦到在公共场所赤身裸体

We choose our clothes to present a particular image to the people around us, so being naked in public suggests that there is a situation in waking life that is making you feel vulnerable and exposed. Although it might be potentially embarrassing, sometimes you just have to open up to others so they can see your real talents.我们选择的衣服就是我们想展示给别人看的形象。梦到自己在公共场所赤身裸体说明你在现实生活中感到脆弱无助,自己完全暴露在别人的视野下。有时候,向别人展示你的才能可能会让你觉得尴尬,但是你也需要这样做。



Pregnancy dreams will depend on whether you are trying for a baby, if so this may reflect your fears and anxieties about falling pregnant. For everyone else (even men dream of being pregnant) it can emphasise that the idea you may be working on needs time to grow and must take its natural course.梦到怀孕要分两种情况。第一种,如果你真的想要个孩子,那么梦到怀孕说明你对怀孕还是心存恐惧与焦虑的。第二种情况,如果你没有想过要生孩子的话(男人也会梦到怀孕),那么这样的梦境就表示你现在正在努力想要完成的事情还需要时间去慢慢实现,要顺其自然。



Being able to fly suggests that you have released yourself from circumstances that have been weighing you down in waking life. Although you may regard this feeling of liberation as just luck or coincidence, it is usually because you have managed to make a weighty decision or risen above the limitations of a heavy responsibility.梦到飞翔说明在现实生活中,你已经意识到了自己的定位过低了。尽管,你可能觉得这种获得解放的感觉是一种运气或者巧合,但事实往往是,你做出了一个很有分量的决定,或者是你在被委以重任的工作中突破了自己的极限。



Feeling yourself falling in a dream indicates that you are hanging on too tightly to a particular situation in waking life, and need to relax and let go of it. Rather than being so concerned about losing control, sometimes you just have to trust in yourself and others by allowing everything to fall naturally into place.梦到掉下去说明在现实生活中,你对某件事太过在意了,这个时候你需要放松,尝试放手。不要太在乎你的控制力,有的时候,你要做的就是相信自己,相信别人,让所有事情都顺其自然地发生。


Car Crash梦到车祸

The vehicle represents your ability to make consistent progress towards a specific objective, so in waking life, you may feel that you don't have enough control over your road to success. Instead of trying to over control the situation, relax your grip and allow your fundamental instincts and drives to steer the best path for you.汽车代表你持续追逐某个目标的能力。所以,如果梦到发生车祸,那就说明在现实生活中,你可能觉得在通往成功的路上,自己的控制力不足。有时候,与其抓住不放,不如让自己放松下来,听凭直觉把你引向最好的那条道路。


Running Late梦到迟到

Being late suggests you feel that you're losing the opportunity to experience some sort of fulfillment in your waking life. This may be because you've been involving yourself in busy and sometimes meaningless activity, rather than committing to meaningful action. Until you commit to a decision, you will always find yourself hesitating and using your time ineffectively.梦到迟到说明你在现实生活中感到自己正在失去取得某个成绩的机会。这有可能是因为你总是为那些意义不大的事情而疲于奔命,却没有精力去做那些有意义的事情。除非你下定决心改变,不然你一直都会犹豫不决,做事效率低下。



Dreaming of your own death can suggest you are aware of, or fearing, your own mortality although death can also represent change in yourself or someone else. It is normal to dream of losing someone you love because it’s a natural fear. Death is inevitable but just because you dream it doesn't mean going to happen sooner than expected.梦到自己死亡那说明你很关心自己的生死,对死亡感到害怕。不过,梦到死亡也可能是自己或别人身上发生变化的征兆。梦到自己所爱的人死亡,这也很正常,因为通常我们都会害怕这种事的发生。死亡是不可避免的,它不会因为你梦到了它就提前到来。


Unprepared For An Exam梦到毫无准备去考试

Exams are how we judge our ability to perform, so this indicates that you are critically examining your own performance in waking life. Rather than immersing yourself in endless self-examination, the real test of your character is being able to accept your talents by celebrating your knowledge and achievements, instead of constantly judging them.考试是我们对自身能力的一种判断。所以,梦到毫无准备去考试就说明在现实生活中,你正在对自己的表现进行批判性的省视。不要一味地陷入无止境的自我反省之中,真正的考验是通过自己获得的知识、成绩来认识到自己的才能,而不是不断地怀疑自己的能力。




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