
您所在的位置:网站首页 舵轮和差速轮的区别图片 ROS联合Webots之舵轮篇


2024-07-16 22:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


ubuntu版本:20.04 webots版本:2021a ros版本:noetic


之前笔者出过ROS联合webots开发教程,在教程中使用的是双轮差动底盘模型,今天笔者将带给笔者舵轮底盘的搭建教程。 注意:如果初学Webots搭建机器人,建议先从ROS联合webots实战案例(二)在webots中搭建机器人学起,这里面讲的比较详细。


舵轮的其中一种结构如下图所示,但是不一定就只有这一种结构,还有很多结构能达到舵轮的要求。 在这里插入图片描述


2.仿真搭建 创建一个机器人节点 Tree:Base nodes->Robot 在Robot节点下创建一个长方体作为车身,车身的shape为[0.5,0.07,0.3] Robot:Base nodes->solid solid:Base nodes->Shape 为solid添加碰撞体积,和shape一样大 solid->boundingObject Box 在Robot节点下添加一个HingeJoint较链,并且添加Jointparameters和solid末端实物,因为有两个电机所以需要添加两个串行的铰链。搭建好的舵轮模型如下图所示: Robot->HingeJoint->Jointparameters|solid|motor





最终搭建效果: 在这里插入图片描述


设置Webots机器人控制器为ROS,并且设置如下控制器参数: 在这里插入图片描述


#include #include #include "ros/ros.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; #define TIME_STEP 32 //时钟 #define NMOTORS 4 //电机数量 #define MAX_SPEED 2.0 //电机最大速度 ros::NodeHandle *n; static int controllerCount; static std::vector controllerList; ros::ServiceClient timeStepClient; //时钟通讯客户端 webots_ros::set_int timeStepSrv; //时钟服务数据 ros::ServiceClient set_velocity_client; webots_ros::set_float set_velocity_srv; ros::ServiceClient set_position_client; webots_ros::set_float set_position_srv; ros::ServiceClient set_position_w_client; webots_ros::set_float set_position_w_srv; double speeds[NMOTORS]={0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0};// 四电机速度值 0~10 double angles[NMOTORS]={0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0};// 四电机角度值 -180~180 // 控制速度电机 static const char *motorNames[NMOTORS] ={"front_right_motor_2", "front_left_motor_2", "back_left_motor_2","back_right_motor_2"}; // 控制方向电机 static const char *anglesNames[NMOTORS] ={"front_right_motor_1", "front_left_motor_1", "back_left_motor_1","back_right_motor_1"}; /******************************************************* * Function name :updateSpeed * Description :将速度请求以set_float的形式发送给set_velocity_srv * Parameter :无 * Return :无 **********************************************************/ void updateSpeed() { for (int i = 0; i < NMOTORS; ++i) { // 更新速度 set_velocity_client = n->serviceClient(string("/robot/") + string(motorNames[i]) + string("/set_velocity")); set_velocity_srv.request.value = speeds[i];; // 更新方向 set_position_w_client = n->serviceClient(string("/robot/") + string(anglesNames[i]) + string("/set_position")); set_position_w_srv.request.value = angles[i];; } } /******************************************************* * Function name :controllerNameCallback * Description :控制器名回调函数,获取当前ROS存在的机器人控制器 * Parameter : @name 控制器名 * Return :无 **********************************************************/ // catch names of the controllers availables on ROS network void controllerNameCallback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr &name) { controllerCount++; controllerList.push_back(name->data);//将控制器名加入到列表中 ROS_INFO("Controller #%d: %s.", controllerCount, controllerList.back().c_str()); } /******************************************************* * Function name :quit * Description :退出函数 * Parameter : @sig 信号 * Return :无 **********************************************************/ void quit(int sig) { ROS_INFO("User stopped the '/robot' node."); timeStepSrv.request.value = 0;; ros::shutdown(); exit(0); } /******************************************************* * Function name :键盘返回函数 * Description :当键盘动作,就会进入此函数内 * Parameter : @value 返回的值 * Return :无 **********************************************************/ void keyboardDataCallback(const webots_ros::Int32Stamped::ConstPtr &value) { // 发送控制变量 int send =0; //ROS_INFO("sub keyboard value = %d",value->data); switch (value->data) { case 314: angles[0] = 1.5; angles[1] = 1.5; angles[2] = 1.5; angles[3] = 1.5; send=1; break; case 315: speeds[0] = 10.0; speeds[1] = 10.0; speeds[2] = 10.0; speeds[3] = 10.0; send=1; break; case 316: angles[0] = -1.5; angles[1] = -1.5; angles[2] = -1.5; angles[3] = -1.5; send=1; break; case 317: speeds[0] = -10.0; speeds[1] = -10.0; speeds[2] = -10.0; speeds[3] = -10.0; send=1; break; case 70: speeds[0] = -10.0; speeds[1] = 10.0; speeds[2] = -10.0; speeds[3] = 10.0; break; case 32: speeds[0] = 0; speeds[1] = 0; speeds[2] = 0; speeds[3] = 0; angles[0] = 0; angles[1] = 0; angles[2] = 0; angles[3] = 0; send=1; break; default: send=0; break; } if (send) { updateSpeed(); send=0; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string controllerName; // 在ROS网络中创建一个名为robot_init的节点 ros::init(argc, argv, "robot_init", ros::init_options::AnonymousName); n = new ros::NodeHandle; // 截取退出信号 signal(SIGINT, quit); // 订阅webots中所有可用的model_name ros::Subscriber nameSub = n->subscribe("model_name", 100, controllerNameCallback); while (controllerCount == 0 || controllerCount < nameSub.getNumPublishers()) { ros::spinOnce(); ros::spinOnce(); ros::spinOnce(); } ros::spinOnce(); // 服务订阅time_step和webots保持同步 timeStepClient = n->serviceClient("robot/robot/time_step"); timeStepSrv.request.value = TIME_STEP; // 如果在webots中有多个控制器的话,需要让用户选择一个控制器 if (controllerCount == 1) controllerName = controllerList[0]; else { int wantedController = 0; std::cout > wantedController; if (1 serviceClient(string("/robot/") + string(motorNames[i]) + string("/set_velocity")); set_velocity_srv.request.value = 0.0; if ( && set_velocity_srv.response.success == 1) ROS_INFO("Velocity set to 0.0 for motor %s.", motorNames[i]); else ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service set_velocity on motor %s.", motorNames[i]); // 初始化四个控制方向的电机 set_position_w_client = n->serviceClient(string("/robot/") + string(anglesNames[i]) + string("/set_position")); set_position_w_srv.request.value = INFINITY; if ( && set_position_w_srv.response.success) ROS_INFO("Position set to INFINITY for motor %s.", motorNames[i]); else ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service set_position on motor %s.", motorNames[i]); } // 服务订阅键盘 ros::ServiceClient keyboardEnableClient; webots_ros::set_int keyboardEnablesrv; keyboardEnableClient = n->serviceClient("/robot/keyboard/enable"); keyboardEnablesrv.request.value = TIME_STEP; if ( && keyboardEnablesrv.response.success) { ros::Subscriber keyboardSub; keyboardSub = n->subscribe("/robot/keyboard/key",1,keyboardDataCallback); while (keyboardSub.getNumPublishers() == 0) {} ROS_INFO("Keyboard enabled."); ROS_INFO("控制方向:"); ROS_INFO(" ↑ "); ROS_INFO("← ↓ →"); ROS_INFO("刹车:空格键"); ROS_INFO("Use the arrows in Webots window to move the robot."); ROS_INFO("Press the End key to stop the node."); while (ros::ok()) { ros::spinOnce(); if (! || !timeStepSrv.response.success) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service time_step for next step."); break; } ros::spinOnce(); } } else ROS_ERROR("Could not enable keyboard, success = %d.", keyboardEnablesrv.response.success); timeStepSrv.request.value = 0;; ros::shutdown(); return 0; } 效果




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