如何撰写英文医学病例报告(case report)标题及摘要?

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如何撰写英文医学病例报告(case report)标题及摘要?

2023-01-24 01:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





这里所提供的技巧适用于投稿至大部份的医学杂志,但是,每个杂志对于内容和格式都有各自的准则,建议您可参考各杂志的“Instructions for authors”,“Author guidelines” ,或是“Preparing your manuscript” ,以了解相关准则。另外,阅读不同杂志的病例报告也有助于您了解各杂志所特定的格式及风格。


有些医学杂志会发表有限数量的研究报告,除此之外,亦有许多权威性的同侪审稿医学杂志,专门刊登病例报告。包括: Journal of Medical Case Reports, Oxford Medical Case Reports, BJR Case Reports, and International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 。这些杂志都是您可以选择投稿的。



标题中建议包含之实用用语 病例相关用语: presentation, unusual case, rare case, challenges, complications, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment 病患相关用语: patient, adult, child, infant, adolescent, elderly, man/woman

与”文章”相关的用语,例如: case study 或是 case report 会被认为是多余的,并且会让读者失去兴趣,在订定标题时应注意避免使用这些用语。

标题范例: “An unusual presentation of primary small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) in an elderly woman” “Challenges in the management of mycotic splenic arteriovenous fistula in a cirrhotic patient” “CREST syndrome: a rare cause of chronic upper-gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in adults” “Primary tuberculous dacryocystitis: two cases mimicking tumors of the lacrimal sac”病例报告摘要



   1. 背景(1-2个句子)—首先,解释为何您选择撰写这个病例报告,并叙述报告的创新性及临床相关性。Abstract graphic 1

     2.   病例呈现 (3-6个句子)—简明扼要的说明病患的医疗及背景特征之详细状况、治疗处方、处理措施、或是并发症及结果。叙述内容之详细度取决于创新程度以及病例结果。

abstract graphic 2

   3. 讨论/结果 (1-2个句子)—简单摘要临床影响及病例涵义,并为临床领域提供建议。强调病例中有可能涉及更广层面涵义之部份、建议应采行的预防措施,或在未来研究中可以发展的有趣题目。

abstract 3

 医学病例报告摘要范文Example #1: A Case of Injury

We herein report a case of a [patient age and gender] with an unusual case of [injury]. The [injury] consisted of features typical of [common features of the injury/disease/disorder], with additional [additional features of case, if any], signifying a [diagnosis/complications]. Features of this case are discussed together with its implications, including [implications of case]. [Additional measures taken—treatment/surgery/etc.] was undertaken due to [reason for measures].

Example #2: A Case of Disease/Disorder

[Disease/disorder] is a rare condition characterized by [symptoms]. Its presentation is usually [sporadic/chronic/acute]. Usually seen in patients who are [typical demographics of patient], [disease]presentation in [this specific category of patient] is rare. Symptoms at presentation depend on [parts of body/patient’s environment]. Patients with [disease/disorder] may present with [additional major symptoms]. We herein report a rare presentation of [disease/disorder] in a [patient demographic—age/gender/race/etc.] who suffered from [corresponding symptoms or co-morbid diseases]. [Diagnostics/tests] revealed [results of tests/complication]. The patient underwent [surgery/treatment] and was given [drugs/intubation/etc.]. Recovery was [description of recovery]. In spite of a wide range of therapeutic options for the management of [disease/disorder] described in the literature, the efficacy of those available therapies is [unknown/not well established/open/etc.].当然,一篇好的英文医学病例报告需要做到用词精准专业,英语表达地道自然,霍华斯拥有多名医学领域编辑专家,可帮助您润色专业英语学术论文,为您的论文发表保驾护航。详情可参考霍华斯官网 : https://wordvice.cn


“How to Compose a Journal Submission Cover Letter” (Wordvice/YouTube)

“How to Write the Best Journal Submission Cover Letter” (Wordvice)

“40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays” (Oxford Royale Academy)

“100+ Strong Verbs That Will Make Your Research Writing Amazing” (Wordvice)

“Essential Academic Writing Words and Phrases” (My English Teacher.eu)

“Academic Vocabulary, Useful Phrases for Academic Writing and Research Paper Writing” (Research Gate)




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