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2024-05-27 11:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

33 Painless Ways to Save Money Now轻松省钱33招

In a difficult economy, most of us are looking for ways to put more money in our pockets, but we don’t want to feel like misers. We don’t want to drastically alter our lifestyles either. We want it fast and we want it easy. Small savings can add up and big savings can feel like winning the lottery, just without all of the taxes.经济不景气之时,大多数人都会想方设法在口袋里存下更多的钱,但又不想把自己弄得跟守财奴似的。我们不想颠覆原有的生活方式,希望能够通过快捷的途径省钱。省点小钱可以积少成多;省下大钱就好比买彩票中了大奖,而且还不用交税。

Some easy ways to save money:以下是一些简单实用的省钱之法:

Online rebate sites. Many online sites offer cash back rebates and online coupons as well. 返利网站:许多网站都会推出现金返还、折扣以及优惠券等让利活动。

Sign up for customer rewards. Many of your favorite stores offer customer rewards on products you already buy. Take advantage. 参加客户回馈活动:你经常光顾的商店可能会有产品回馈活动,好好把握机会吧。

Switch to compact fluorescent bulbs. The extra cost up front is worth the energy savings later on. 换用小巧的荧光灯:虽然要付出一点额外的投资,但灯泡节省下的电能可以给你省下不少钱呢。

Turn off power strips and electronic devices when not in use. 电插板和电器不用时,务必关掉电源。

Buy a programmable thermostat. Set it to lower the heat or raise the AC when you’re not home. 购买温度自动调节器:离家之时,用它来降温或者提高交流电压以省电。

Make coffee at home. Those lattes and caramel macchiatos add up to quite a bit of dough over the year. 在家做咖啡:在家做拿铁咖啡和焦糖拿铁,一年下来可以省下不少钱。

Switch banks. Shop around for better interest rates, lower fees and better customer perks. Don’t forget to look for free online banking and ease of depositing and withdrawing money. 更换银行:货比三家,选择那些利息高、业务办理费用少、客户服务优质的银行,除此之外,别忘了考虑网银是否免费,存取是否便利。

Clip coupons: Saving a couple dollars here and there can start to add up. As long as you’re going to buy the products anyway, why not save money? (从报纸、杂志上)剪下优惠券:买东西时随买随省,这样便可积少成多。既然你是要买这些东西的,何不省一些是一些呢?

Pack your lunch. Bring your lunch to work with you a few days a week, rather than buy it. 自带午餐去上班:每周有几天选择自带午餐去上班,而不是买别的地方的东西吃。

Eat at home. We’re busier than ever, but cooking meals at home is healthier and much cheaper than take-out or going out. Plus, with all of the freezer and pre-made options, it’s almost as fast as drive-thru. 在家吃饭:工作虽忙,但在家做饭毕竟会比出去吃更有益于健康,也可以省下更多的钱。此外,现在有那么多速冻和半成品食物可供选择,做起来绝不慢于快餐。

Have leftovers night. Save your leftovers from a few meals and have a “leftover dinner.” It’s a free meal! 晚上吃点剩菜:没吃完的饭菜留着晚上吃,美其名曰“剩餐”,免费的!

Buy store brands: Many generic or store brands are actually just as good as name brands and considerably cheaper. 对“名牌”说不:许多杂牌或者商场自有品牌的产品在质量上与名牌产品并无差别,价格却要便宜一大截。

Ditch bottled water. Drink tap water if it’s good quality, buy a filter if it’s not. Get a reusable water bottle and refill it. 远离瓶装纯净水:如果饮用水水质好,就直接饮用;若水质不佳,可以购买过滤装置,以可重复使用的瓶子盛装饮用。

Avoid vending machines: The items are usually over-priced. 避开自动售货机:自动售货机里的东西定价通常过高。

Take in a matinee. Afternoon movie showings are cheaper than evening times. 电影尽量选择午场:午后的电影票通常都比夜场要便宜些。

Re-examine your cable bill. Cancel extra cable or satellite channels you don’t watch. Watch the “on demand” movie purchases too. 重新审视你的有线电视账单:平常不看的有线或卫星频道无需购买,也要留心“点播”的电影是否收费。




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