
您所在的位置:网站首页 海康摄像头怎么改名 海康威视摄像头抓拍功能(web3.0+vue)开发笔记


2023-06-20 08:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265













注:vue-cli3.0 没有了 webpack.config.js 配置文件,取而代之的是集合在 vue.config.js文件 内进行配置


命令行工具,进入项目文件夹,执行:  cnpm install jquery --savevue.config.js 文件中:最头部添加 “const webpack = require(‘webpack’)”;module.exports中,添加: configureWebpack: { // provide the app's title in webpack's name field, so that // it can be accessed in index.html to inject the correct title. name: name, resolve: { alias: { '@': resolve('src') } }, plugins: [ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ $: "jquery", jQuery: "jquery", "windows.jQuery": "jquery" }) ] }, main.js中 引入 “import $ from ‘jquery’”


We're sorry but doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.


// 初始化插件 export function WebVideo() { this.g_iWndIndex = 0 this.szDeviceIdentify = '' this.deviceport = '' this.deviceport = '' this.channels = [] this.ip = '' this.port = '80' this.username = 'admin' this.password = 'Jnjmdz_1234567' this.init = function() { var self = this // 检查插件是否已经安装过 var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_CheckPluginInstall(); if (-1 == iRet) { alert("您还未安装过插件,双击开发包目录里的WebComponentsKit.exe安装!"); return; } // 初始化插件参数及插入插件 WebVideoCtrl.I_InitPlugin('100%', '100%', { bWndFull: true, iPackageType: 2, iWndowType: 1, cbInitPluginComplete: function () { WebVideoCtrl.I_InsertOBJECTPlugin("divPlugin"); } }); } // 登录 this.clickLogin = function () { var self = this if ("" == self.ip || "" == self.port) { return; } self.szDeviceIdentify = self.ip + "_" + self.port; WebVideoCtrl.I_Login(self.ip, 1, self.port, self.username, self.password, { success: function (xmlDoc) { setTimeout(function () { self.getChannelInfo(); }, 10); setTimeout(function() { self.clickStartRealPlay() }, 500) }, error: function (status, xmlDoc) { } }); } // 退出 this.clickLogout = function() { var self = this if (null == self.szDeviceIdentify) { return; } var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_Logout(self.szDeviceIdentify); if (0 == iRet) { self.getChannelInfo(); self.getDevicePort(); } } // 获取通道 this.getChannelInfo = function() { var self = this self.channels = [] if (null == self.szDeviceIdentify) { return; } // 模拟通道 WebVideoCtrl.I_GetAnalogChannelInfo(self.szDeviceIdentify, { async: false, success: function (xmlDoc) { var oChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("VideoInputChannel"); $.each(oChannels, function (i) { var id = $(this).find("id").eq(0).text(), name = $(this).find("name").eq(0).text(); if ("" == name) { name = "Camera " + (i < 9 ? "0" + (i + 1) : (i + 1)); } self.channels.push({ id: id, name: name }) alert('模拟通道成功') }); self.getDevicePort(); }, error: function (status, xmlDoc) { } }); // 数字通道 // WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDigitalChannelInfo(self.szDeviceIdentify, { // async: false, // success: function (xmlDoc) { // var oChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("InputProxyChannelStatus"); // $.each(oChannels, function (i) { // var id = $(this).find("id").eq(0).text(), // name = $(this).find("name").eq(0).text(), // online = $(this).find("online").eq(0).text(); // if ("false" == online) {// 过滤禁用的数字通道 // return true; // } // if ("" == name) { // name = "IPCamera " + (i < 9 ? "0" + (i + 1) : (i + 1)); // } // // oSel.append("" + name + ""); // }); // alert(" 获取数字通道成功!"); // }, // error: function (status, xmlDoc) { // alert(" 获取数字通道失败!"); // } // }); // // 零通道 // WebVideoCtrl.I_GetZeroChannelInfo(self.szDeviceIdentify, { // async: false, // success: function (xmlDoc) { // var oChannels = $(xmlDoc).find("ZeroVideoChannel"); // $.each(oChannels, function (i) { // var id = $(this).find("id").eq(0).text(), // name = $(this).find("name").eq(0).text(); // if ("" == name) { // name = "Zero Channel " + (i < 9 ? "0" + (i + 1) : (i + 1)); // } // // if ("true" == $(this).find("enabled").eq(0).text()) {// 过滤禁用的零通道 // // oSel.append("" + name + ""); // // } // }); // alert( " 获取零通道成功!"); // }, // error: function (status, xmlDoc) { // alert( " 获取零通道失败!"); // } // }); } // 获取端口 this.getDevicePort = function() { var self = this if (null == self.szDeviceIdentify) { return; } var oPort = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDevicePort(self.szDeviceIdentify); if (oPort != null) { self.deviceport = oPort.iDevicePort; self.deviceport = oPort.iRtspPort; alert(`${oPort.iDevicePort}${oPort.iRtspPort}`) alert('获取端口成功') }else{ alert('获取端口失败') } } // 开始预览 this.clickStartRealPlay = function() { var self = this var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(self.g_iWndIndex), iChannelID = self.channels[0].value if (null == self.szDeviceIdentify) { return; } var startRealPlay = function () { WebVideoCtrl.I_StartRealPlay(self.szDeviceIdentify, { iRtspPort: self.deviceport, iStreamType: '1', iChannelID: iChannelID, bZeroChannel: false, success: function () { self.clickSetLocalCfg(); }, error: function (status, xmlDoc) { if (403 === status) { } else { } } }); }; if (oWndInfo != null) {// 已经在播放了,先停止 WebVideoCtrl.I_Stop({ success: function () { startRealPlay(); } }); } else { startRealPlay(); } } // 停止预览 this.clickStopRealPlay = function() { var self = this var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(self.g_iWndIndex) if (oWndInfo != null) { WebVideoCtrl.I_Stop({ success: function () { }, error: function () { } }); } } //设置预览图保存路径 // 设置本地参数 this.clickSetLocalCfg=function() { var arrXml = [], szInfo = ""; arrXml.push(""); arrXml.push("0"); arrXml.push("0"); arrXml.push("0"); arrXml.push("D:VideoDir"); arrXml.push("D:VideoDir"); arrXml.push("D:VideoDir"); arrXml.push("D:VideoDir"); arrXml.push("D:VideoDir"); arrXml.push("D:VideoDir"); arrXml.push("1"); arrXml.push("0"); arrXml.push("0"); arrXml.push(""); var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_SetLocalCfg(arrXml.join("")); console.log(arrXml,'qqqq') if (0 == iRet) { szInfo = "本地配置设置成功!"; } else { szInfo = "本地配置设置失败!"; } alert(szInfo) //showOPInfo(szInfo); } // 抓图 this.clickCapturePic = function() { var self = this var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(self.g_iWndIndex), szInfo = ""; if (oWndInfo != null) { var xmlDoc = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetLocalCfg(); var szCaptureFileFormat = "0"; if (xmlDoc != null) { //szCaptureFileFormat = 'JPEG'; szCaptureFileFormat = '0'; } var szChannelID = this.channels[0].id; var szPicName = oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + "_" + szChannelID + "_" + new Date().getTime(); szPicName += ("0" === szCaptureFileFormat) ? ".jpg": ".bmp"; alert(szPicName) var iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_CapturePic(szPicName, { bDateDir: true //是否生成日期文件 }); console.log(`${iRet}结果`) if (0 == iRet) { szInfo = "抓图成功!"; } else { szInfo = "抓图失败!"; } alert(szInfo) //showOPInfo(oWndInfo.szDeviceIdentify + " " + szInfo); } } }


拍照 拍照查看 取 消 确 定 import { WebVideo } from '@/utils/webVideo' data() { return { webVideo:null,// bodyCaptureDialogShow:false, } }, mounted() { this.webVideo = new WebVideo(); }, methods: { //拍照 takeBodyPhoto(){ this.webVideo.clickCapturePic() }, }, watch: { //拍照弹框展示监听 bodyCaptureDialogShow(newValue){ if(newValue){ this.$nextTick(() => { this.webVideo.init() this.webVideo.clickLogin() }) } }, } //抓拍弹框 .bodyCaptureDialog{ #divPlugin{ width: 800px; height:600px; } }






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