five hundred miles歌词完整版

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five hundred miles歌词完整版

2024-06-30 22:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

If you miss the train I'm on若你错过了我搭乘的那班列车You will know that I am gone那就是我已独自黯然离去You can hear the whistle blow, a hundred miles你听那绵延百里的汽笛A hundred miles, a hundred miles一百里又一百里 载我远去A hundred miles, a hundred miles一百里又一百里 载我远去You can hear the whistle blow, a hundred miles那绵延百里的汽笛会告诉你我离去的讯息Lord, I'm one, Lord I'm two一百里 两百里 渐渐远去Lord, I'm three, Lord I'm four三百里 四百里 再回不去Lord, I'm five hundred miles away from home不知不觉我便已离家五百余里Not a shirt on my back如今我衣衫褴褛Not a penny to my name依旧是一文不名Lord, I can't go back home this away上帝啊 我怎能就这样回到家去This away, this away, this away, this away这般潦倒 这般困顿Lord, I can't go back home, this away这般处境 惨惨戚戚If you miss the train I'm on若那列车开动让我来不及见你you will know that I am gone那就说明我已独自黯然离去You can hear the whistle blow, a hundred miles你听那绵延百里的汽笛A hundred miles, a hundred miles一百里,又一百里A hundred miles, a hundred miles又一百里,再回不去You can hear the whistle blow, a hundred miles你听那绵延百里的汽笛 声渐




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