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2024-05-29 12:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The impossible dribble combinations. The clutch shots. The sneakers. The hardware. Kyrie Irving is the hottest player in the NBA right now. The craziest part? The 24-year-old Cavs PG is only just beginning to find himself.

风骚的运球组合,关键的投篮,战靴和各种篮球装备。凯里-欧文简直就是NBA的当红炸子鸡。最疯狂的地方?这个24岁的骑士队控球后卫才刚刚开始发现自我。 The Cleveland Cavaliers have just wrapped up practice on a bitterly cold Wednesday morning in January in Independence, OH. The snow flurries and biting winds have gotten the best of LeBron James and Kevin Love, both of whom are excused from practice due to flu-like symptoms. 俄亥俄州独立市,一月的一个冷成狗的周三上午,克利夫兰骑士队刚刚结束了合练。皑皑白雪和刺骨寒风使得勒布朗-詹姆斯和凯文-乐福不得不因为类似流感的症状而缺席了训练。 The rest of the Cavs are scattered around the Cleveland Clinic Courts practice facility. Things here are loose and free these days. Tristan Thompson drills free throw after free throw while assistant coach James Posey playfully talks junk beside him. 骑士队其余的球员分散在克利夫兰训练馆的训练设施周围。近来的训练比较轻松和自由:特里斯坦-汤普森在助教詹姆斯-波西的垃圾话的陪伴下练着罚球; Ty Lue and a few members of the coaching staff chat with GM David Griffin in between the two adjacent practice courts. Richard Jefferson and Channing Frye exchange three-pointers with each other and James Jones pours in make after make on a side rim. 在两个相邻的训练场之间,泰伦-卢和教练组的几位成员在与总经理大卫-格里芬聊着天;理查德-杰弗森和钱宁-弗莱交替地投着三分球;詹姆斯-琼斯则在场边的篮筐不停地练习着投篮。 On the far court, Jordan McRae is yelling at RJ and Frye about something—probably teasing them for being old. McRae's working on his floaters with assistant coach Phil Handy. Kyrie Irving is there, too. For five minutes, they go through quick dribble combinations that lead into floaters with either hand. 在远端的球场,乔丹-麦克雷正朝杰弗森和弗莱喊着什么,估计是嘲笑他们已经太老了。麦克雷在助教菲尔-汉迪的帮助下连着自己的抛投,凯里-欧文也在这儿。他们一起练了五分钟快速运球组合后的左右手行进间抛射。 Then Irving leaves the court, ducking through a backdoor. He reappears shortly with three boxes of the Nike Kyrie 3. He gives one to Handy who, on the low, has been rocking the best Kyrie colorways for the last three years. As a Cavs official leads Irving across both courts, the 24-year-old saunters behind, a man with the utmost confidence in himself and all that he's already accomplished. 突然,欧文从后门溜出了球场。很快,他带着三盒Nike Kyrie 3回来了。他拿了其中一盒给菲尔-汉迪,汉迪在过去3年一直悄悄地穿着Kyrie系列最棒的配色。然后,这个对自己和所有已取得的成就有着极度自信的24岁小伙,在骑士官方人员的带领下,慢慢地晃过了两个球场。 The first signs of an evolved Kyrie Irving popped up in the first round of the 2016 playoffs. He averaged 27 per in the Cavs' four-game sweep of the Pistons, which isn't earth-shattering. But he was different. There was a you-ain't-stopping-me vibe bouncing off him that seemed to radiate more and more with each passing bucket. 第一个表明欧文已经变得更强的迹象,是在2016年的季后赛首轮。在骑士横扫活塞的四场比赛里,他场均砍下27分,数据看起来却不怎么惊天动地。但是,他的表现却截然不同。在命中一记记投篮之后,他渐渐地散发出一股无法阻挡的气息。 During those Finals, Irving found a new level. The Warriors targeted Irving on defense each time they matched up against the Cavs. They posted him up, involved him in pick-and-rolls and tried by any means necessary to get him in foul trouble. Then Irving began to fight back. 在那年的总决赛里,欧文上升到了一个新的高度。在每次与骑士对阵时,勇士都会针对欧文的防守。他们背身单打他,让他参与到防挡拆中,以及尝试各种能让欧文陷入犯规麻烦的方式。然后,欧文开始了他的反击。 He punished Stephen Curry with the nastiest moves he had. He wanted Klay Thompson to guard him. LeBron, in all his wisdom, stepped back to let Irving hit his step-back. 他用自己最炫酷的运球击败了斯蒂芬-库里,他本想着是克莱-汤普森来防守自己。与此同时,詹姆斯则聪明地退到一旁,让欧文完成他的后撤步投篮。 "It's well chronicled, LeBron is the captain of this team," the veteran Jones says months after that Game 7 shot. "The best player in the world. He's our best player, but Ky's our most important player. 那球足以载入史册。勒布朗是球队队长,”老将詹姆斯-琼斯在总决赛数月后谈到。“是世界上最好的球员,也是我们最好的球员,但是欧文才是我们最重要的一员,他是全队最有活力的球员。 He's our most dynamic player. When he's locked in, when he's even-keeled, it calms our team. Bron is forceful. Kyrie is calm. He's precision for us. 当他专注于比赛并有着稳定发挥时,我们就知道这场稳了。勒布朗强而有力,欧文则很冷静,他就像是我们的精密仪器一样。 LeBron's the hammer and Kyrie's the chisel. 如果把勒布朗比作强有力的榔头,那欧文就像是用来细细雕刻的小凿子。 Irving and LeBron found common ground to complete the game's most historic comeback and Irving used the game's biggest stage to show how deadly he could be. 欧文和詹姆斯找到了两人间的共同点,携手完成了历史性的逆转。欧文在比赛的关键时刻向人们展现出他的致命性。 "No rocket science, man, we just worked," Coach Handy says of Irving's development. "A lot of people don't know the work we put in. We work on his ballhandling; we work on his footwork; we work on posting up; we work on finishes. 老兄,没啥复杂的,一个字就是干,”助教汉迪在谈到欧文的进步时说到。“很多人都不知道我们付出了多少努力。我们练习球感,脚步,背筐单打,还有最后的出手。 We try to get outside of the box to keep things fresh and creative. We watch film. To his credit, he really bought into it. 我们不拘泥于条条框框,试着让这一切变得新鲜又有创造性。我们也会一起回看比赛录像,他真的享受于此,这他自己讲的。 Irving wasn't always willing to hit the lab with Handy, though. They both say that their relationship goes beyond basketball now, but things didn't start out rosy. 不过欧文之前并非愿意跟汉迪做这些东西。这段关系的开始并非很美妙,但是现在他们的关系早已超越篮球本身。 There was also the influence of one of the game's most legendary—and fundamentally sound—players ever. 其实他们的关系也得益于一位这项运动中最传奇的球员的影响。 Before the Cavs, Handy was on the Lakers' staff, helping Kobe Bryant refine his meticulous footwork. He's still close with Bean, so he orchestrated a meeting between the two. 来骑士任教之前,汉迪在湖人帮助科比-布莱恩特提高他精湛的脚步。他们至今还联系紧密,所以汉迪精心安排了一次欧文与科比的见面。 欧文

"When I first came, I told Kobe, I really would like you to build a relationship with Kyrie. Is it OK if he reaches out? And I encouraged Ky, Look, man, draw from him. Reach out to him. Talk to him.

“当我刚来(骑士任教)的时候,我告诉科比,我很希望你能和欧文能建立起联系,你不介意欧文主动联系你吧?然后我告诉欧文,听着兄弟,去联系科比,向他取取经。 His work ethic, it really grew. He fell in love with working on his game and the success that comes from it. He's taken a lot from Kobe. 在那之后,欧文变得更加职业了。他变得喜欢去提高自己,然后成功自然而然就来了。他真的从科比那里学到了很多。 Thanks to Handy, Irving was able to finally advance the area of his skill set that needed the most help. Now when he dribbles, his feet cut, move and stop exactly where he wants them to. 正是因为汉迪的存在,欧文终于有机会提高自己最需要帮助的部分。现在,当他运球时,他可以随心所欲地控制自己的双脚,控制他们完成切入、移动或者停止。 He has the ability to land on the same spot 10 out of 10 times. His hands move like lightning, but it's the feet that set up his famous crossovers. 他能每次都让它们落在相同的位置。他的双手疾如闪电,但他那些骚到爆的变向其实是靠他的双脚完成的。 This season, Irving's seamlessly made the jump from good to great. His scoring's up to a career-best 24.5 a game and he's shooting 47 percent from the field, also a career-high. He's passing more than ever, too. 本赛季,欧文没毛病般地让自己的跳投更上一层。他在砍下场均24.5分时,也投出了47%的投篮命中率,两项均为职业生涯新高。还有,他比以前传了更多的球。 The sixth-year point guard has layered his offensive game like few others. He's the fifth-best pull-up shooter in the League and in the top-20 for shots from the midrange. 这个六年级的控球后卫让自己的进攻更上一层,没几个人能达到他这种级别。他是联盟里第五好的干拔跳投手,也是最好的二十个中距离得分手之一。 Only four guys have scored more points in isos and only four point guards have scored more from the post than he has. And he's really, really, really clutch. 只有四个人通过单打得到的分比他多,只有四个控卫能在禁区得更多的分。还有,他关键时刻简直太太太稳了。 It sounds crazy. Olympic gold medalist, three-time NBA All-Star and NBA champion Kyrie Irving is still searching for who he is. The former No. 1 overall draft pick and Rookie of the Year had to take some time this summer to find out what he valued in his life. 这听起来很疯狂,奥运会金牌得主,3届NBA全明星,NBA总冠军凯里-欧文还在不断地探索着自己。曾经的状元秀和最佳新秀不得不在这个夏天花点时间来寻找自己的本心。 Once he gets going, Irving can talk for a while. He doesn't hold any punches. 一旦他开始之后,他可以毫无保留地讲很久。 "It all comes from the love that I have for the game," he says. "I love everything about it. I had to realize that about myself. I did a checklist of the reasons why I was playing this game. I was just like, OK, you do it for eventually being MVP. You do it for being an All-Star. You do it for winning a championship. You do it for your teammates. You do it for your family. 他说:“这一切都始于我对比赛的热爱,我爱关于它的一切。我得让自己理解这些,我列了张表,写上是什么原因促使我我一直打球:是为了赢得MVP,是为了成为全明星,是为了赢得总冠军,是为了队友,是为了家庭。” "Then the last thing on the list, I was like, God damn, I do this for the love, man." His voice picks up. “写到这张表上的最后一条时,我才意识到,额滴神啊,我做这一切是因为热爱啊。”欧文提高了声音。 I strictly do it for the love of the game. You gotta love every part. The days you don't want to get up, talking to the media, being able to be accessible to your teammates, trying to become a better leader, lifting early in the morning, getting up, shooting shots, running in the morning. 我完全就是因为对比赛的爱啊,你必须得喜欢它的每一部分。早上不想起床的日子,被媒体采访,容易被队友接近,试着成为更好的领袖,早上去举铁,起床,投篮,晨跑。 You've gotta love every part of it. That's what I've come to find. 你必须喜欢它的每一部分,这就是我所发现的。 "I found that in my quest of figuring out who the fuck I wanted to be," he continues. "Who I am—figuring out who I am as an individual. On that journey along the way, I just had to figure that out. “这个我是在弄清老子到底想成为什么样的人的过程中发现的,”他继续说到。“我是谁——弄清楚我到底是作为什么样的个体。我必须在这个过程中找出答案。 Everything in my life, if I'm not loving to do it, loving to be a great brother to my sister, loving to be a great son to my dad, loving to be a great father for my daughter. I gotta love all those things. So I'm giving it everything that I have inside of me. I had a clear conscience after that." 我得喜欢生活中的所有事,喜欢当我姐姐妹妹的好兄弟,喜欢当一个孝子,喜欢当一个好父亲,我得喜欢这一切。我把我的内心都给了它,我问心无愧。” He laughs when he says that winning a championship gave him a confidence boost—he already had all the confidence in the world. Irving went searching for something after he conquered the NBA last season. Now he knows what makes him happy. And it's making all the difference on the court. 在他说到赢得总冠军是对他信心的一个巨大的提升时,他笑了——他已经获得了世界上所有的信心。在上赛季征服全联盟之后,他试着去寻找本心。现在,他知道了什么能使自己高兴,这也是让他在球场上有所不同的原因。 "I don't try to look too far ahead," Irving says. "I try to live in the truthful moment of every day that I'm living with every person, with everything I'm doing. As long as I stay with that attitude, I feel like I'm in a great place." 我不曾向前看得太远,”欧文说。“我试着活在当下,与每一个人和我做的每一件事,活在每天的现实中。只要我能保持着这种态度,生活一切美好。”





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