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BBC Learning English

2024-07-01 08:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


一位听众想知道形容词 “happy”、“joyful”、“blissful” 和 “cheerful” 之间的区别。这四个词的都能用来形容人是 “开心的、快乐的”,但它们所强调的 “快乐” 程度和种类不同,所以不能随意互换使用。听节目,学习如何准确使用这四个词。


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Jiaying大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目。I'm Jiaying.

GeorgieAnd I'm Georgie. We've got a great question from one of our listeners: 

QuestionI would like to know the difference between 'happy', 'joyful', 'blissful', and 'cheerful', and the corresponding nouns 'happiness', 'joy', 'bliss', and 'cheerfulness'.

GeorgieJiaying. You're looking very cheerful! Why is that? Did you have a good holiday?

JiayingActually, yes. 我刚休假回来,我去了英国乡村放松身心,呼吸新鲜空气,还读了几本好书。It was pure bliss! 真是太幸福了!

GeorgieThat sounds wonderful. The adjectives 'joyful', 'blissful' and 'cheerful' and their corresponding nouns are all synonyms for 'happy' and 'happiness'. They all relate to positive emotions or states that a person experiences. 

Jiaying没错,形容词 “joyful、blissful” 和 “cheerful” 和它们各自对应的名词都是 “happy” 和 “happiness” 的近义词。Georgie, you said I looked 'cheerful'.

GeorgieYes, and that's a clue because 'cheerful' means noticeably happy and optimistic. If a person is cheerful, they might have a smile on their face and have a good, positive attitude. Cheerfulness is the mood of feeling cheerful.

Jiaying是的,形容词 “cheerful” 的意思是 “喜笑颜开的,兴高采烈的”。我们用搭配 “look cheerful” 来形容某人 “看起来是心情愉快的”。“Cheerful” 既可以用来描述一个人当前的心情是 “十分高兴的”,还可以描述一个人平时总是 “乐观向上的,乐呵呵的”。

形容词 “cheerful” 还可以描述事物或场所的环境气氛是 “赏心悦目的,令人愉悦的”。它的名词形式就是 “cheerfulness”。来听两个例句。

ExamplesHer cheerful attitude brightens up the office every day.(她乐观向上的态度使办公室每天都充满了活力。)

The garden looks cheerful now that all those colourful flowers are in bloom.(五颜六色的花朵争芳吐艳,花园看起来赏心悦目。)

Jiaying刚才,我还提到了我的假期是 “pure bliss”。“Bliss” 在这里是什么意思呢? 

Georgie'Bliss' as a noun is a state of perfect happiness and tranquillity. It has a sense of peace and calm.

Jiaying原来,名词 “bliss” 特别用来指 “一种无比幸福、宁静祥和的状态”。我们可以用搭配 “pure bliss”、“total bliss” 或 “sheer bliss” 来指 “一件事情是无比幸福,天大的享受”。

Georgie'Blissful', the adjective, describes the feeling. I bet you felt very blissful reading your book and relaxing outside of the city.

JiayingI did! 名词 “bliss” 的形容词形式 “blissful” 就用来描述某人是 “非常幸福的”。来听两个例句。

ExamplesWe spent a week by the beach, enjoying each other's company in total bliss.(我们在海边呆了一个星期,享受着彼此的陪伴,无比幸福。) 

After a long day at work, it felt blissful to finally lie in my warm and comfy bed.(在漫长的一天工作后,我终于躺在了温暖舒适的床上,感觉非常幸福。)

GeorgieNow, the nouns 'happiness' and 'joy' and their corresponding adjectives 'happy' and 'joyful' are often used interchangeably, but can you help us with their subtle differences, Jiaying?

JiayingSure! 名词 “happiness” 和 “joy” 以及形容词 “happy” 和 “joyful” 是近义词,所以通常可以互换使用。“Happy” 既可以描述 “一个人长期的状态是快乐的”,也可以描述 “对一件最近发生的事情是感到高兴的”。听两个例句。 

ExamplesDespite all the challenges in life, I can truthfully say that I'm happy.(尽管生活中有种种挑战,但我可以诚实地说我很快乐。)

Charlie was happy today because his Mum put his favourite snack in his lunchbox.(查理今天很高兴,因为他妈妈在他的午餐盒里放了他最喜欢的零食。)

Jiaying来对比一下 “happiness” 和 “joy” 的区别。名词 “joy” 既可以指 “暂时的喜悦之情”,也可以指 “长久的幸福感”。但相比之下,“joy” 指的 “喜悦” 的程度要比 “happiness” 更强烈。

GeorgieUnlike 'happiness', 'joy' can also be used as a countable noun to mean a person or thing that causes happiness. Something or someone can be 'a joy'.

Jiaying“Joy” 可以作可数名词使用,而名词 “happiness” 则不能。“A joy” 指 “一个令人高兴的人或一件乐事”。听两个例句。 

ExamplesThe birth of their daughter filled the entire family with joy.(他们女儿的出生使整个家庭充满了欢乐。) 

She's a total joy to work with.(和她共事很愉快。)

Jiaying总结一下:名词 “happiness” 的意思是 “快乐,幸福”,它的用法较为广泛。名词 “bliss” 和 “joy” 都属于 “happiness” 的一种,但 “bliss” 和 “joy” 所指的 “快乐” 的程度要更强烈。同时,只有名词 “bliss” 能够特别强调 “一种宁静祥和的幸福感”。名词 “cheerfulness” 指 “兴高采烈的情绪或状态”。

GeorgieRemember, if you have a question about the English language you'd like to ask us, please send us an email. Our email address is: [email protected]

Bye, everyone!





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