
您所在的位置:网站首页 很高兴的英语单词怎么说 各种笑的英文表达(附男神示范)[1]


2024-07-03 05:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1 smile 微笑

Smile是一个概括性的表述(general term),可以表达各种心情愉悦的笑容。注意,它只表达面部表情(facial expression),不包括笑声(vocal expression)。



the corners of your mouth curve up 嘴角上扬

you sometimes show your teeth 有时露出牙齿


being pleased, amused,or friendly 愉悦、被逗乐,或者友好


When Jensen saw me, he smiled and winked at me. 詹森见到我时,笑着朝我眨了眨眼。

2 laugh 出声的笑

Laugh也是一个general term,但有发出笑声的含义,它可以是各种笑声和笑容的组合。



The mouth is opened a bit more to let air in and out, the voice is then heard. 嘴张得稍大一些,气流进出,声音可闻。

While laughing, the body also makes slight shaking movements. Laugh的时候,身体可能也会跟着轻轻颤抖。


happy or amused 开心,被逗乐

People also sometimes laugh when they feel nervous or are being unfriendly. 人们在感觉紧张或者不友好的时候,也有可能大笑出声。


Hiddleston gave a deep rumbling laugh at his own joke. 抖森对自己讲的笑话报以朗声大笑。

3 beam 笑容满面



you have a big smile on your face 脸上绽开大大的笑容

smile radiantly 灿烂的笑容


You are happy, pleased, or proud about something. 你因为某些事而感觉到幸福、愉悦、骄傲。


a beaming face 笑容满面

Joseph's entire face beamed with happiness. 囧瑟夫的脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。

4 grin 露齿而笑



smile broadly and show teeth 咧嘴笑,露出牙齿

turning up the corners of the mouth 嘴角上扬


usually shows pleasure or amusement 通常表达愉快、开心的心情

has mischievous hidden connotations 带些淘气的意味


Benedict was grinning like an idiot when telling his mum that he had been nominated for an Oscar. 卷福告诉妈妈他被提名奥斯卡的时候,笑得像个傻瓜。

5 smirk 得意地笑



an asymetric smile, with one corner of the mouth turned up 非对称的笑容,一边嘴角上翘


smugness or scorn 得意或轻蔑


Sherlock deduced the man's occupation in 5 seconds and smirked. 夏洛克5秒钟就推理出这人的职业,他得意一笑。




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