196.Howoldareyou?你多大了?197.I’mtwenty-oneyearsold.我21岁了。198.Mybrotherisnotquitetwenty-five.我哥哥不到25岁。199.Johnisn" />


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2024-07-09 14:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


196. How old are you?你多大了?

197. I’m twenty-one years old.我21岁了。

198. My brother is not quite twenty-five.我哥哥不到25岁。

199. John is not forty-five yet, is he?约翰没有45岁,不是吗?

200. Mr. Smith is still in his fifties.史密斯先生还五十来岁了。

201. I'm two years older than you are.我比你大两岁。

202. My brother is two years younger than I am.我的弟弟比我小两岁。

203. How many are there in your family?你有几个家庭成员?

204. There are seven of us altogether.我们总共有七个。

205. My sister is the oldest.我姐姐是最大的。

206. I'm the youngest.我是最小的。

207. Guess how old I am.猜猜我多大了。

208. I'd say you're about twenty-three.我想你大概23岁吧。

209. I was thirty on my last birthday.我已经过了30岁了。

210. I'm going to be sixty-one next Tuesday. 下周我将要满61岁了。

相关热点: 英语口语练习 美国英语 大学英语四级




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