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2024-07-07 20:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

You've heard plenty of advice on how to do more in less time, for example, you should wake up early to become more productive, or you shouldn’t check your email first thing in the morning. Here are some useful tips to improve your productivity. They may very well change the way you work!你已经听过大量的关于怎样工作才能事半功倍的建议了,比如为了提高效率你应该早起,或者你不该在早上头一件事就检查电子邮件。以下有一些实用的建议能够帮助你提高工作效率。这几招很可能会改变你一贯的工作方式!

1.Use a Post-It Wisely巧用便签

"Use a post-it note to record the 3 most important things I can do on that particular day. The post-it note is beneficial because it has a size constraint."“使用便签记下具体哪天要做的最重要的3件事情。小巧的便签是非常好用的。”

2.List Your Tasks on a Whiteboard工作任务列白板上

"Use a whiteboard to list all of the tasks that are mine to accomplish. After . . . delegating out tasks, I put mine on a white board. Usually this is 10-15 tasks."“在白板上列出所有我要完成的工作任务。完成一项删除一项,我自己就是这么做的,我把我的工作任务列在白板上,通常列出10-15项工作任务。”

3.Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize重要的工作先做

"Prioritize the most important task you need to get done (often the one you are putting off). It is critical to set objectives before working."“最重要的工作要先完成(有的人通常习惯把重要的工作推迟后做)。在开始投入工作之前,要设定好目标这一点非常重要。”

4.Like a Boss像老板一样指派任务

"Delegate (LIKE A BOSS). When you enjoy what you do you will find yourself being much more productive. If you really suck at doing something, chances are there is someone out there that can probably do it for less than $5 per hr. Check out , , etc."“像老板一样指派任务。当你对自己所做的工作感觉很享受的时候,你就会发现自己的工作效率非常之高。如果你真的不想自己做,那么把机会让给别人,有人可能会愿意以不到5美元/小时的高效率出色完成,你可以在、、等网站上找人来做。”

5.Silence Is Golden沉默是金

"Set iPhone in Do Not Disturb Mode. New feature in iOS 6 that turns off vibrate and all sounds."“把iPhone手机设置为不打扰模式。新版本的iOS 6系统能关掉振动和所有声音。”

6.Bunch Up Your Emails处理邮件

"Batch Your Email (When people are unlikely to respond right away). Email is one of the biggest time wasters. Stay away unless it is absolutely critical to your previously set objectives. Remember that the more emails you send throughout the day, the more you receive. It's a vicious cycle."“分批处理邮件(把不可能立即回复的邮件进行分批处理)。邮件是最浪费时间的工作之一,重要的邮件除外,其它的邮件做分批处理。记住:你发送出去的邮件越多,收到的邮件就越多,收发邮件属于恶性循环。”

"I batch emails at night or early in the morning when people are less likely to respond right away. It is amazing how fast you can blow through a few hundred emails when you are not replying to instant responses and can move on to other tasks."“对于不大可能立即回复的邮件进行分批处理。对于数百封并不立即回复的邮件,你浏览邮件的速度越快,你开始下一项工作的速度就越快。”

7.Obviously a Smartphone Email手机邮件,一目了然

"Add 'sent from my iPhone' to all email accounts signatures. This way people don't get upset with you for keeping your emails brief and getting right to the point."“我用iPhone手机发送的所有邮件都添加签名。你的邮件内容一定要简洁明了直奔主题,这样人们才不会对你的邮件感到厌烦没耐心读完。”

8.Give Yourself a Break放空自己,休息一下

"Take a break when you are not being productive anymore. For me I have a really short attention span, and I notice a significant fall off in productivity after about an hour or so of work. Take a break. Go for a walk, do something else, etc . . . then get back to work!"“工作效率不高的时候就选择休息一下。我自己的注意力集中时间真的有些短,工作一小时后,工作效率就低了。休息一下,出去散散步,去做做别的事儿,然后,再回来继续工作!”

9.Listen to Music聆听音乐

"Not all music is the same when it comes to being productive. Try out different genres of music and see what works for you.提高工作效率的音乐并不全是一样的。尝试听一下各种类型、各种风格、各种流派的音乐,这样你才能找到适合你用来提高工作效率的音乐。




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