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摘要A Chinese-English Political Glossary in Chinese Documents and Media (2019)



a social governance system led by Party committees and implemented by the government, based on consultation, coordination, broad participation and the rule of law, and supported by technologies文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/9890.html




to explore a new path of high-quality development giving priority to ecological conservation and green development文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/9890.html




to launch a pilot scheme of lump-sum project-funding文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/9890.html



to give full play to private sci-tech enterprises in innovation



to improve the technology market



to make a systematic strategic layout of science and technology



to strengthen strategic research and forward-looking deployment concerning major innovation



to improve the mechanism for collaborative innovation among enterprises, universities and research institutions



to build major innovation bases and platforms



to restructure the system of key national laboratories



World Intelligence Congress (WIC)



sensor network



brain science



to boost healthy development of the new generation of artificial intelligence




a new round of scientific and technological revolutions and industrial transformations led by artificial intelligence



a regulatory system for ethics in science and technology



to build up China’s strategic capacity in science and technology



scientific and technological innovation as the driving force



to consolidate the progress in poverty alleviation and build a better home



to take solid steps in rural vitalization



to carry forward the spirit of “constant dripping water wearing away a stone” to work with patience and perseverance



to help old revolutionary base areas and former central Soviet areas eliminate poverty and achieve moderate prosperity



the most impoverished three regions and three prefectures: The “three regions” are Tibet, the Tibetan ethnic areas of Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces, and the four prefectures in southern Xinjiang (Hotan, Aksu, Kashi and Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture); the “three prefectures” are the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan and Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu.



to implement policy decisions designed to ease the burdens at the community level



paired-up assistance between the east and the west




Poverty alleviation duties, policies, assistance, and oversight will continue after poor counties are removed from the poverty list.



to make concrete and solid efforts in poverty alleviation for practical results



to provide subsistence allowances to the poor to meet their basic needs



poverty elimination through education




to compensate impoverished residents for eco-environmental protection




relocation of rural poor for poverty alleviation



to eliminate poverty through developing the local economy



CPC secretaries at five levels are all responsible for poverty alleviation.



to eliminate regional poverty



four key issues in poverty alleviation – who needs help, who provides help, how to help, and how to be removed from the poverty list



to help those in need and deliver genuine assistance



to continue poverty alleviation policy support for counties that have been removed from the poverty list



to make greater efforts in the fight against corruption and misconduct in poverty alleviation



Local Party organizations should play a crucial role in leading the residents out of poverty and toward prosperity.




paired-up assistance, and those who have become better-off help those still lagging behind



to establish long-term mechanisms for eradicating relative poverty




to be good soldiers of the new era




the 13th Five-Year Plan for the development of the military




the strategy of strengthening the military




reform on military policies and institutions




reform on national defense and the military




the principle of ultimate responsibility resting with the chairman of the Central Military Commission




We should adhere to mutual respect, the concept of win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, and gradually eliminate differences by baking a bigger cake of cooperation.




The development of history, the prosperity of civilization, and the progress of mankind can never be separated from the guidance of thought.




We should pursue a model of dynamic growth driven by innovation, a model of cooperation featuring coordination and connectivity, open and win-win, and a model of development based on fairness, inclusiveness, balance and benefits for all.




We must discard Cold-War and zero-sum mentalities, reject the Law of the Jungle, seek peace and promote safety through cooperation, and insist on settling disputes through peaceful means.




It is necessary to adhere to the correct concept of justice and interests, put righteousness first, uphold justice while pursuing shared interests, and build a global partnership that shares the common future.




We must put mutual respect and mutual trust in the first place, make good use of dialogue and consultation, and seek common ground while shelving and narrowing differences.




Upholding the principle that global affairs should be settled by the people of the world through consultation, and actively advancing the democratization of global governance rules.




All countries should regard taking part in world affairs as their own duty and actively take actions rather than being onlookers.




China and Germany are not competitors, let alone rivals. And seeking win-win results through cooperation is the major concern in developing China-Germany relations.




Working together for mutual benefit and win-win results is the only correct choice to solve global problems of all kinds.




We should not only smooth the “main channel” of inter-governmental cooperation but also enhance the “trickle” of non-governmental exchanges.




To make the China-France relations strong, mutual political trust is the key, pragmatic cooperation is the inevitable route, and friendship between the two peoples is the foundation.




By learning from history, we can draw lessons to guide today’s actions and move forward to a better future.




Today, the Belt and Road Initiative has become a “meticulous painting” jointly done by countries along the routes.




When we evaluate a country, we should not just look at its size, but we need to consider its cultural impacts and its impetus in advancing human civilization.​




China’s reform and opening up have gone through the course of 40 years, and the door of opening up will be even wider in the future.




We should remain committed, stay true to our value, and adhere to independence and mutual respect.




In our understanding, time cannot be measured in ten years or a hundred years, but in hundreds of years or thousands of years.




Located at both ends of the ancient Silk Road, it is perfectly natural for China and Italy to advance cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.



The Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation




to promote innovation cooperation and people-to-people ties along the Belt and Road



integration of independence and opening up to the outside world




to remain unshakable and becoming even firmer as time goes by, and being so valuable that we would not exchange it even for gold




a good neighbor who won’t move away, and a true partner who can’t be separated




to enhance exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations




the mutually beneficial cooperation of countries around the world




the Asia-Pacific community with a shared future




the China-LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) community with a shared future




the China-Africa community with a shared future




the independent foreign policy of peace




the BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution








to push for reform of the global economic governance system




A burgeoning round of technological revolution and industrial transformation has taken place.




to pursue greater development prospects through openness and innovation




emerging markets




to stay open and inclusive and draw on each other’s strengths




for the best of Asian civilizations to spread and be better known in the world




Countries will work together to promote economic globalization and make it more open, inclusive, balanced, and beneficial to all.




an open and better-connected Asia




common prosperity in Asia




peace and stability across Asia




The world today is moving toward greater multi-polarity, economic globalization, and cultural diversity, and is becoming increasingly information-oriented.




extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits




to promote mutual learning through people-to-people exchanges




The Paris Agreement (on climate change)




multilateral trading system








to pursue greater development prospects through openness and innovation




hegemonism and power politics




to foster a security environment of peace and stability



deficit of trust




deficit of development




deficit of governance












the UN-centered international system




No challenge will hold back China’s development.




China will not give ground on issues of principle.




Consultation involves working toward the same goal in good faith.




Consultations should be based on mutual respect, equality, and mutual benefit.




the Belt and Road multi-currency special lending




a global partnership on connectivity




to strengthen policy coordination and build closer partnerships




to boost connectivity to explore new sources of growth




to increase support to least developed countries




The Chinese market is such a big one that you should all come and see what it can offer.




China will only become more and more open.




a global community of shared future / a global community with a shared future / a community of shared future for humanity / a community of shared future for mankind




a new form of international relations / a new model of international relations




an approach to global governance based on extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits




to reform and develop the global governance system




The Yellow River basin constitutes an important ecological barrier in China.




to keep the Yellow River harnessed




to promote the economical and intensive utilization of water resources




We all – each and every one of us – have a responsibility for green development. Its entire success hinges on our commitment and actions.



to make our skies blue again




to win the battle of pollution prevention and control




to strengthen ecosystem protection




to maintain the strategic focus on developing eco-civilization


​防治土地荒漠化 推动绿色发展


to combat desertification and promote green development




the vision of green development




global endeavor for eco-civilization




a philosophy that cares for nature




Environmental improvement means greater productivity.




to control the total amount and intensity of energy consumption




to build a nature reserves system centering on national parks




to develop marine eco-civilization




orderly development and utilization of marine resources




to strengthen prevention and control of marine pollution




to protect marine biodiversity




blue partnership




an accountability system for eco-environmental protection




a national park system




a system for ecological conservation and restoration




a system for waste sorting and recycling




a system for efficient utilization of resources




an eco-indemnity system




ecological revitalization




a holistic approach to protecting and restoring mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands




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