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中国日报网 2022-02-18 15:55

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1. 中国代表团刷新冬奥最佳战绩

2. 第二轮'双一流'高校建设扩容

3. 今年开展第三次全国土壤普查

4. 国际奥委会高度赞赏北京冬奥会疫情防控

5. 全球首位女性艾滋病治愈者出现


1. 冬奥最佳战绩

new Winter Olympic record


Free ski talent Gu Ailing eased to top podium of her odds-on halfpipe at the Beijing 2022 on Friday, which is her second gold medal for host China.


此次夺冠意味着谷爱凌成为了在一届奥运会上,首位获得3枚自由式滑雪项目奖牌的运动员(the first freeski athlete to medal in three events in a single Games)。此前,她曾拿到了自由式滑雪女子大跳台金牌,以及自由式滑雪女子坡面障碍技巧银牌(she was also the gold medallist in big air and the silver medallist in slopestyle at Beijing 2022)。

截至2月18日11时30分,中国体育代表团已在北京冬奥会上获得8金4银2铜,奖牌总数达到14枚,刷新冬奥历史最佳战绩(With a total of 14 medals, including eight gold, four silver and two bronze, China set its new Winter Olympic record),暂列奖牌榜第四。中国此前的最好成绩出现在2010年温哥华冬奥会上,当时中国队共获得11枚奖牌——5枚金牌、2枚银牌和4枚铜牌。


自由式滑雪女子U型场地技巧 women's freeski halfpipe

自由式滑雪女子坡面障碍技巧 women'sfreeski slopestyle

自由式滑雪女子大跳台 women's freestyle skiing big air

单板滑雪男子大跳台 men's snowboard big air

自由式滑雪男子空中技巧 freeski men's aerials


2. “双一流”

“double world-class project”


The second list of universities and disciplines included in the "double world-class project” was released by the ministries of education and finance and the National Development and Reform Commission on Monday.


第二轮“双一流”建设高校及建设学科名单(the second list of universities and disciplines included in the "double world-class project”)共147所高校入选。根据首轮监测数据和成效评价(based on the monitoring statistics, results, and evaluation of the previous stage),教育部、财政部、国家发展改革委按照“总体稳定,优化调整”的原则,经过“双一流”建设专家委员会研究,确定了新一轮建设高校及学科范围。第二轮“双一流”名单中新增了山西大学、湘潭大学、南京医科大学等7所高校。

首轮“双一流”建设2016年启动至2020年结束(initiated in 2016, the first round of the project was completed by the end of 2020)。教育部学位管理与研究生教育司司长洪大用称,既要充分肯定首轮建设取得的阶段性成绩,也要充分认识到“双一流”建设进展成效同我国综合国力和国际地位还不相匹配(that progress in building world-class universities has yet to match the country's comprehensive strength and international status),同经济社会发展对人才的多样化需求相比还有不小差距(lag behind in meeting the needs of social and economic development and creating a diversified talent pool)。


高等教育 higher education

高质量教育体系 high-quality education system

中国特色世界一流大学 world-class universities with Chinese characteristics

“双一流”建设高校及学科 universities and disciplines included in the "double world-class project"


3. 全国土壤普查

national soil census


The State Council, China's cabinet, has decided to conduct the third national soil condition census from 2022 to 2025, according to a circular released Wednesday. The census will target soil of arable land, garden plot, forest land, grassland and other agricultural lands around the country including some unused land, the circular noted.


《关于开展第三次全国土壤普查的通知》强调,遵循全面性、科学性、专业性原则,全面查明查清我国土壤类型及分布规律、土壤资源现状及变化趋势(find out soil types and distribution around the country, as well as current status and changing trends of soil resources),真实准确掌握土壤质量、性状和利用状况等基础数据(acquire basic data such as soil quality, properties and utilization status),提升土壤资源保护和利用水平(improve protection and utilization of soil resources),为守住耕地红线、优化农业生产布局、确保国家粮食安全奠定坚实基础,为加快农业农村现代化、全面推进乡村振兴、促进生态文明建设提供有力支撑。


粮食安全 food security

耕地保护制度 farmland protection system

农业农村现代化 modernization of agriculture and rural areas

乡村振兴 rural vitalization


4. 疫情防控

COVID-19 prevention and control


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has highly praised the pandemic prevention and control at the Games.


国际奥委会新闻发言人马克·亚当斯表示:“我认为有时我们都忘了我们依然处于新冠病毒大流行期(in the middle of a global pandemic)。我们正在非常成功地举办世界上最复杂的国际比赛或活动之一(we are hosting probably one of the most complex international competitions or events in the world very successfully)。比赛还没有结束,我们不能自满。”他还称:“我们现在正在确保每个人都能安全离开。这也是一个巨大的后勤挑战(a huge logistical challenge)。我要向我们的中国朋友和同事们致敬(take my hat off to our Chinese friends and colleagues),他们做得真的非常棒。”

北京冬奥组委疫情防控办公室副主任黄春认为,冬奥会疫情防控成功得益于防疫手册中科学实用的防疫措施(attribute the effective control to scientific and practical countermeasures introduced in the Playbook),得益于对防疫措施及时的调整(timely adjustment on the countermeasures),也得益于相关人员的充分配合。黄春表示:“现在报告的阳性病例非常少,我们正在采取非常严格的防疫措施。冬奥会仍在进行,我们对此持乐观态度,但仍然需要小心谨慎。防疫成功意味着冬奥会的成功(the success of the countermeasures means the success of the Games)。”


天气预警系统 weather forecasting system

闭环管理 closed-loop management

新冠疫情防控联络官 COVID-19 liaison officers

减少接触 minimize physical interaction

检测、追踪与隔离 test, trace and isolate


5. 女性艾滋病治愈者

woman cured of HIV infection


A patient with leukemia in the United States has become the first woman to be cured of HIV infection after receiving a stem cell transplant from a donor who was naturally resistant to the virus that causes AIDS, reported researchers on Tuesday.


这名女性现年64岁,2013年被诊断出感染了HIV,四年后被诊断出患有急性髓性白血病(acute myeloid leukemia)。她是首批接受使用脐带血(umbilical cord blood)这种新型移植方法的人之一。自2017年8月接受移植手术以来,她的白血病就得到了缓解(in remission)。移植三年后,医生停止了她的艾滋病毒治疗(potent HIV treatments)。此后14个月内,血液测试显示,她体内没有任何感染艾滋病病毒的迹象(free of the virus)。

国际艾滋病协会当选主席莎朗·莱文发表声明称,这是目前第三例艾滋病患者在类似情况下被治愈的报告,也是首例女性患者报告(This is now the third report of a cure in this setting, and the first in a woman living with HIV)。莱文表示,虽然骨髓干细胞移植(bone marrow transplants)并不是治疗大多数艾滋病毒感染者的可行策略。但它确实为我们展示了艾滋病是可以被治愈的(a cure for HIV is possible),同时也加强了使用基因疗法作为治疗HIV(gene therapy as a viable strategy for an HIV cure)想法的可行性。


世界艾滋病日 World AIDS Day

性传播 sexual transmission

血液传播 blood-borne transmission

母婴传播 mother-to-child transmission

抗逆转录病毒治疗 antiretroviral therapy






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