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2023-02-18 01:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


为何自己动手撸了一个呢,不使用流行的Retrofit+RxJava + OkHttp 方式。首先是因为对RxJava不了解,在平常项目中没有使用过,其次就为了一个网络框架引入RxJava RxAndroid 等,得不尝试,增加apk体积。以上观点仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷。



使用 compile 'com.lishang.http:LSHttp:1.0.1' 支持以下操作 get请求 post表单、json 上传(单文件或多文件,支持进度监听) 下载(断点下载) 页面销毁时自动取消请求 自定义转换器,默认提供了StringCallBack,JsonCallBack

看到这里有些小伙伴就要说了,put、delete、head、options、trace、patch 这些请求为何不支持呢?这里分实话假话,实话就是水平有限我不会,工作了几年了没有用过。假话就是,在实际开发中Get/Post两种请求就可以满足99%的场景了。当然如果你的业务需求要用到的话,也可以继承BaseRequest,实现generateRequest方法就可以了。

各位大佬注意了,接下来就要开始介绍使用方法了 配置 在Application里面: LSHttp.init(this); //初始化,使用默认配置 //配置自己的OkHttpClient OkHttpClient mClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder() .writeTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .readTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .connectTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .addInterceptor(new LSHttpLoggingInterceptor().setLevel(LSHttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY)) //其它配置 .build(); LSHttp.init(this, mClient) .showLog(true) //是否显示日志 .addHeader("key", "value") //全局添加header .addHeaders(map) //添加多个headers .baseUrl(""); //baseurl baseUrl说明:


如何做到Activity、Fragment销毁,请求自动取消 execute(this); //this表示Activity或者Fragment execute(); //不传 Activity或者Fragment,在页面销毁时请求不会取消 CallBack介绍,打交道最多的,最终请求数据都会回到CallBack,默认提供了两种CallBack: StringCallBack 请求返回字符串 .callback(new StringCallBack(){ @Override public void onSuccess(String string) { Log.e("onSuccess", string); } @Override public void onFail(LSHttpException e) { } }); JsonCallBack 返回实体类 内部使用了Gson .callback(new JsonCallBack(){ @Override public void onSuccess(JsonData data) { Log.e("onSuccess", data.toString()); } @Override public void onFail(LSHttpException e) { } }); 如果StringCallBack和JsonCallBack不能满足你的使用,还可以自定义转换器,需要三步: 1.定义接口,继承ResponseCallBack public interface BitmapCallBack extends ResponseCallBack { void onSuccess(Bitmap bitmap); } 2.创建Class,实现接口IConvertResponse public class BitmapConvertResponse implements IConvertResponse { BitmapCallBack callBack; @Override public void convert(Response response) { InputStream inputStream = response.body().byteStream();//得到图片的流 final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream); //子线程中 LSHttp.getInstance().runOnMainThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (callBack != null) { callBack.onSuccess(bitmap); } } }); } @Override public void setCallBack(ResponseCallBack callBack) { this.callBack = (BitmapCallBack) callBack; } } 3.请求 LSHttp.get("") .convert(new BitmapConvertResponse()) .callback(new BitmapCallBack() { @Override public void onSuccess(Bitmap bitmap) { if (bitmap != null) { mImage.setImageBitmap(bitmap); } } @Override public void onFail(LSHttpException e) { } }).execute(this); 4.如何知道,请求是onSuccess或onFail @Override public void onResponse(Call call, final Response response) throws IOException { if (response.isSuccessful()) { //请求成功 onConvertCallBack(response); } else { runOnMainThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (callBack != null) { callBack.onFail(new LSHttpException(LSHttpException.ERROR.HTTP_ERROR, "请求失败,服务器开小差...", response.code())); } } }); } removeLifecycle(obj, call); }

response.isSuccessful() 判断服务端返回的status是否在200~300,如果是,进行onConvertCallBack,将结果转化成对应的数据。



public void onConvertCallBack(final Response response) { //用户是否需要自定义Convert if (convertResponse != null) { convertResponse.setCallBack(callBack); convertResponse.convert(response); } else if (callBack != null) { if (callBack instanceof JsonCallBack) { JsonConvertResponse convertResponse = new JsonConvertResponse(); convertResponse.setCallBack(callBack); convertResponse.convert(response); } else { StringConvertResponse convertResponse = new StringConvertResponse(); convertResponse.setCallBack(callBack); convertResponse.convert(response); } } } 如何发起一个请求呢? //请求方法,get/post/json/download/multipart .xxx()//不同请求支持的方法 .addHeader(key,value)//添加header .addHeaders(map)//添加多个header .tag(tag)//指定tag,用于取消 .convert(IConvertResponse)//转换器,使用方法上面有介绍 .callback(ResponseCallBack)//请求回调 .execute(null/Activity/Fragment);//开始执行,传入Activity和Fragment,就会在页面销毁时自动取消请求 Get请求 LSHttp.get("wxarticle/chapters/json") .callback(new JsonCallBack() { @Override public void onFail(LSHttpException e) { mText.setText("请求失败:\n" + e.message); } @Override public void onSuccess(JsonData data) { Log.e("onSuccess", data.toString()); mText.setText("请求成功:\n" + data.toString()); } }).execute(); Post请求 //表单请求 application/x-www-form-urlencoded"user/login") .addParams("username", "xxxx") //请求参数 .addParams("password", "xxxxx") .callback(new StringCallBack() { @Override public void onSuccess(String string) { Log.e("onSuccess", string); mText.setText("请求成功:\n" + string); } @Override public void onFail(LSHttpException e) { mText.setText("请求失败:\n" + e.message); } }).execute(); //json请求 json application/json; charset=utf-8 LSHttp.json("") .setJson(json) //json字符串 .callback(new StringCallBack() { @Override public void onSuccess(String string) { Log.e("onSuccess", string); mText.setText("请求成功:\n" + string); } @Override public void onFail(LSHttpException e) { mText.setText("请求失败:\n" + e.message); } }).execute(); 下载 String url = ""; String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/abcd/apk.apk";"down").callback(new DownloadCallBack() { @Override public void onStart() { Log.e("onStart", "开始下载"); mTxtResult.setText("开始下载..."); } @Override public void onLoading(int progress) { Log.e("onLoading", "下载中" + progress); mProgressHorizontal.setProgress(progress); mTxtProgress.setText("" + progress + "%"); } @Override public void onSuccess(String path) { Log.e("onSuccess", "下载成功" + path); mTxtResult.setText("下载成功" + path); } @Override public void onFail(LSHttpException e) { mTxtResult.setText("请求失败:\n" + e.message); } }).execute(DownloadActivity.this); //取消下载 LSHttp.cancel("down"); 上传 //替换成自己的 String url = ""; String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); LSHttp.multipart(url).addFile("image_1", new File(path + "/123.jpg")) .addFile("image_2", new File(path + "/456.jpg")) .addHeader("Authorization", "3c4dfe6f7a7caaa7ccca39ec157554f5") .progress(new UploadCallBack() { @Override public void onLoading(int progress) { mProgressHorizontal.setProgress(progress); mTxtProgress.setText("" + progress + "%"); } }) .callback(new StringCallBack() { @Override public void onSuccess(String string) { Log.e("onSuccess", string); mTxtResult.setText("请求成功:\n" + string); } @Override public void onFail(LSHttpException e) { mTxtResult.setText("请求失败:\n" + e.message); } }).execute(UploadFragment.this);

上传下载需要读写权限,推荐 LSPermissions

如何扩展请求,例如put请求 1.继承BaseRequest public class PutRequest extends BaseRequest { @Override public Request generateRequest(Request.Builder builder) { return builder.put(requestbody).build(); } } 2.执行 new PutRequest().url() .xxx() .xxx() .execute();


源码 BaseRequest


public abstract class BaseRequest { protected OkHttpClient mClient; protected LSHttpActivityLifecycleCallBacks lifecycleCallBacks; protected String url; //请求url protected Map headers = new HashMap(); //请求头参数 protected String tag;//请求tag protected ResponseCallBack callBack;//请求回调 protected IConvertResponse convertResponse; //用于自定义转换器 public BaseRequest() { mClient = LSHttp.getInstance().getClient(); lifecycleCallBacks = LSHttp.getInstance().getLifecycleCallBacks(); } public ResponseCallBack getCallBack() { return callBack; } //添加请求header public T addHeader(String key, String value) { headers.put(key, value); return (T) this; } //添加多个header public T addHeaders(Map map) { if (map != null) { headers.putAll(map); } return (T) this; } //url public T url(String url) { this.url = url; return (T) this; } //tag public T tag(String tag) { this.tag = tag; return (T) this; } //请求结果返回 public T callback(ResponseCallBack callBack) { this.callBack = callBack; return (T) this; } //转换器 public T convert(IConvertResponse convertResponse) { this.convertResponse = convertResponse; return (T) this; } //创建headers public Headers createHeaders() { Headers.Builder builder = new Headers.Builder(); for (String key : headers.keySet()) { builder.add(key, headers.get(key)); } return; } //构建基础request.builder public Request.Builder request() { Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder() .url(url) .tag(tag) .headers(createHeaders()); return builder; } //用于定制request 差异 public abstract Request generateRequest(Request.Builder builder); //异步执行网络请求 public void execute() { execute(null); } //异步执行网络请求 obj 支持Activity、Fragment public void execute(final Object obj) { checkUrl(); OkHttpClient client = mClient; Call call = client.newCall(generateRequest(request())); //与当前Acitivy、Fragment绑定关系 bindLifecycle(obj, call); call.enqueue(new Callback() { @Override public void onFailure(Call call, final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (call.isCanceled()) { System.out.println("call is canceled"); return; } runOnMainThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (callBack != null) { callBack.onFail(LSHttpException.handleException(e)); } } }); //请求结束,移除绑定关系 removeLifecycle(obj, call); } @Override public void onResponse(Call call, final Response response) throws IOException { if (response.code() == 200) { //请求成功 if (convertResponse != null) { convertResponse.setCallBack(callBack); convertResponse.convert(response); } else if (callBack != null) { if (callBack instanceof JsonCallBack) { JsonConvertResponse convertResponse = new JsonConvertResponse(); convertResponse.setCallBack(callBack); convertResponse.convert(response); } else { StringConvertResponse convertResponse = new StringConvertResponse(); convertResponse.setCallBack(callBack); convertResponse.convert(response); } } } else { runOnMainThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (callBack != null) { callBack.onFail(new LSHttpException(LSHttpException.ERROR.HTTP_ERROR, "请求失败,服务器开小差..." + response.code())); } } }); } //请求结束,移除绑定关系 removeLifecycle(obj, call); } }); } //检查url是否合法 public void checkUrl() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(this.url)) { throw new NullPointerException("url is null"); } String baseUrl = LSHttp.getInstance().getBaseUrl(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(baseUrl)) { Uri uri = Uri.parse(url); if ("http".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme()) || "https".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { } else { url = baseUrl + url; } } } //运行到主线程 public void runOnMainThread(Runnable runnable) { LSHttp.getInstance().runOnMainThread(runnable); } //绑定Activity、Fragment public void bindLifecycle(Object obj, Call call) { if (lifecycleCallBacks != null && obj != null) { if (obj instanceof Activity || obj instanceof Fragment) lifecycleCallBacks.put(obj.getClass().getName(), call); } } //移除绑定 public void removeLifecycle(Object obj, Call call) { if (lifecycleCallBacks != null && obj != null) { lifecycleCallBacks.remove(obj.getClass().getName(), call); } } public OkHttpClient getClient() { return mClient; } public LSHttpActivityLifecycleCallBacks getLifecycleCallBacks() { return lifecycleCallBacks; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public Map getHeaders() { return headers; } public String getTag() { return tag; } public IConvertResponse getConvertResponse() { return convertResponse; } } IConvertResponse


public interface IConvertResponse { /** * 转换 * @param response */ void convert(Response response); /** * 回调 * @param callBack */ void setCallBack(ResponseCallBack callBack); } ResponseCallBack

和上面的 IConvertResponse 配合使用,只定义了失败方法,成功方法根据转换自己定义对应的Success

public interface ResponseCallBack { void onFail(LSHttpException e); }

LSHttpException,定义了些常见的错误处理,在三种情况下会收到 1-请求失败在如,SockteTimeOutException,等IO异常时,即OkHttp返回onFailure。 2-请求成功,但是服务端返回http status 不在200300之间,如404,500 3-请求成功,并且http status在200300之间,但是convert时出错。

public class LSHttpException extends Exception { /** * 约定异常 */ public static class ERROR { /** * 未知错误 */ public static final int UNKNOWN = 1000; /** * 连接超时 */ public static final int TIMEOUT_ERROR = 1001; /** * 空指针错误 */ public static final int NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION = 1002; /** * 证书出错 */ public static final int SSL_ERROR = 1003; /** * 类转换错误 */ public static final int CAST_ERROR = 1004; /** * 解析错误 */ public static final int PARSE_ERROR = 1005; /** * 非法数据异常 */ public static final int ILLEGAL_STATE_ERROR = 1006; /** * 服务端异常 http code >= 200 && /** * 绑定生命周期基类、对外提供put remove */ public class LSHttpLifecycleCallBacks { private ConcurrentMap map = new ConcurrentHashMap(); public void put(String key, Call call) { SparseArray calls = map.get(key); if (calls == null) { calls = new SparseArray(); } calls.put(call.hashCode(), call); map.put(key, calls); LSLog.i("LifecycleCallBacks class:" + key + "call bind success"); } public void remove(String key, Call call) { SparseArray calls = map.get(key); if (call != null) { calls.delete(call.hashCode()); LSLog.i("LifecycleCallBacks class:" + key + " call " + call.request().url().toString() + " remove success"); } } public void destroyed(String key) { SparseArray calls = map.get(key); if (calls != null) { for (int i = 0; i < calls.size(); i++) { Call call = calls.valueAt(i); if (call != null && !call.isCanceled()) { call.cancel(); LSLog.i("LifecycleCallBacks class:" + key + " destroyed call " + call.request().url().toString() + " cancel success"); } } calls.clear(); map.remove(key); LSLog.i("LifecycleCallBacks class:" + key + " destroyed call remove success"); } } } LSHttpActivityLifecycleCallBacks /** * request 绑定生命周期 Activity销毁时自动取消 */ public class LSHttpActivityLifecycleCallBacks extends LSHttpLifecycleCallBacks implements Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks { private LSHttpFragmentLifecycleCallBacks fragmentLifecycleCallBacks; public LSHttpActivityLifecycleCallBacks() { this.fragmentLifecycleCallBacks = new LSHttpFragmentLifecycleCallBacks(this); } @Override public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle bundle) { if (activity instanceof FragmentActivity) { FragmentManager fm = ((FragmentActivity) activity).getSupportFragmentManager(); fm.registerFragmentLifecycleCallbacks(fragmentLifecycleCallBacks, true); } } @Override public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) { } @Override public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) { } @Override public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) { } @Override public void onActivityStopped(Activity activity) { } @Override public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle bundle) { } @Override public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) { String key = activity.getClass().getName(); destroyed(key); } } LSHttpFragmentLifecycleCallBacks /** * request 绑定Fragment 生命周期 */ public class LSHttpFragmentLifecycleCallBacks extends FragmentManager.FragmentLifecycleCallbacks { private LSHttpLifecycleCallBacks callBacks; public LSHttpFragmentLifecycleCallBacks(LSHttpLifecycleCallBacks callBacks) { this.callBacks = callBacks; } @Override public void onFragmentDestroyed(FragmentManager fm, Fragment f) { super.onFragmentDestroyed(fm, f); String key = f.getClass().getName(); callBacks.destroyed(key); fm.unregisterFragmentLifecycleCallbacks(this); } } 下载


1.定义接口 interface ProgressListener { //下载进度监听 void update(long bytesRead, long contentLength, boolean done); //写入文件 void writeTo(byte[] bytes, int off, int len); } 2.继承ResponseBody private static class ProgressResponseBody extends ResponseBody { private final ResponseBody responseBody; private final ProgressListener progressListener; private BufferedSource bufferedSource; ProgressResponseBody(ResponseBody responseBody, ProgressListener progressListener) { this.responseBody = responseBody; this.progressListener = progressListener; } @Override public MediaType contentType() { return responseBody.contentType(); } @Override public long contentLength() { return responseBody.contentLength(); } @Override public BufferedSource source() { if (bufferedSource == null) { bufferedSource = Okio.buffer(source(responseBody.source())); } return bufferedSource; } private Source source(Source source) { return new ForwardingSource(source) { long totalBytesRead = 0L; @Override public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException { long bytesRead =, byteCount); // read() returns the number of bytes read, or -1 if this source is exhausted. boolean done = bytesRead == -1; if (!done) { byte[] bytes = sink.readByteArray(); progressListener.writeTo(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } totalBytesRead += bytesRead != -1 ? bytesRead : 0; LSLog.i("read size:" + totalBytesRead); progressListener.update(totalBytesRead, responseBody.contentLength(), done); return bytesRead; } }; } } 3.添加拦截器 this.mClient = builder .addNetworkInterceptor(new Interceptor() { @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException { Response originalResponse = chain.proceed(chain.request()); if (originalResponse.isSuccessful()) { return originalResponse.newBuilder() .body(new ProgressResponseBody(originalResponse.body(), listener)) .build(); } else { return originalResponse; } } }) .build(); 关键代码,在第二步 private Source source(Source source) { return new ForwardingSource(source) { long totalBytesRead = 0L; @Override public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException { long bytesRead =, byteCount); // read() returns the number of bytes read, or -1 if this source is exhausted. boolean done = bytesRead == -1; if (!done) { byte[] bytes = sink.readByteArray(); progressListener.writeTo(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } totalBytesRead += bytesRead != -1 ? bytesRead : 0; LSLog.i("read size:" + totalBytesRead); progressListener.update(totalBytesRead, responseBody.contentLength(), done); return bytesRead; } }; } 如果没有下载完,不断的将读取的字节写入到文件 if (!done) { byte[] bytes = sink.readByteArray(); progressListener.writeTo(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } 通过RandomAccessFile 不断的将字节写入到文件 private class DownloadFile { RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile; File file; Call call; public DownloadFile(String path, String url) throws FileNotFoundException { ... } public void setCall(Call call) { = call; } public void seek(long pos) { try {; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void write(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) throws IOException { randomAccessFile.write(bytes, off, len); } public void close() { try { randomAccessFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public long size() { if (file != null) { return file.length(); } else { return 0; } } public void cancel() { call.cancel(); } } 监听 final ProgressListener listener = new ProgressListener() { boolean firstUpdate = true; @Override public void update(long bytesRead, long contentLength, boolean done) { if (done) { System.out.println("completed"); success(downloadFile.file.getAbsolutePath()); downloadFile.close(); } else { if (firstUpdate) { firstUpdate = false; if (contentLength == -1) { System.out.println("content-length: unknown"); } else { System.out.format("content-length: %d\n", contentLength); } start();//开始下载 } if (contentLength != -1) { int progress = (int) ((100 * (bytesRead + startPos)) / (contentLength + startPos)); System.out.format("%d%% done\n", progress); loading(progress); } } } @Override public void writeTo(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) { try { downloadFile.write(bytes, off, len); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); downloadFile.cancel(); error(new LSHttpException(LSHttpException.ERROR.HTTP_ERROR, "文件下载失败")); } } }; 使用到的库




本次介绍到此为止,谢谢各位大佬的观看,有写的不对的地方,有写的不对的地方希望各位大佬指正。如果觉得写的可以的话,去GitHub给个星呗。 更新日志 2019.10.11 lifecycle修改 2019.08.05 新增http stauts失败时对应status返回




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