Build a Web Component to Embed PDF in an HTML Website

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Build a Web Component to Embed PDF in an HTML Website

#Build a Web Component to Embed PDF in an HTML Website | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Build a Web Component to Embed PDF in an HTML Website Apr 06, 2023  Document Scanning  WEB TWAIN  JAVASCRIPT  HTML5  PDF  VIEWER

Dynamic Web TWAIN is an SDK which enables document scanning and viewing from browsers. It can display PDF files in a customizable viewer.

In this article, we are going to build a web component with Stencil.js to wrap Dynamic Web TWAIN as a PDF viewer so that we can embed a PDF file in an HTML website easily using the following code:

The following is the PDF viewer embedded in this blog.

Build a PDF Viewer Web Component

Let’s build the component in steps.

New Project

Run the following command to create a new Stencil Component project:

npm init stencil Generate a New Component

Generate a new component named pdf-viewer.

npx stencil g pdf-viewer

To test the component, we can modify the src\index.html file:

- + +

Inner elements


Then run the following command to test it:

npm run start Install Dynamic Web TWAIN

Run the following to install Dynamic Web TWAIN.

npm install [email protected] Initialize Dynamic Web TWAIN

Next, we are going to initialize an instance of Dynamic Web TWAIN and bind the viewer to a container.

In the render function, add a container.

containerID:string = "dwtcontrolContainer"; container:HTMLDivElement; render() { return ( this.container = el as HTMLDivElement}> ); }

In the componentDidLoad lifecycle event, initialize Dynamic Web TWAIN.

DWObject:WebTwain; componentDidLoad() { this.initDWT(); } initDWT() { Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath = "[email protected]/dist"; let pThis = this; Dynamsoft.DWT.RegisterEvent('OnWebTwainReady', () => { Dynamsoft.DWT.CreateDWTObjectEx( { WebTwainId: 'dwtcontrol' }, function(obj) { pThis.DWObject = obj; pThis.DWObject.Viewer.bind(pThis.container);; }, function(err) { console.log(err); } ); }); Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [{ WebTwainId: 'dwtObject' }]; Dynamsoft.DWT.Load(); }


.container { position: relative; }

Because web component uses shadowDom, we need to use the CreateDWTObjectEx function to create a new Web TWAIN object.

Add a license prop to set the license for Dynamic Web TWAIN. You can apply for a license here.

@Prop() license?: string; initDWT() { if (this.license) { Dynamsoft.DWT.ProductKey = this.license; } } Add Props to Manipulate the Viewer

Create a thumbnail viewer and add a prop to set whether to enable it by default.

thumbnailShown:boolean = true; initDWT() { //... pThis.thumbnailViewer = pThis.DWObject.Viewer.createThumbnailViewer(); if (pThis.showthumbnailviewer === "true") {; pThis.thumbnailShown = true; }else{ pThis.thumbnailShown = false; } //... }

Add a url prop. If it is set, load the PDF file via the URL after the component is mounted.

@State() status: string = ""; async loadPDF() { if (this.url) { this.status = "Loading PDF..."; try { let response = await fetch(this.url); let blob = await response.blob(); let pThis = this; this.DWObject.LoadImageFromBinary(blob,function(){ pThis.DWObject.Viewer.singlePageMode=true; pThis.DWObject.SelectImages([0]); },function(){}); this.status = ""; } catch (error) { this.status = "Failed to load the PDF"; } } }

A status container is used to indicate the status.


renderStatus(){ if (this.status) { return ({this.status}); } } render() { return ( this.container = el as HTMLDivElement}> {this.renderStatus()} ) }


.status { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 99; }

Now, we can update index.html to use the PDF viewer to load a PDF file.

Add a Toolbar for the Viewer

Next, we can add a toolbar for the viewer. It has the following functions:

Toggle the thumbnail viewer. Display the current page number and total page number. Set the display percentage (zoom). Scan documents. Load local PDF or image files. Save the document as a PDF file. Enter fullscreen.

Add the toolbar in JSX (the toolbar and the viewer of Dynamic Web TWAIN are wrapped in a parent container):

render() { return ( this.parentContainer = el as HTMLDivElement}> this.dwtContainer = el as HTMLDivElement}> {this.renderStatus()} ); }


.toolbar { height: 30px; border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); display: flex; align-items: center; background: white; } .container { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .viewer-container { position: relative; width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 30px); } .dwt-container { width: 100%; height: 100%; } Add a Button to Toggle Thumbnail Viewer

Add the button in JSX.



.toolbar-item { display: flex; align-items: center; height: 100%; padding-right: 5px; } .Icon { width: 22px; height: 22px; cursor: pointer; }

Convert the icon’s SVG file to base64 and save it in the component’s assets/base64.tsx file so that we can use it in the component.

export const sidebar = "...";

The toggleThumbnailViewer function.

@Method() async toggleThumbnailViewer() { if (this.thumbnailShown) { this.thumbnailViewer.hide(); }else{; } this.thumbnailShown = !this.thumbnailShown; }

The method decorator is used here so that we can also call it like this:

const PDFViewer = document.querySelector("pdf-viewer"); PDFViewer.toggleThumbnailViewer(); Add an Input for Zoom

Next, add an Input for setting zoom (display percent).


this.updateZoom(e)} />%


#percent-input { width: 4em; }

The update zoom function:

@State() percent: number = 100; updateZoom(e:any){ this.percent =; const zoom = this.percent/100; this.DWObject.Viewer.zoom = zoom; } Add a Button to Quickly Set a Proper Zoom Percentage

Next, let’s add a toggle button to set the zoom percentage to 100% or make it fit the window.


{this.showFitWindow ? this.quicksize()}/> : this.quicksize()}/> }

The quicksize function:

@State() showFitWindow: boolean = true; quicksize(){ if (this.showFitWindow) { this.DWObject.Viewer.fitWindow("width"); this.percent = this.DWObject.Viewer.zoom*100; }else{ this.DWObject.Viewer.zoom = 1.0; this.percent = 100; } this.showFitWindow = !this.showFitWindow; } Add Controls for Page Number

Add controls to display/set the page number and display the total page number.


this.updateSelectedPageNumber((e as any).target.value)} />/{this.totalPageNumber}


#page-input { width: 3em; }

The updateSelectedPageNumber and updateTotalPage functions:

@State() totalPageNumber: number = 0; @State() selectedPageNumber: number = 0; updateSelectedPageNumber(num:number){ if (num this.totalPageNumber) { this.selectedPageNumber = this.DWObject.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer + 1; return; } this.selectedPageNumber = num; let index = this.selectedPageNumber - 1; if (this.DWObject) { this.DWObject.SelectImages([index]); } } updateTotalPage(){ if (this.DWObject) { this.totalPageNumber = this.DWObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer; } }

Then, call the above functions in the OnBufferChanged event.

let pThis = this; pThis.DWObject.RegisterEvent('OnBufferChanged',function (bufferChangeInfo) { if (bufferChangeInfo.action === "add" || bufferChangeInfo.action === "remove") { pThis.updateTotalPage(); } pThis.updateSelectedPageNumber(pThis.DWObject.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer + 1); }); Add a Button to Show Extra Actions

There are some extra actions we can add. Here, we use a button to toggle an overlay which contains buttons for these actions.

JSX for the button (a container is appended to make it right-aligned):



.toolbar-container { flex: 1; }

The overlay for actions is appended to the container of Web TWAIN.

this.dwtContainer = el as HTMLDivElement}> {this.renderStatus()} {this.renderActionOverlay()}

The toggleActionOverlay and renderActionOverlay function:

toggleActionOverlay(){ this.showActionOverlay = !this.showActionOverlay; } renderActionOverlay(){ let className:string; if (this.showActionOverlay) { className = "overlay"; }else{ className = "overlay hidden"; } return ( {this.fullscreen ? this.toggleFullscreen()}/> : this.toggleFullscreen()}/> } this.scan()}/> this.loadFile()}/> this.saveFile()}/> ); }

CSS for the overlay:

.overlay { position: absolute; display: flex; flex-direction: column; right: 5px; top: 5px; width: 22px; height: 125px; z-index: 999; padding: 5px; border-radius: 5%; border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); align-items: flex-start; justify-content: space-between; background: white; } .overlay.hidden { visibility: hidden; }

Next, let’s talk about the JavaScript functions for actions.

toggleFullscreen which makes the PDF viewer fullscreen. Since iPhone’s Safari does not support the fullscren API, we set the container to a fixed fullscreen element for Safari.

async toggleFullscreen(){ let isSafari = Dynamsoft.Lib.env.bSafari; if (isSafari) { if (this.parentContainer.classList.contains("fullscreen")) { this.parentContainer.classList.remove("fullscreen"); this.fullscreen = false; this.resizeViewer(); }else{ this.parentContainer.classList.add("fullscreen"); this.fullscreen = true; this.resizeViewer(); } }else{ if (document.fullscreenElement) { document.exitFullscreen(); }else{ let ele = this.parentContainer.parentNode["host"]; await ele.requestFullscreen(); } } } resizeViewer(){ this.DWObject.Viewer.singlePageMode = true; }


.container.fullscreen { position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 990; }

loadFile which loads local PDF or image files.

loadFile(){ const success = () => { this.updateTotalPage(); } this.DWObject.LoadImageEx("",Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_ImageType.IT_ALL,success); }

scan which scans documents from scanners or cameras (for mobile devices).

scan(){ let pThis = this; if (Dynamsoft.Lib.env.bMobile) { pThis.DWObject.Addon.Camera.scanDocument(); }else{ pThis.DWObject.SelectSource(function () { pThis.DWObject.OpenSource(); pThis.DWObject.AcquireImage(); }, function () { console.log("SelectSource failed!"); } ); } }

saveFile which saves the document as a PDF file.

saveFile(){ this.DWObject.SaveAllAsPDF("scanned.pdf"); }

The final result is like the following:

Source Code

Get the source code of the PDF viewer web component to have a try:




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