r 多元有序logistic回归

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r 多元有序logistic回归

2024-01-30 19:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265








创建数值变量的数据框Data.num $ Status = as.numeric(Data.num $ Status)

Data.num $ Length = as.numeric(Data.num $ Length)

Data.num $ Migr = as.numeric(Data.num $ Migr)

Data.num $ Insect = as.numeric(Data.num $ Insect)

Data.num $ Diet = as.numeric(Data.num $ Diet)

Data.num $ Broods = as.numeric(Data.num $ Broods)

Data。 num $ Wood = as.numeric(Data.num $ Wood)

Data.num $ Upland = as.numeric(Data.num $ Upland)

Data.num $ Water = as.numeric(Data.num $ Water)

Data.num $ Release = as.numeric(Data.num $ Release)

Data.num $ Indiv = as.numeric(Data.num $ Indiv)



1 1 1520 9600.0 1.21 1 12 2 6.0 1 0 0 1 6 29

2 1 1250 5000.0 0.56 1 0 1 6.0 1 0 0 1 10 85

3 1 870 3360.0 0.07 1 0 1 4.0 1 0 0 1 3 8

77 0 170 31.0 0.55 3 12 2 4.0 NA 1 0 0 1 2

78 0 210 36.9 2.00 2 8 2 3.7 1 0 0 1 1 2

79 0 225 106.5 1.20 2 12 2 4.8 2 0 0 0 1 2









Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)

(Intercept) -3.5496482 2.0827400 -1.704 0.088322 .

Upland -4.5484289 2.0712502 -2.196 0.028093 *

Migr -1.8184049 0.8325702 -2.184 0.028956 *

Mass 0.0019029 0.0007048 2.700 0.006940 **

Indiv 0.0137061 0.0038703 3.541 0.000398 ***

Insect 0.2394720 0.1373456 1.744 0.081234 .

Wood 1.8134445 1.3105911 1.384 0.166455



McFadden 0.700475

Cox and Snell (ML) 0.637732

Nagelkerke (Cragg and Uhler) 0.833284



偏差表分析Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: Status ~ Upland + Migr + Mass + Indiv + Insect + Wood

Model 2: Status ~ 1

Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)

1 63 30.392

2 69 93.351 -6 -62.959 1.125e-11 ***

似然比检验Likelihood ratio test

#Df LogLik Df Chisq Pr(>Chisq)

1 7 -15.196

2 1 -46.675 -6 62.959 1.125e-11 ***





过度离散是glm的deviance残差相对于自由度较大的情况。这些值显示在模型的摘要中。一个指导原则是,如果deviance残差与剩余自由度的比率超过1.5,则模型过度离散。过度离散表明模型不能很好地拟合数据:解释变量可能无法很好地描述因变量,或者可能无法为这些数据正确指定模型。如果存在过度离散,一种可能的解决方案是 在glm中使用quasibinomial family选项。Null deviance: 93.351 on 69 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 30.392 on 63 degrees of freedom

deviance / df.residual

[1] 0.482417


使用逐步程序的替代或补充是将模型与拟合统计进行比较。我的compare.glm 函数将为glm模型显示AIC,AICc,BIC和伪R平方。使用的模型应该都拟合相同的数据。也就是说,如果数据集中的不同变量包含缺失值,则应该谨慎使用。如果您对使用哪种拟合统计数据没有任何偏好,您希望在最终模型中使用较少的术语,我可能会推荐AICc或BIC。

一系列模型可以与标准的anova 功能进行比较。模型应嵌套在先前模型中或anova函数列表中的下一个模型中; 和模型应该拟合相同的数据。在比较多个回归模型时,通常放宽p值为0.10或0.15。

在以下示例中,使用通过逐步过程选择的模型。请注意,虽然模型9最小化了AIC和AICc,但模型8最小化了BIC。anova结果表明模型8不是对模型7的显着改进。这些结果支持选择模型7,8或9中的任何一个。compareGLM(model.1, model.2, model.3, model.4, model.5, model.6,

model.7, model.8, model.9)



1 "Status ~ 1"

2 "Status ~ Release"

3 "Status ~ Release + Upland"

4 "Status ~ Release + Upland + Migr"

5 "Status ~ Release + Upland + Migr + Mass"

6 "Status ~ Release + Upland + Migr + Mass + Indiv"

7 "Status ~ Release + Upland + Migr + Mass + Indiv + Insect"

8 "Status ~ Upland + Migr + Mass + Indiv + Insect"

9 "Status ~ Upland + Migr + Mass + Indiv + Insect + Wood"


Rank Df.res AIC AICc BIC McFadden Cox.and.Snell Nagelkerke p.value

1 1 66 94.34 94.53 98.75 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Inf

2 2 65 62.13 62.51 68.74 0.3787 0.3999 0.5401 2.538e-09

3 3 64 56.02 56.67 64.84 0.4684 0.4683 0.6325 3.232e-10

4 4 63 51.63 52.61 62.65 0.5392 0.5167 0.6979 7.363e-11

5 5 62 50.64 52.04 63.87 0.5723 0.5377 0.7263 7.672e-11

6 6 61 49.07 50.97 64.50 0.6118 0.5618 0.7588 5.434e-11

7 7 60 46.42 48.90 64.05 0.6633 0.5912 0.7985 2.177e-11

8 6 61 44.71 46.61 60.14 0.6601 0.5894 0.7961 6.885e-12

9 7 60 44.03 46.51 61.67 0.6897 0.6055 0.8178 7.148e-12

Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: Status ~ 1

Model 2: Status ~ Release

Model 3: Status ~ Release + Upland

Model 4: Status ~ Release + Upland + Migr

Model 5: Status ~ Release + Upland + Migr + Mass

Model 6: Status ~ Release + Upland + Migr + Mass + Indiv

Model 7: Status ~ Release + Upland + Migr + Mass + Indiv + Insect

Model 8: Status ~ Upland + Migr + Mass + Indiv + Insect

Model 9: Status ~ Upland + Migr + Mass + Indiv + Insect + Wood

Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)

1 66 90.343

2 65 56.130 1 34.213 4.94e-09 ***

3 64 48.024 1 8.106 0.004412 **

4 63 41.631 1 6.393 0.011458 *

5 62 38.643 1 2.988 0.083872 .

6 61 35.070 1 3.573 0.058721 .

7 60 30.415 1 4.655 0.030970 *

8 61 30.710 -1 -0.295 0.587066

9 60 28.031 1 2.679 0.101686





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