利用matlab mobile采集GPS数据进行可视化分析

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利用matlab mobile采集GPS数据进行可视化分析

2023-06-09 21:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




在传感器页面,就可以看到相应的采集页面,点击开始采集。当关闭后,进入MATHWORK官网个人账户(MATLAB Drive),可下载所采集到的内容。

另一种有效的方式是在命令行创建 mobiledev 对象,将产生一个采集器,开始采集,当采集结束后,关闭即可,原理相同,但采用这种方式,在移动端进行数据处理会方便很多。

m = mobiledev; % 启动传感器前创建 mobiledev 对象 m.Logging = 1; % 开始记录数据 m.PositionSensorEnabled = 1; pause(1000) % 采集时长 m.Logging = 0; % 停止记录数据

 得到的m为m是采集传感器数据的 mobiledev 对象的名称,matlab提供了各种在移动端处理所得数据的函数。

比较常用的函数 用法这里备注下,有需要可去官网自行查看。

[lat, lon, t, speed, course, alt, horizacc] = poslog(m) % 获取记录的纬度、经度、时间戳、速度、航向、海拔和水平精度位置数据 [log, timestamp] = accellog(m) % 返回加速度日志 做了一个可视化工具:



clc;clear load sensorlog_20230608_171258.mat % 这个是2023年6月8日去学校外卖吃饭采集的数据hhh




lat = cell2mat(table2cell(Position(:,'latitude'))); lon = cell2mat(table2cell(Position(:,'longitude'))); speed = cell2mat(table2cell(Position(:,'speed')));


[n,~] = size(speed); set_ao = [lat lon]; begin = set_ao(1,:); dist = Dist(begin,set_ao); time = [1:n]'; sub1 = subplot(1,2,1); plot(time,dist,'LineWidth',2) xlabel('Time (s)') ylabel('Distance (km)'); set(get(gca,'XLabel'),'FontSize',10); sub2 = subplot(1,2,2); plot(speed,dist,'-','LineWidth',2) xlabel('V (m/s)') set(get(gca,'XLabel'),'FontSize',10); set(gca,'FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10) pos1 = [0.1,0.097619047619048,0.616071428571429,0.821299871299871]; pos2 = [0.715625,0.097619047619048,0.235785615528263,0.821299871299871]; set(sub2,'Position',pos2) set(sub1,'Position',pos1) set(gca,'ytick',[],'yticklabel',[]) sgtitle('Trajectory View on a Time-Space Diagram');



%% 对速度值分 bin 以便使用离散数量的颜色来表示观测到的速度 nBins = 10; binSpacing = (max(speed) - min(speed))/nBins; binRanges = min(speed):binSpacing:max(speed)-binSpacing; % Add an inf to binRanges to enclose the values above the last bin. binRanges(end+1) = inf; % |histc| determines which bin each speed value falls into. [~, speedBins] = histc(speed, binRanges); lat = lat'; lon = lon'; speedBins = speedBins'; % Create a geographical shape vector, which stores the line segments as % features. s = geoshape(); %% 为每个速度 bin 创建一个不连续线段。将为每个线段分配一种颜色。 for k = 1:nBins % Keep only the lat/lon values which match the current bin. Leave the % rest as NaN, which are interpreted as breaks in the line segments. latValid = nan(1, length(lat)); latValid(speedBins==k) = lat(speedBins==k); lonValid = nan(1, length(lon)); lonValid(speedBins==k) = lon(speedBins==k); % To make the path continuous despite being segmented into different % colors, the lat/lon values that occur after transitioning from the % current speed bin to another speed bin will need to be kept. transitions = [diff(speedBins) 0]; insertionInd = find(speedBins==k & transitions~=0) + 1; % Preallocate space for and insert the extra lat/lon values. latSeg = zeros(1, length(latValid) + length(insertionInd)); latSeg(insertionInd + (0:length(insertionInd)-1)) = lat(insertionInd); latSeg(~latSeg) = latValid; lonSeg = zeros(1, length(lonValid) + length(insertionInd)); lonSeg(insertionInd + (0:length(insertionInd)-1)) = lon(insertionInd); lonSeg(~lonSeg) = lonValid; % Add the lat/lon segments to the geographic shape vector. s(k) = geoshape(latSeg, lonSeg); end %% 使用 webmap 在浏览器中打开一个 Web 地图 wm = webmap('World Imagery'); %% 标记 位置 mwLat = 30.43932; mwLon = 114.26154; name = 'MathWorks'; iconDir = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','icons'); iconFilename = fullfile(iconDir, 'wust.gif'); wmmarker(mwLat, mwLon, 'FeatureName', name, 'Icon', iconFilename); %% 使用 autumn 颜色图生成与速度 bin 对应的颜色列表。这将为每个 bin 创建一个具有 RGB 值的 [nBins x 3] 矩阵 colors = autumn(nBins); wmline(s, 'Color', colors, 'Width', 5); %% 放大地图并聚焦于路线 wmzoom(17);







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