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#hive和hbase的一些数据导入导出操作| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

一、hive 数据导入导出



If you can communicate directly between new and old clusters, the most convenient way is to use distributed copy without considering the impact on business, but it is divided into the same version and different versions to copy directly. The following is the way to copy between the same version.

hadoop distcp -D ipc.client.fallback-to-simple-auth-allowed=true hdfs:// hdfs://


export table department to 'hdfs_exports_location/department'; import from 'hdfs_exports_location/department';


export table employee partition (emp_country="in", emp_state="ka") to 'hdfs_exports_location/employee'; import from 'hdfs_exports_location/employee';



Export the table and import it to the partition table partition

export table employee to 'hdfs_exports_location/employee'; import table employee partition (emp_country="us", emp_state="tn") from 'hdfs_exports_location/employee';



set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode =1000000;


其中TEXTFILE为默认格式,建表时不指定默认为这个格式,导入数据时会直接把数据文件拷贝到hdfs上不进行处理; SEQUENCEFILE,RCFILE,ORCFILE,PARQUET格式的表不能直接从本地文件导入数据,数据要先导入到textfile格式的表中, 然后再从表中用insert导入SequenceFile,RCFile,ORCFile,PARQUET各自表中;或者用复制表结构及数据的方式(create table as select * from table )。一言以蔽之:如果为textfile的文件格式,直接load就OK,不需要走MapReduce;如果是其他的类型就需要走MapReduce了,因为其他的类型都涉及到了文件的压缩,这需要借助MapReduce的压缩方式来实现。

CREATE TABLE guangxi_test2( stbid string, areacode string, starttime string, endtime string, day string, content string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',';


load data local inpath '/opt/query.csv' into table test ; insert into table formmart partition (day,content) select * from test; select count(*) from guangxi_test; 二、hbase

hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export tsdb-uid /copy/tsdb-uid例如:从dt_gpsdata表中导出2018-01-01至2018-02-01的数据(中间记得加上version)

hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export dt_gpsdata /copy/dt_gpsdata 1 1514736000000 1517414400000

hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Import tsdb-uid /copy/tsdb-uid


scan 'test',{COLUMNS=>'info',TIMERANGE=>[1667463331656,1667463389253]}


scan 'guangxi_live_test',{FILTER=>"RowFilter(=,'substring:02')"}


Original: quantamTitle: hive和hbase的一些数据导入导出操作

相关阅读 Title: Sqlite sql查询数据数据类型转换 一、SQL数据类型转换代码 SELECT CAST('3.02' as decimal) -- they aren't real decimals in sqlite, though. beware floats. 二、sqlite数据类型转换参考

Affinity of type-name

Conversion Processing 转换处理



Casting a value to a type-name with no affinity causes the value to be converted into a BLOB. Casting to a BLOB consists of first casting the value to TEXT in the encoding of the database connection, then interpreting the resulting byte sequence as a BLOB instead of as TEXT.

将一个值转换为一个 类型名称 没有关联将导致值转换为BLOB。强制转换为BLOB包括首先将值强制转换为 编码 然后将结果字节序列解释为BLOB而不是文本。



To cast a BLOB value to TEXT, the sequence of bytes that make up the BLOB is interpreted as text encoded using the database encoding.

Casting an INTEGER or REAL value into TEXT renders the value as if via sqlite3_snprintf() except that the resulting TEXT uses the encoding of the database connection.

若要将BLOB值强制转换为文本,组成BLOB的字节序列将被解释为使用数据库编码的文本编码。将整数值或实数值强制转换为文本将使该值如同通过 sqlite3\u snprintf() 除了结果文本使用 编码 数据库连接的名称。


When casting a BLOB value to a REAL, the value is first converted to TEXT.

When casting a TEXT value to REAL, the longest possible prefix of the value that can be interpreted as a real number is extracted from the TEXT value and the remainder ignored. Any leading spaces in the TEXT value are ignored when converging from TEXT to REAL. If there is no prefix that can be interpreted as a real number, the result of the conversion is 0.0.





When casting a BLOB value to INTEGER, the value is first converted to TEXT.

When casting a TEXT value to INTEGER, the longest possible prefix of the value that can be interpreted as an integer number is extracted from the TEXT value and the remainder ignored. Any leading spaces in the TEXT value when converting from TEXT to INTEGER are ignored. If there is no prefix that can be interpreted as an integer number, the result of the conversion is 0. If the prefix integer is greater than +9223372036854775807 then the result of the cast is exactly +9223372036854775807. Similarly, if the prefix integer is less than -9223372036854775808 then the result of the cast is exactly -9223372036854775808.

When casting to INTEGER, if the text looks like a floating point value with an exponent, the exponent will be ignored because it is no part of the integer prefix. For example, “(CAST ‘123e+5’ AS INTEGER)” results in 123, not in 12300000.

The CAST operator understands decimal integers only — conversion of hexadecimal integers stops at the “x” in the “0x” prefix of the hexadecimal integer string and thus result of the CAST is always zero.

A cast of a REAL value into an INTEGER results in the integer between the REAL value and zero that is closest to the REAL value. If a REAL is greater than the greatest possible signed integer (+9223372036854775807) then the result is the greatest possible signed integer and if the REAL is less than the least possible signed integer (-9223372036854775808) then the result is the least possible signed integer.

Prior to SQLite version 3.8.2 (2013-12-06), casting a REAL value greater than +9223372036854775807.0 into an integer resulted in the most negative integer, -9223372036854775808. This behavior was meant to emulate the behavior of x86/x64 hardware when doing the equivalent cast.




CAST运算符只理解十进制整数-的转换 十六进制整数 在十六进制整数字符串的”0x”前缀中的”x”处停止,因此强制转换的结果始终为零。





Casting a TEXT or BLOB value into NUMERIC yields either an INTEGER or a REAL result. If the input text looks like an integer (there is no decimal point nor exponent) and the value is small enough to fit in a 64-bit signed integer, then the result will be INTEGER. Input text that looks like floating point (there is a decimal point and/or an exponent) and the text describes a value that can be losslessly converted back and forth between IEEE 754 64-bit float and a 51-bit signed integer, then the result is INTEGER. (In the previous sentence, a 51-bit integer is specified since that is one bit less than the length of the mantissa of an IEEE 754 64-bit float and thus provides a 1-bit of margin for the text-to-float conversion operation.) Any text input that describes a value outside the range of a 64-bit signed integer yields a REAL result.

Casting a REAL or INTEGER value to NUMERIC is a no-op, even if a real value could be losslessly converted to an integer.

将文本或BLOB值转换为数字将产生整数或实数结果。如果输入文本看起来像一个整数(没有小数点或指数),并且该值足够小,可以容纳64位有符号整数,那么结果将是整数。输入看起来像浮点的文本(有一个小数点和/或一个指数),该文本描述了一个值,该值可以在IEEE 754 64位浮点和51位有符号整数之间无损地来回转换,然后结果是整数(在前面的句子中,指定了一个51位整数,因为它比ieee754 64位浮点的尾数长度少一位,因此为文本到浮点的转换操作提供了1位的余量。)任何描述64位有符号整数范围之外的值的文本输入都会产生一个实际结果。





Original: qh0526wyTitle: Sqlite sql查询数据数据类型转换






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