
您所在的位置:网站首页 b是外国人用的啥意思啊 当长辈以及外国友人给你发“微笑脸”的时候,他们到底是什么意思……


2024-07-09 19:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

下面就让我们跟随一位澳大利亚小哥哥“康康” (Korey)的脚步,一起来探寻一下这些emoji表情的含义在中澳之间有什么不同吧~

Korey 康康

How many times do you use an emoji during the day? Once? Twice? Ten times? Probably a whole lot more than that. They are an integral part of communication online. Without them how would we know if someone was happy or sad, laughing or crying, angry or joking? We wouldn't, but emojis help us to fill that gap so that we do, that is, if an emoji means the same thing to me as it does to you.

Have you ever had an awkward encounter where you thought an emoji meant one thing, but when someone received the message they thought it meant something else? It's a whole new challenge in the online world, and one that can't be avoided, emojis can change meanings depending on which country you're in, where you grew up, who your friends are or any other number of reasons. So while they can make communicating just that little bit easier they also open up a whole new list of possibilities for awkwardness and miscommunication.

Below are the top 6 emojis used throughout the world, but as it turns out they're not used the same way everywhere. We asked our friends from China and Australia what each emoji means to them, and the results were a littlesurprising.


What's your first thought when you see this in a chat? Are you happy to see it? Sad? A bit of both? Or on the other side, why do you send it? Is it to comfort? To have a laugh?

Our friends in China told us their thoughts, and while they were similar, there were some clear differences.

In China this is used to tell someone that what has happened is funny, but also unfortunate and there is nothing that can be done about it. Sometimes they send this emoji when they feel awkward.

Whereas in Australia it is purely just that something is the funniest thing in the world, whether it is funny in a good, bad or sarcastic way.


中国 澳大利亚


This one is a little more versatile and I think most people understand its meaning. It is a universal emoji, one that lets someone know you care about them. Everyone here agreed on that.

But the intensity of the emoji can change depending on who you are messaging, if you send ❤️ to a friend it shows that you care about them, if it is to your partner it shows that you love them.

Some people will only use it with their partners, others are happy to use it with friends and colleagues.



In China this emoji is used when you see someone you admire like an idol or your crush.You may use it to tell your friends what you think of this person.

In Australia it can mean the same thing if talking about a person, but it can also be used for other things, like clothes, food and ideas.

If something is an excellent idea you might respond with this emoji to show that you really like it.

If someone suggests having pasta for dinner and pasta is your favourite meal in the whole world, you would send them this emoji.


中国 澳大利亚


This one can get you into trouble. You have to be careful who you use it with and what you're saying when you use it.

Our friends here have told us that when this is used in China it means you are flirting, which can be awkward for foreigners who are messaging Chinese people online because this isn't always the case in the rest of the world.

In Australia it can be used to flirt, but it can also be a casual way to say thank you to close friends and family. This difference created an 'uncomfortable' encounter between me and a Chinese friend. I was trying to say a quick thank you for picking up my books, but my friend thought I was making a move and then tried to gently explain that they weren't interested in me, AWKWARD 😱.

说实话咱们中国人确实相对保守一些,因此这个表情里的“调情”含义总是难免会让接收者虎躯一震(异性之间),不过在澳大利亚,亲朋好友或者同事之间来个飞吻还是很常见滴~ 当然了,关系亲密的老铁们怎么用都不算个事儿啦!

中国 澳大利亚


When you use this emoji, are you being serious or not? Are you actually breaking down or is it a sarcastic response to something like 'I just dropped all my noodles on the floor'.

Our Chinese friends have said that this can be a serious one, it means you are emotional.

On the other hand our Australian friends said they use this when they aren't being serious, as a joke for something that is sad, but not horrible like 'My dog just ignored me when I said I love you 😭'.

There have been a few times here in China where my friends have said 'It's okay, it was just food. Don't get so upset, we can buy some more' because they thought I was having an emotional breakdown over dropping my food on the floor, as if I am living with Monica from Friends😭...


中国 澳大利亚


This one is really interesting!In Australia it has a simple, straightforward meaning: I'm happy; I like what you said.

In China there's a nuance. Our friends in China have said it suggests to the recipient that you want them to say something nice to you. That by using this one you are trying to appear cute and show other people your cuteness.

This difference can mean that when our Australian friends are trying to be nice and friendly in China, they may end up coming across as needy. It's making me reevaluate some of my conversations. My friends must think that I think I'm the cutest person in the world…


中国 澳大利亚



They said that they found this the funniest one, as it has a totally opposite meaning to what they understand. At first they just simply sent it to their Chinses friends, thinking that they were showing friendliness to them. They were extremely astonished when told that they should no more use this smiling face unless they would be expressing anger or indifference. To them, it means nothing more than a simple smile, and they still can't tell why it has such a different meaning. But anyway, they just stopped using this smiling face so that they can avoid the embarrassment.




Researching this list was interesting. Out of all the emojis in the world, these were the top 6 'most popular'. More people post these online than any other. And yet they can still cause confusion and make a perfectly normal situation awkward.

Like any other form of communication, when crossing cultural and linguistic boundaries, it's always good to be aware that things might not translate in the same way.

This can be from one language to another, or even one country to another, so you need to be mindful of this difference when it comes to what you're trying to say, or what someone else is trying to say to you.









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