
您所在的位置:网站首页 龙源电力股票代码查询表 用Excel实时看股票数据


2024-07-09 08:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265







Function FillOneRow(url As String, r As Integer) As Integer With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp") .Open "GET", url, False .send sp = Split(.responsetext, "~") If UBound(sp) > 3 Then FillOneRow = 1 Cells(r, 2).Value = sp(1) '名称 Cells(r, 3).Value = sp(3) '当前价格 Cells(r, 4).Value = sp(4) '昨日收盘价 Dim zhangDie As Double zhangDie = sp(32) Cells(r, 5).Value = zhangDie If zhangDie > 0 Then '上涨使用红色 Cells(r, 5).Font.Color = vbRed Cells(r, 3).Font.Color = vbRed Else '下跌使用绿色 Cells(r, 5).Font.Color = &H228B22 Cells(r, 3).Font.Color = &H228B22 End If Else FillOneRow = 0 End If End With End Function Sub GetData() Dim succeeded As Integer Dim url As String Dim row As Integer Dim code As String For row = 2 To Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count '从第二行开始 code = Cells(row, 1).Value If code "" Then url = "http://qt.gtimg.cn/q=sh" & code '沪市 succeeded = FillOneRow(url, row) If succeeded = 0 Then url = "http://qt.gtimg.cn/q=sz" & code '深市 succeeded = FillOneRow(url, row) End If If succeeded = 0 Then MsgBox ("获取失败") End If End If Next End Sub


Private Sub Workbook_Open() Call Sheet1.GetData End Sub







Sub GetData() Dim succeeded As Integer Dim url As String Dim row As Integer Dim code As String Dim dateStr As String Dim cash As String Dim current As String Dim firstCode As String Dim secondCode As String current = Date Dim currentRow As Integer currentRow = 0 Dim zhangDie As Double Dim isSet As Boolean For row = 2 To Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count code = Cells(row, 1).Value succeeded = 0 If code "" Then firstCode = LCase(Mid(code, 1, 1)) secondCode = LCase(Mid(code, 2, 1)) If firstCode = "s" And secondCode = "h" Then url = "http://qt.gtimg.cn/q=" & Cells(row, 1).Value succeeded = FillOneRow(url, row) ElseIf firstCode = "s" And secondCode = "z" Then url = "http://qt.gtimg.cn/q=" & Cells(row, 1).Value succeeded = FillOneRow(url, row) Else If firstCode "0" Then url = "http://qt.gtimg.cn/q=sh" & Cells(row, 1).Value succeeded = FillOneRow(url, row) End If If succeeded = 0 Then url = "http://qt.gtimg.cn/q=sz" & Cells(row, 1).Value succeeded = FillOneRow(url, row) End If End If If succeeded = 0 Then MsgBox ("获取失败") End If End If Next End Sub




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