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2024-07-11 04:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”美国人的餐桌礼仪“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:American table manners。以下是关于美国人的餐桌礼仪的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:American table manners

The main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits is that different from the west, in the west, everyone has his own dish. In China, if you are treated by a Chinese host, everyone will share it and prepare a large amount of food. Chinese people are very proud of their cooking culture.

They will try their best to show their hospitality. Sometimes, the Chinese host will use chopsticks It's polite to put food in your bowl or plate. The proper way to do this is to eat something.

If you think it's delicious, say how delicious it is. What's uncomfortable is that you can politely say thank you and leave the food there. Nono's.

don't put your chopsticks upright in your bowl. Put them on your plate. This is because if someone dies, they have a bowl of sand or rice in their shrine, with two sticks in it Incense, so if you stick your chopsticks in your bowl, it looks like this shrine, equivalent to praying for death on the table, making sure that the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone.

It's impolite to put the teapot where the spout is facing someone. The spout should always point to where no one is sitting. Usually just outside the table.

Don't knock your bowl with chopsticks and beat eggs on their bowls, so it's impolite. In restaurants, when food comes too slowly, if you are in someone else's house, people will knock on their bowls, which is just like insulting the chef to drink a dry glass. The official alcoholic drink in China is liquor.

The high-grade liquor made from grains and grains has different degrees of liquor. The most popular one in Beijing is Erguotou, which has a surprisingly high price, including Maotai and Wuliangye.





Eating habits as a country, we are becoming increasingly aware of what we and our children are eating. Recently, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver launched a campaign to improve school dinners to help raise people's awareness of our fast-food lifestyle. Are healthy eaters or just fashionable people what you do and don't eat? Why are there so many food plans and books telling you what you should and shouldn't eat to stay healthy, it's hard to keep track of Some people are vegetarians for moral reasons, some don't like the taste of meat, and one or two do it because it's also fashionable.

It's fashionable to follow the latest celebrity diet, because celebrities eat out. People now eat out more often than on special occasions. Over the past few decades, restaurant choices have also become diversified in Italy, the most popular In recent years, top restaurants in the UK, Turkey and the UK have often launched Turkish and British dishes to promote the British birthday dinner.

In order to provide service at the birthday party, we like to eat out for several times or months. Whether with friends or as a couple, we like to try new things, so we go to different restaurants Craig, Durham On the road, from chocolate to sandwiches and packaging, more people are eating in the street. In the car or on the bus or on the train, our parents and grandparents may resent this behavior and think it's impolite.

People eat when they go out because they go from place to place; at home, sit at the table for dinner I don't think twice about eating toast on the bus or on the bus if I'm going to be late for work, but I know my mother won't approve of Stacy Liz, although we may be trying to eat healthier, it seems that we still have some bad habits.




Table manners: there are two pairs of knives and forks on the table. The fork is on the left and the knife is on the right side of the plate. When you see two spoons, the larger one is used for soup and the smaller one is used for dessert of appetizers.

You should put the smaller knife and fork on your right hand and the fork on the left hand. The next dish is the main course. You should try to speak quietly and laugh more, but don't laugh all the time Table manners change over time, and they follow the fashion of the day.



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