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2024-04-16 17:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


0. 数数(Counting)

count v. 数(shu3) determine the total number of (a collection of items)

arithmetic n. art of counting 算术 adj. arithmetic/arithmetical

Middle English: from Old French arismetique, based on Latin arithmetica, from Greek arithmētikē (tekhnē)‘(art) of counting’, from arithmos ‘number’.

operation n. 运算 a process in which a number, quantity, expression, etc., is altered or manipulated according to formal rules, such as those of addition, multiplication, and differentiation.

late Middle English: via Old French from Latin operatio(n-), from the verb operari ‘expend labor on’

unary operation 一元运算 one input, one output (e.g. take the absolute value, take the opposite, take the reciprocal, etc.)

binary operation 二元运算 two inputs, one output (e.g. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.)

1. 加法(Addition)

3+4 means the number we get if we start with 3 and count on 4 times.

Q: What number do we get if we count on 4 times from the number 3 ?

add v. 加,加上; add y to x : 把 y 加到 x 上; y added to x : x+y .

late Middle English: from Latin addere, from ad-‘to’+ the base of dare ‘put’.

e.g. add x to both sides of the equation. 方程两边同时加上一个数x.

addend n. 加数

late 17th century: from Latin addendus ‘to be added’, gerundive of addere.

augend n. 被加数

late 19th century: via German from Latin augendus, gerundive of augere ‘to increase’.

注:在教学中很少用到 augend 这个词,由于加法交换律的缘故,相加的每一个数都可以叫加数(addend).

plus prep. with the addition of 加 x plus y : x+y .

mid 16th century: from Latin, literally ‘more’.

包含词根 plus 的单词:surplus (late Middle English: from Old French sourplus, from medieval Latin superplus, from super- ‘in addition’+plus ‘more’.)

sum n. 和(结果)the sum of x and y : x+y ; v. 求和; summation n. 求和

Middle English: via Old French from Latin summa ‘main part, sum total’, feminine of summus ‘highest’.

包含词根 add 的单词:addendum (pl. addenda, late 17th century: Latin, ‘that which is to be added’, gerundive of addere)

sum function 和函数 (f+g)(x):=f(x)+g(x) .

z is y more than x : z 比 x 多 y , z=x+y . 单独说 y more than x 就是比 x 多 y , 也就是 x+y ; 如果不说多多少,就变成了比较两数大小的不等式 z is more/greater than x : z 比 x 大,也就是 z 大于 x , z>x .

increase v. 增加; increase x by y : 在 x 基础上增加 y ; x increased by y : x+y ; 注意区别 increase x to y : 在 x 基础上增加到 y

Middle English (formerly also asencrease): from Old French encreistre, from Latin increscere, from in- ‘into’ + crescere ‘grow’.

总结起来 x+y 一共有5种说法:

1. y added to x (add y to x );

2. x plus y ;

3. the sum of x and y ;

we can also say (usually when y>0 )

4. y more than x ;

5. x increased by y .

e.g. The sum of the (two) roots of a quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0 equals the opposite/negative of the linear coefficient b over the quadratic coefficient a, i.e. -\dfrac{b}{a} .

2. 减法(Subtraction)

Subtraction is the inverse operation of addition.

7-4 means counting backward 4 times from 7 , or the number that when increased by 4 equals 7 .

Q: What number plus 4 equals 7 ?

subtract v. 减,减去; subtract y from x : 从 x 中减去 y ; y subtracted from x : x-y

mid 16th century: from Latin subtract- ‘drawn away’, from sub- ‘from below’ + trahere‘ to draw’.

e.g. Subtract x from each side of the equation 方程两边同时减去一个数 x .

subtrahend n. 减数

late 17th century: from Latin subtrahendus ‘to be taken away’, gerundive of subtrahere.

minuend n. 被减数

early 18th century: from Latin minuendus, gerundive of minuere ‘diminish’.

minus prep. with the subtraction of 减

late15th century: from Latin, neuter of minor ‘less’.

difference n. 差(结果)the difference of x and y : x-y

Middle English: via Old French from Latin differentia.

common difference 公差

difference function 差函数 (f-g)(x):=f(x)-g(x)

difference equation 差分方程

decrease v. 减少;decrease x by y : 在 x 基础上减少 y ; x decreased by y : x-y ; 注意区别 decrease x to y : 在 x 基础上减少到 y .

z is y less than x : z 比 x 少 y , z=x-y , 单独说 y less than x 就是比 x 少 y , 也就是 x-y ; 如果不说少多少,就变成了比较两数大小的不等式 z is less than x : z 比 x 小,也就是 z 小于 x, zy>0 )

4. x decreased by y ;

5. y less than x .

The difference of x and y is positive if and only if x is greater than y .

注意:less 和 lesser (not so great or important as the other or the rest) 不同;If there are two numbers x




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