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2024-05-27 08:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

颁奖典礼英文演讲词 字典 |

2012-06-13 15:32




【 liuxue86.com - 英语演讲稿 】

Good morning, everyone. This morning President Lee has asked you to gather here, so that we can have a special occasion to recognize some of our emplyees for their outstanding performance in the past year.

Based on careful consideration and evaluation of performances of all the employees, the selection committee has reached the following decision: the three recipients of the outstanding Performance Award for this year are Mr. BorNan Zhang... Mr. Jun-Fan Cao... and Ms. Sheng ye. Each recipient will be presented with a cash award of($50,000) together with a certificate. Let us proceed to the presentation of awards by President Lee.

(president presents the awards to the three recipients)

Needless to say, this year's recipients deserve this award for their dedication and accomplishments. Also, I would like to emphasize that every one of you who wasn't chosen today has a good chance of winning this honor. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but you can do it, if you try hard enough. At this time I would like to close the meeting by saying that I wish you all the best of luck.


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