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2024-03-11 09:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1 Sneeze, 1 Vote among African Wild Dogs


Individuals in packs of African wild dogs appear to sneeze to make their wishes known regarding when to get up and hunt.





When is a sneeze more than a sneeze? For African wild dogs, it turns out that sneezes are a form of voting. Gather a bunch of wild dogs together and a sneezing chorus becomes a way of implementing democratic decision-making.


African wild dogs, also known as painted dogs thanks to their colorful, splotchy coats, are known for highly energetic greeting rituals called social rallies.

非洲野犬,因为它们毛皮上毛发上带有各种颜色各种式样的色斑,也被称为杂色狼。它们因为种群内部充满激情的会面仪式,即社会集会(social rallies)而闻名。

"It's kind of flat and shrubby in Botswana where these dogs are living. So they spend all day sleeping usually in the shade in dog piles without 20 meters of one another.”

Botswana Predator Conservation Trust and Brown University researcher Hallie Walker.

“这种犬栖息于博茨瓦纳的平原地区和灌木地带。他们通常会成群趴在阴凉处上睡一整天,每只野犬与彼此的间隔不超过20米。” 博茨瓦纳肉食动物保护协会和布朗大学的研究人员哈莉•沃克(Hallie Walker)这样描述。

“And so once one dog wants to leave and go hunting, they'll get up from rest and assume this kind of stereotyped posture…I think the easiest way to imagine it is when you get home from work and your dog is really excited to see you; they do that but with each other."

She and her colleagues noticed that dogs would sneeze a lot near the end of their social rallies. At first, they thought the dogs were simply clearing out their dusty airways, but a closer look revealed something more complex.



Walker and her team recorded the details of 68 social rallies from five different wild dog packs in Botswana. And the more sneezes they counted, the more likely it was that the pack would move off and begin hunting. One sneeze, one vote. The finding is in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. [Reena H. Walker et al., Sneeze to leave: African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) use variable quorum thresholds facilitated by sneezes in collective decisions]


It's not a perfectly democratic system though. When the dominant pair of dogs was involved in the sneeze-fest, the pack only required a few sneezes before they took off. But if the dominant pair was not involved, an average of 10 sneezes was needed to decide the matter. Seems that some votes carry more weight than others.


African wild dogs are highly endangered—there may be just 1,400 fully grown adults left in the wild. Walker argues that the more we can understand their behavior and pack dynamics, the better positioned we can be to protect them.

非洲野犬是极度濒危物种,在野外环境下,也许只有1,400只完全成年的个体存留。沃克表示,我们越了解它们的行为和族群内部权力行驶方式(pack dynamics),我们就越有可能从更好的角度保护它们。

"Anything that we learn more about their decision making can help us manage them better and anticipate those decisions. So that even something as simple as understanding…how they make decisions amongst themselves will help conservationists anticipate those decisions and try to prevent any human–wildlife conflict."—Jason G. Goldman

“我们对于它们进行决策的各个方面了解的更多,就可以更好地从大层面上管理它们和预测它们的行为。即便只是简单地了解到它们之间是如何进行决策的,也可以帮助自然资源保护学家们预测它们的动向,从而避免人类和野生动物之间的冲突。” 贾森·G·戈德曼发言。





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