
您所在的位置:网站首页 需要某人做某事的英文单词怎么写 表达确认,除了confirm,这些高频词汇也不能错过!


2024-07-14 03:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


means to establish or double check that something is correct. The thing that is being confirmed can be positive or negative. Something can be confirmed in many different ways. A conformation can be verbal, written, or discovered through activities or interactions.意思是确定或反复检查某事物是否正确。被证实的事情可以是积极的,也可以是消极的。有些事情可以通过很多不同的方式得到证实。构象可以是口头的、书面的,也可以是通过活动或互动发现的。

I would like to confirm that you are coming to my party this weekend./The way that he treated the little boy confirmed that he was a good man.我想确认你这个周末来参加我的聚会。/他对待这个小男孩的方式证实了他是个好人。

Confirm is a word that has many synonyms, here are some of the most important.确认是一个有很多同义词的词,这里有一些最重要的。

1. Affirm: means that something is said or stated as a fact. When something is affirmed it is said loudly and publically.肯定:指某物被说或陈述为事实。当某件事被肯定时,它会被大声地和公开地说出来。

He eagerly affirmed his support for his sister./She affirmed the company’s commitment to supporting the students.他热切地肯定了他对妹妹的支持。/她肯定了公司对支持学生的承诺。

2. Reaffirm: means to say something again or to state or confirm something another time. When something is reaffirmed, it is at least the second time a position, statement, or commitment is being made.重申:指再次说某事,或在另一时间陈述或确认某事。当某件事被重申时,这至少是第二次作出立场、声明或承诺。

The politician reaffirmed his commitment to fulfilling his campaign promises./ Are you willing to reaffirm your support?这位政治家重申了他履行竞选承诺的承诺。/你愿意重申你的支持吗?

3. Assert: means to state or say an opinions in a very strong way. When something is asserted it is done in a forceful, loud way.断言:指以非常有力的方式陈述或说出一个观点。当某事被断言时,它是以一种有力的、响亮的方式完成的。

I plan on asserting my opinion very clearly during the meeting this afternoon./ I wish you would assert your opinion more often, I never know what you are thinking.我打算在今天下午的会议上非常清楚地表达我的意见。/我希望你能更经常地表达自己的意见,我永远不知道你在想什么。

4. Assure: means to tell someone a positive thing or to tell them something in a positive way. This is done to make them feel better or feel confident about a situation. As a synonym to confirm one would be assuring that something that was previously said is still true.保证:意思是告诉某人一件积极的事情或以积极的方式告诉他们一些事情。这样做是为了让他们感觉好一点或者对某个情况有信心。作为一个同义词来确认,一个人将确保先前所说的话仍然是正确的。

I want to assure you that nothing has changed. /I’m happy that we talked. I feel assured that the original promises will be kept.我想向你保证一切都没有改变。/我们谈话我很高兴。我确信最初的承诺会得到遵守。

5. Repeat: simply refers to someone saying or doing something again. When something is being confirmed, the stance or belief is being repeated.重复:简单地指某人再次说或做某事。当某件事被证实时,这个立场或信念被重复。

Thank you for repeating the test on the subjects. It’s nice to know we were right the first time./ I need you to repeat how you feel about the program once the conversation gets started.谢谢你在科目上重复考试。很高兴第一次知道我们是对的。/我需要你在谈话开始后重复一下你对这个程序的感觉。

6. Promise: refers to declaring or assuring that someone will do something.承诺:指宣布或保证某人会做某事。

I promise I won’t let you down./She promised to get the materials earlier today.我保证不会让你失望的。/她答应今天早些时候拿到材料。

Confirm: can also mean to reinforce something. This is usually used to agree with someone about something.确认:也可能意味着强化某些东西。这通常用来与某人就某事达成一致。

The witness confirmed the officer’s story./It would be helpful if a second person confirmed the research that I found.证人证实了警官的说法。/如果另一个人证实了我所做的研究,那会有帮助的。

7. Corroborate: refers to giving support to someone or something. It can be support to a person, statement, theory, or finding.证实:指给予某人或某事支持。它可以是对一个人、陈述、理论或发现的支持。

We have to perform a second test to corroborate the findings of the first test./ The teacher asked the other students involved in the incident to see if they would corroborate the first student’s story.我们必须进行第二次测试来证实第一次测试的结果。/老师让其他参与事件的学生看看他们是否会证实第一个学生的故事。

8. Verify: means to make sure that something is true, accurate or correct.核实:指确保某事是真实的、准确的或正确的。

Security has to verify your identity before they can let you in./I’m just calling to verify that this is the kind of orange juice that you wanted me to buy.保安必须先核实你的身份,然后才能让你进去。/我打电话是想确认这是你要我买的那种橙汁。

9. Validate: means to prove the validity or truthfulness of something. When something is validated it means that something is already believed to be true or a certain way. Validating is double checking.证实:指证明某物的有效性或真实性。当某事被证实时,它意味着某事已经被认为是真的或某种方式。验证是双重检查。

This password will validate your identity so that you can gain entry./Can you please validate the conclusions of the interns.此密码将验证您的身份,以便您可以进入。/请验证实习生的结论。

10. Authenticate: means to prove that something is real. This word is often used to confirm that something with high monetary value is real, like art.证明:证明某事是真实的。这个词经常被用来确认具有很高货币价值的东西是真实的,比如艺术。

Before the painting can be sold, an expert will need to authenticate it./Once we get everything back to the lab we can authenticate the age of the artifact.在出售这幅画之前,专家需要对它进行鉴定。/一旦我们把所有的东西带回实验室,我们就可以鉴定这件艺术品的年代。

11. Substantiate: refers to evidence that supports or proves something is true.证实:指支持或证明某事是真实的证据。

After you have filed a police report we need to substantiate your claim./The allegations against the students were never substantiated.在你提交警方报告后,我们需要证实你的说法。/对学生的指控从未得到证实。

Confirm: can also mean to verify something by officially giving a position to a person or a document can also make something official.确认:也可以是指通过正式给某人一个职位来证实某事,或者一份文件也可以使某事正式。

By signing here you are confirming that you agree to the terms of the contract./Sign here to confirm our new job offer./Here’s a  synonym that can be used for this definition of confirm.在这里签字就是确认你同意合同条款。/在这里签字是为了确认我们的新工作机会。/这里有一个同义词可以用来定义确认。

12. Ratify: refers to signing or giving formal consent. Agreements, contracts, treaties are made official by being ratified.批准:指签署或给予正式同意。协议、合同、条约经批准后正式生效。

Once we ratify this contract we will be in agreement to sell our house./All nations involved will need to ratify the treaty, in order for it to be effective.一旦我们批准了这项合同,我们就同意出售我们的房子。/所有有关国家都需要批准这项条约,使之生效。

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