支持某人做某事用英语怎么说 (含例句)

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支持某人做某事用英语怎么说 (含例句)

2024-05-12 23:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1. 表达人们支持某人做某事的方式:

- endorse:表示正式地支持或认可某人或某事物。例如:We endorse the candidate for mayor.(我们支持这个竞选市长的候选人。)

- back up:表示在行动上支持某人或某事物。例如:I will back up my friend if he decides to start his own business.(如果我的朋友决定开公司,我会支持他。)

- rally behind:表示团结在某人或某事物的背后。例如:We will rally behind our team and support them all the way.(我们将团结在我们的团队后面,并全力支持他们。)

2. 表达支持某人做某事的原因或动机:

- believe in:表示相信某人或某事物会成功或做得好。例如:I believe in you and I know you'll do a great job.(我相信你,我知道你会做得很好。)

- have faith in:表示对某人或某事物有信心。例如:I have faith in our team and I know we can win this game.(我对我们的队伍有信心,我知道我们可以赢得这场比赛。)

- stand behind:表示支持和赞同某人或某事物的决定和行动。例如:I stand behind your decision and I will support you no matter what.(我支持你的决定,无论如何我都会支持你。)

3. 表达支持某人做某事的形式:

- give a hand:表示提供帮助和支持。例如:If you need anything, just let me know. I'm happy to give you a hand.(如果你需要任何帮助,只要告诉我,我很乐意帮你。)

- lend a hand:表示提供协助和支持。例如:I can lend you a hand with your homework if you need it.(如果你需要帮助做作业,我可以帮你。)

- offer support:表示提供支持和帮助。例如:We offer our support to anyone who is in need.(我们向任何需要帮助的人提供支持。)


1. We endorse the new policy proposed by the government.(我们支持提出的新政策。)

2. I will back up my friend if he decides to pursue his dream of becoming an artist.(如果我的朋友决定追求成为艺术家的梦想,我会支持他。)

3. We will rally behind our leader and support him in his efforts to promote social justice.(我们将团结在我们的领袖后面,支持他促进社会公正。)

4. I have faith in my students and I know they can achieve great things if they work hard.(我对我的学生有信心,我知道如果他们努力,他们可以取得很大的成就。)

5. If you decide to start your own business, I stand behind your decision and I will support you all the way.(如果你决定开公司,我支持你的决定,并会全力支持你。)

6. Can I give you a hand with carrying those heavy boxes?(我可以帮你搬运那些重箱子吗?)

7. If you're feeling overwhelmed, just let me know. I'm happy to lend you a hand.(如果你感到不知所措,只要跟我说一声,我很乐意帮你。)

8. We offer our support to anyone who is affected by the recent natural disaster.(我们向最近自然灾害受灾的人提供支持。)





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