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2024-07-15 00:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

零花钱英语作文_初三真题英语作文3篇 作者:黄辜飞 • 2024-04-04 07:45:48 • 阅读 698

关于”零花钱“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:pocket money。以下是关于零花钱的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”零花钱“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:pocket money。以下是关于零花钱的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:pocket money

As agers, we may receive some pocket money from our parents or earn some money from part-time jobs. It's important to learn how to manage our pocket money wisely.

Firstly, we should make a budget plan. We need to figure out how much money we receive and how much we spend each month. Then we can allocate our pocket money to different categories, such as food, transportation, entertainment, and savings. By doing so, we can avoid overspending and make the most of our money.

Secondly, we should save some money for emergencies or long-term goals. It's tempting to spend all our pocket money on immediate gratification, such as buying clothes or snacks. However, we should also think about the future and set aside some money for unexpected events or future plans, such as college or travel.

Thirdly, we can prioritize our expenses based on our values and interests. For example, if we enjoy reading, we may want to spend more money on books or e-books. If we like sports, we may want to invest in some sports equipment or activities. By aligning our expenses with our passions and goals, we can feel more satisfied and fulfilled.

In conclusion, managing pocket money is not only about financial skills but also about personal values and priorities. By a budget plan, saving for the future, and aligning with our interests, we can become more responsible and happy consumers.







English title: Pocket Money








As an excellent student, I believe that pocket money is a very important topic for us. Pocket money is the economic given to us by our parents, and it allows us to learn how to manage money and important financial skills.

Firstly, pocket money has taught me how to plan and manage my expenses. When I have a certain amount of income, I need to think about how to use this money wisely. I will first plan for basic expenses, such as buying necessary school supplies or fulfilling small wishes. Then, I will try to save the remaining money in a piggy bank or a bank account to prepare for future large expenses. Through such planning and management, I have learned how to control my spending and avoid unnecessary waste.

Secondly, pocket money has also taught me to cherish and enjoy life. With some financial support, I can buy books or toys that I like, or enjoy a delicious meal. These small enjoyments bring me more happiness and satisfaction, and make me realize that money is not everything in life, but it can create more beautiful experiences for us.

Lastly, pocket money helps to cultivate our understanding of money and financial management skills. Through the use of pocket money, we become aware of the importance of money, how to earn money through hard work, and how to use money in the right way. We can set goals for ourselves, save money diligently, and learn how to make choices and trade-offs with limited resources. These experiences will not only help us manage our finances better in the future, but also cultivate our sense of responsibility and maturity.

In conclusion, pocket money plays an important role in our growth process. It teaches us how to plan and manage money, appreciate and enjoy life, and cultivates our understanding of money and financial management skills. As an excellent student, I will cherish every penny and strive to learn how to use them better.


Recently, we conducted a survey on students' pocket money consumption. According to the survey results, we conducted a survey on middle school students' pocket money consumption. The results show that the middle school students' pocket money is used for learning, such as buying reference books, spending money on food and drink, while others spend money on entertainment, such as surfing the Internet and playing computer games, because students are consumers, and Instead of producers, they should use their allowance wisely.

It is a good way to buy books or save money properly to help those in need. Besides, it is unnecessary to spend a lot of money on entertainment. In any case, it is not easy for our parents to make money, so we students should learn to use money carefully.




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