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#关于雪的英语句子(27)个| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”雪的句子“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Snow sentence。以下是关于雪的句子的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Snow sentence

1、Is a heavy snow days. 又是大雪纷飞的日子。

2、Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer , and Frosty the Snowman. 《红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫》和《结霜的雪人》。

3、I received a well, you say, the faster the flow time I wait for you turn to the snow. 我收到你说的一句安好,光阴愈流愈快,转至我等你第一场雪。

4、Soundless as dots on a disk of snow. 积雪的盘子上的圆点般阒寂。

5、When the snow stoped, my friends and i rushed out of home to make a big snowman. 雪停了的时候,我就和朋友冲出屋子,准备堆一个大大的雪人。

6、Fixed: Tree leaf snow is more "ontop" of the leaves. 固定:树叶雪更是“恒通”的叶子。

7、Thee children all came to the downstairs snowball fights, make a snowman. 孩子们都来到了楼下打雪仗、堆雪人。

8、Sidney's out of his cage! 雪黎跑出笼子了!

9、In the photos, beside a snowman wearing a blue hat and a red scarf is a man who is covered in snow wearing a striped scarf, who is decorated like a snowman. 在这组图片中可以看到,一个头戴蓝帽子,系着红围巾的雪人旁边,一位男子全身被雪埋过,也扮作一尊雪人,脖子上还戴了个条纹围巾。

10、We had to pack ski jacket, pants, boots, gloves, hat and goggles. 我们要带雪衣、雪裤、靴子、手套、帽子和护目镜。

11、The children were balling up snow to make a snowman. 孩子们正在把雪堆成球状,做一个雪人。

12、He stamped his feet to shake the snow off his boots. 他跺着脚摇落靴子上的雪。

13、The rabbit woke up is the snow kids saved her, crying into the melted snow water. 小兔醒过来发现是雪孩子救了她,痛哭着扑倒在融化的雪水中。

14、By the way, it requires that you already have Snow Leopard. 顺便提一句,它要求你已事先安装了“雪豹”系统。

15、The car got stuck in a snowdrift, please help me shovel the snow. 车子陷在雪堆里了,宝贝帮我一起铲雪吧。

16、Snowflakes clung to his eyebrows and to the fur trim of his jacket and cap. 眉毛上挂着雪花,茄克的毛边和帽子上都是雪。

17、Snow creaked under the boots. 靴子踩在积雪上吱吱作响。

18、The approach to the house was blocked by snow. 通往那所房子的路已被雪所堵。

19、Known by an array of magical names—golodrina in Spain, the bird that thaws the snow; 燕子和人类一起生活了几千年,人类给它起了各种美妙的名字(西班牙人把它叫做“雪燕”,能融化雪的燕子;

20、The children fought with snow-. 孩子们打雪战。

21、After the blizzard he shoveled the front walk. 大风雪过后,他用铲子清除了前面过道上的积雪。

22、My family is very happy to watch TV 外面雪很大孩子们正在堆雪人

23、Thee naughty children chucked snow at passing cars. 淘气的孩子们向路过的汽车扔雪球。

24、The snow kids again into the fire, and fire fighting, because the snowman is heat, snow water to flow over the entire body. 雪孩子再次冲入大火,与大火搏斗,因为雪人是怕热的,雪水一下流满全身。

25、The children scrunched through the snow. 孩子们喀嚓喀嚓地踏雪而过。


26、At this time, no longer float down yukiko, but snow. 这时,飘下来的不再是雪子,而是雪花了。

27、David Cheval lived this process working with his then wife Liz Cheval. 大卫·雪娃和当时的妻子莉斯·雪娃一起经历了这个过程。

28、There is snow around. There is ice on the ground. Children can throw snowmake the snowmen. 有雪,地上有冰,孩子们可以打雪仗,堆雪人。

29、Piquant make trouble is the child's nature, graduate because of child overturn inkstand, flyblown Xue Li work, snow Li do sth in a fit of pique leaves. 调皮捣蛋是孩子的天性,因为孩子打翻墨水瓶、弄脏雪莉毕业作品,雪莉负气出走。

30、I also made a snowball snow when the shuttle kicking, but play a snowball ter, happy laughter ecd in the campus. 我还用雪做了一个雪球当毽子踢,可是踢一下雪球就散开了,欢乐的笑声在校园里回荡着。

31、Some in a snowman, they first good two big snowball snowman's body, and give the snowman on the eyes, mouth… The snowman is ready! 有的在堆雪人,他们先堆好两个大大的雪球做雪人的身子,再给雪人装上眼睛、嘴巴巴……雪人就做好了!

32、Prawns, Scallop, Green Mussels, crab leg, Jade snail. 虾,带子,青口贝,雪蟹腿,翡翠螺。

33、The snow child in order to save the rabbit regardless of their Snow who rushed into the burning house to save the rabbit, but it also melts into a piece of snow. 雪孩子为了救小兔不顾自己的冰雪之身冲进着火的房子把小兔救出来了,而它自己也融化成一片雪水。

34、It is cold in winter. It sometimes snows heavily. The children can make snowmen. 冬天天气冷,经常下大雪,孩子们可以堆雪人英文-招财猫问答。

35、He adds a scarf and a hat. He adds an orange for the nose. 他给雪人加了一个围巾和一个帽子,又给雪人添了一个桔子当鼻子。

36、When it snows , all the ground is covered with snow. kids running away from home and make a snowman , play snowball . 一到下雪天,地面银装素裹,孩子们从家里跑出来,在雪地里堆雪人、打雪仗。

37、Marc fires up the stove for fresh water from snowmelt. 马克打着炉子,融雪取水。

38、Shirley: How about your one-year-old baby? 雪莉:你一岁的孩子怎么办?

39、Go outside to make a snowman, use carrots, sticks, snow, hat, ons and a scarf to make a snowman. 出去堆雪人,用胡萝卜、棍子、雪、帽子、纽扣和一条围巾来做一个雪人。

40、The snow is even with the window. 积雪与窗子相平。

41、Shirley: Can we buy this house on mortgage? 雪莉:我们能按揭买这房子吗?

42、Photo 410: The dance of snow king and snow queen in "nut cracker". 图410:”胡桃夹子”片段,大场面的雪王和雪后之舞。

43、In these conditions, it may be safer to remove crampons and kick steps down. 在这种雪况下,取下冰爪,用靴子踢雪下降可能会更安全些。

44、A child from a regiment regiment snow, hit another child, another child without any sign of weakness, rolled up a bigger one snow to throw at the boy's neck. 一个孩子团起一团雪,打了另一个孩子,另一个孩子毫不示弱,卷起更大的一个雪团,掷向男孩的脖颈。

45、Mom:Sidney's in his cage. 妈妈:雪黎在它的笼子里。

46、Snow whirled around us in bitter, blinding squalls, hissing like sand, and still we skied. 四周雪花乱舞,象沙子发出丝丝的声音,我们还在滑雪。

47、With perhaps ten feet left between them and the sharp-edged snowplow blade at the front of the train, Anthony sprang forward from the ladder. 在孩子与火车头前的犁雪机锋利的雪铲只有约十英尺的时候,安东尼从上纵身向前——跃。

48、On that day, the children were wearing a long skirt and cotton-padded jacket. The color of their skirts is impressively eye-catching in the snow. 当日,孩子们穿着羌族长裙和棉袄,撑着雪杖驰骋在雪野中,色彩光鲜的裙摆在雪地上赫然醒目。

49、SW: Oh-Oh? Where does my handsome prince go? 雪:咦?帅哥王子到哪去了。

50、The roads were sanded after the snowstorm. 道路在暴风雪之后铺上了沙子。


51、Snow fell on Maisy's house. 雪花落在小鼠波波家的房子上。

52、Mom:Sidney's in his cage. 妈妈:雪黎在它的笼子里。

53、You know, this is my wifes sleigh. 你知道,这是我妻子的雪车。

54、It's the first snow of the year, and the children are happily throwing snow at each other. 这是今年的第一场雪,孩子们高兴地拿雪球相互抛着。

55、As time p, there is less and less snow covering him, but the snowman beside him remains standing. 随着时间的推移,男子身上的雪越来越少,而身旁的雪人仍然立在那里。

56、I couldn't think of anything but the snow. 除了雪,我脑子里放不下别的东西了。

57、Pray for him and his wife, Hou Xuezhu. 为他和他的妻子侯雪竹祷告。

58、This time the sledge moved a little. I hacked at the ice with my ski-pole and boot, desperately trying to break the sledge free – and heaved again. 这次雪橇有点动了,我用滑雪杆和靴子铲开冰雪,拼命向前推动,想把雪橇解脱出来。

59、Mom:Ahhh!!!! Sidney's out of his cage! 妈咪:啊!!!! 雪黎跑出笼子了!

60、The naughty children chucked snow at passing cars. 淘气的孩子们向路过的汽车扔雪球。

61、Bamboo gentleman snow, frost before the song doctor. 雪后竹君子,霜前松大夫。

62、积雪与窗子相平。The snow is even with the window.

63、Nordic skiing consists 0f individual cross country event and relay event for Both men and women. 北欧滑雪包括个人越野滑雪项目及男子接力、女子接力项目。

64、The children pelt each other with snow. 孩子们互相投掷雪球。

65、It is fun living in a house made of snow. 住在用雪盖成的房子里真好。

66、In Snow Country, the image of snow flashes unceasingly while the novel narrates the living and emotional changes of the main characters in this snow-swept country. 《雪国》围绕岛村和驹子、叶子在雪国这个冰雪纷飞环境里的生活和情感变化,“雪”的意象不断闪现。

67、The mirror showed the Queen a picture of the Prince with Snow White. 镜子给皇后看和雪白色的王子的一张照片。

68、In skiing gear, complete with neon sungl , at a ski resort in Klosters, Switzerland. 在瑞士的滑雪场,王储的滑雪帽、太阳镜和脖子上的丝巾格外耀眼。

69、After the ceremony, Misaki Sato Du Xueyan introduced his fiancee snow clara. 仪式结束后,佐藤向杜雪颜引见了自己的未婚妻雪樱子。

70、It's snowing. Six kids are singing … 雪在下。六个孩子在唱《平安夜》。





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