历史遗迹上的城市绿心:雁南公园 / 土人设计 – mooool木藕设计网

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历史遗迹上的城市绿心:雁南公园 / 土人设计 – mooool木藕设计网

2024-07-15 12:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文由 土人设计  授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。 Thanks Turenscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Turenscape.



Turenscape : In the center of China’s ancient capital, Xi’an, a large, low-maintenance, 101-acre.


▽项目视频 Video


1、项目简介 Project Statement


The park was built to accommodate a wide array of public uses and to protect an underlying archeological site dating back to the Han Dynasty and before. Guided by heritage-protection regulations that prohibit excessive ground disturbance and deep-rooted plants, clusters of themed gardens were designed, each in an enclosure made of recycled urban debris and bamboo. Such a designed urban oasis not only created independent spaces for various otherwise-conflicting activities, but also brought a human scale to the otherwise forbiddingly large open space. The result is a truly lively urban oasis that blends everyday life into designed nature while keeping an archeological mystery safely hidden below.


▽公园鸟瞰 Aerial view


2、目标与挑战 Site Challenges and Objectives


Today, Xi’an is a megacity with a population of over 10 million, but in the past it was the capital of some 13 dynasties over a span of more than 1,100 years. Archeological sites, some of which date back 7,000 years, are scattered throughout the city. Urban development is, of course, inevitable, but the protection of archeological relics is equally important—which raises an enormous challenge for urbanism and landscape architecture. In this context, smart urban planning preserves open spaces above archaeological sites while allowing urban development around them.







Surrounded by the booming urban heart of the city, and covered with dirt and debris from demolished buildings, the site of Yannan Park Phase-1 is 41 hectares (101 acres) in size and was designated as an archeological site with significant historical values and rich ancient relics underneath. A preliminary investigation discovered 25 ancient tombs and other archeological sites dating from the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) back to the Neolithic Yangshao Culture, which authorities decided to protect in place. About half of the site, on higher ground, was designated as a sensitive protected area. The rest of the site has a concrete drainage channel running along its edge, with a steep slope dropping about 10~15 meters (33~50 feet). The urban drainage is heavily contaminated. In addition to a tight schedule and a limited budget of US $50 per square meter (about $5 per square foot), we were confronted with three major challenges:

No excessive ground disturbance or deep-rooted plants: In order to avoid damage to the archeological resources, the city’s cultural heritage authority ruled out any excavation deeper than 30 cm (about one foot) and the use of any woody plants that have a deep root system.

Accommodating diverse uses: A pre-design community survey suggested huge demand for public spaces that can accommodate diverse and sometimes conflicting recreational activities, including jogging, cycling, Yangge dance (a popular form of local folk dance in Xi’an), children’s play and family gatherings, camping, dog walking, gathering of elders and kite flying, among other activities. Fulfilling such diverse use demands within a single park is a significant challenge.

Bringing a human scale to a large open space: 101 acres is quite a large area in the middle of the city, and the creation of a diversity of experiences at a human scale was another significant challenge.


▽设计分析 Design and analysis


3、设计策略:漂浮的宝箱 Design Strategies: Floating Treasure Boxes


3.1可消纳建筑垃圾的漂浮花园 Floating gardens sculpted by recycling urban debris on site


In addressing the above site challenges and to achieve the project objectives, the following design strategies were developed:

To avoid any digging and deep-rooted woody plants and structures, the fill, composed of dirt and urban construction debris, was recycled on site to create raised walls of 1~3 meters (3.3~9.8 feet) high, which are ideal habitats for shallow-rooted bamboo to grow densely. The bamboo walls form spatial enclosures ranging from 10 ~70 meters (33~230 feet) in diameter. Each garden has a unique ground cover composed of perennial herbs and grasses, with unique colors, and is themed differently.


▽公园局部鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽漂浮花园 Floating garden


3.2可容纳丰富活动的花园系统 A matrix of themed gardens accommodating diverse programs

围绕中央草坪,场地内共39个口袋花园,以容纳不同的用途和活动,构成丰富的、可达的公共空间。口袋花园包括10米 、20米、50-70米三个内径规模等级。一些口袋花园被设计成扭秧歌舞蹈和音乐的圆形剧场,中间有一个舞台,周围由长凳围合,为市民文艺提供可能;两个离入口较近的花园是儿童游乐场,为亲子活动提供可能;有些口袋花园作为宿根花园、草药园,为冥想创造一个宁静、身临其境的空间提供可能。每个花园的种植和构筑独具特色。花园围栏狭窄的入口创造了一种神秘的气氛,引人入胜。

Altogether, 39 pocket gardens were created to accommodate diverse uses and activities, leaving a central lawn open as a universally accessible urban common. Some pocket gardens were designed as amphitheaters for Yangge dancing and music, with a stage in the middle encircled with benches; two gardens at more-easily accessible sites have been designed as children’s playgrounds; some pockets are for selected herbs that create a tranquil, immersive space for meditation. Each garden is planted and equipped differently. Narrow entrances to the garden enclosures create an air of mystery and invite visitors to explore the landscape.


▽圆形剧场 Amphitheater

▽亲子活动空间 Parent-child activity space


▽草药园 The herb garden


3.3可创造沉浸式体验的路网系统 A web of paths creating various immersive experiences


To balance the concerns of public accessibility and safety, eligibility and orientation of the spaces and explorative quality, a web of paths was designed to connect each of the gardens. Two major paths were designed as flower corridors that allow shortcuts across the park as well as provide shade. A cycling and jogging path encircling the park also functions as a service road and connects all the service facilities. Instead of a single lane of wide pavement, some of the paths are composed of parallel sub-lanes with plants in between to accommodate large influxes of visitors while still providing an immersive urban nature experience. A skywalk running along the edge of the park’s high ground allows visitors to enjoy the city skyline.


▽两条贯穿全园的藤本花廊 Two wicker verandas run through the garden

▽慢跑道 jogging


3.4 台地和低维护景观 Terraces and low-maintenance vegetation to transform the concrete drainage channel


To soften the steep slope down to the drainage channel, planted terraces were built; Old building materials including stones and tiles are used to build the retaining walls. Some terraces are constructed wetlands that filter nutrient-rich drainage water. Low-maintenance vegetation is widely used to bring nature back to city.


▽净水台地区 Water purification station area


4、结论 Conclusion


The park proved an immediate success. In the central common, people frequently camp at the edges; couples walk along the paths submerged among the native meadow; and grandparents accompany their grandchildren as they explore the “messy” meadow.


▽在花园草地休憩游走的居民 Residents lounging on the garden lawn



In the pocket spaces, herb gardens are hidden mysteries that attract curious youngsters; children enjoy themselves on the playgrounds as their parents look on from the circular benches; elders sit in circle on a bench watching Yangge dancing; and music lovers play their instruments in the pavilions.


▽在花园廊架长凳中享受自然与音乐带来的美好 Enjoy nature and music on benches in the garden



On the paths, joggers enjoy the immersive natural setting along the circular route; families leisurely walk together on the skywalk, with urban nature on one side and the growing city on the other. Among many celebrated features, this urban nature oasis is intended as a balance of the four qualities of landscape configuration: coherence, complexity, legibility and mystery.


▽空中步道 Skywalk




项目名称:西安雁南生态公园 项目类别:景观、规划 项目阶段:城市公园与绿地 项目地点:中国,陕西省,西安市 项目规模:面积121公顷 设计时间:2016年3月 委托方:西安市雁塔区基础设施建设投资管理有限公司 设计部门:土人设计 首席设计师:俞孔坚 项目负责人:林国雄、杨学宾 设计人员:林国雄、杨学宾、李新宇、张洁、王萌、王冰、赵院波、姜宇亮、林涵、张喻、刘倩颖

Project Name: Xi’an Yannan Park Project category: Landscape, planning Project stage: Urban park and green space Project Location: China, Shaanxi Province, Xi’an City Project Scale: Area of 121 hectares Design time: March 2016 Client: Xi’an Yanta District Infrastructure Construction Investment Management Co., Ltd. Design Department: Turenscape Chief Designer: Yu Kongjian Project leaders: Lin Guoxiong, Yang Xuebing Designers: Lin Guoxiong, Yang Xuebin, Li Xinyu, Zhang Jie, Wang Meng, Wang Bing, Zhao Yuanbo, Jiang Yuliang, Lin Han, Zhang Yu, Liu Qianying


“ 低维护的城市公园,是充满活力的城市绿心,它将日常生活融入人工自然的同时,也将神秘的古城遗址保护在地下。”

审稿编辑  Maggie

更多 Read more about: 土人设计Turenscape




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