Yellowjackets Quiz

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Yellowjackets Quiz

2023-09-04 00:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

What Yellowjacket Character Are You Most Like?

Thrill, vengeance, murder, mystery, suspense, brutal slaughter, and some pretty faces; in these few words is the extract of the series “Yellowjackets”. Nobody could have ever guessed that the story would become such a big hit but to be honest, we had this in mind! If you think that we are bluffing then you mustn’t have watched the trailer carefully. The intensity and hype of emotions created in a few minutes literally give viewers goosebumps and no one can resist watching the whole series of Yellowjackets.

Past was dark and the truths connected with it are darker. As they are about to unfold, the story takes shocking twists and turns and what seems right becomes the worst wrong. The characters who are protagonists develop into the most vicious villains. If you have seen Yellowjackets then consider yourself lucky because there are very few masterpieces like it. And yes, we have another gem for you i.e. the Yellowjackets Quiz! Just step in and you’d find it more intriguing than the Yellowjackets series. We bet that you are desperate to know which Yellowjackets character are you? There is only one way, the “Yellowjackets Test” so tighten up your seatbelt.


Do you want to read more about Yellowjackets? Well, the top reasons behind the fame of Yellowjackets include the marvelous acting of the characters, the plot, and especially the element of truth in the story of Yellowjackets. It is believed that the core of the story has been taken from truthful incidents like the crash of the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 in 1972 and the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding released in 1954.

Yellowjackets is a story that entails events back in the late 90s and their consequences in the present year 2021. It all started with the victory of the extremely talented New Jersey high school soccer team. The girls were in the finals and had to fly for the final match; however, things took a devastating turn when the plane carrying the team (wearing yellow jackets) crashed into the mountainous areas of Canada. After the incident, about a dozen of the people from the plane were left alive (including the crew). The actual horrendous acts begin after that as survival was impossible and blood could be seen dripping from hands. No one remained friends; the one who could survive became a fiend for all. This is the reason why we are asking you to hop into the quiz before it’s too late.


Get to know the most amazing characters in Yellowjackets closely. The information below would help you to relate yourself to the best ones. (This is Yellowjackets, you should not mix it up with Yellowstone!)


Shauna is the type of girl who is obsessed with herself. When she is portrayed as a teenager during the crash, Shauna was the one who easily hunted and slaughtered animals. Her other friends found this quite difficult. Moreover, her affair with Jeff even after knowing that he was committed to her best friend Jackie was an inhuman betrayal. Shauna just wanted to have him in her life and was miraculously married to him as she got pregnant.

Even after the cruel 19 months they all suffered, Shauna never changed, instead, her darkness inside elevated and after being an adult and mother of a teenage daughter, she’s still the same. Shauna only thinks about herself and is living an unhappy life as a housewife. Even Jeff regrets the decision of marrying her.


People aren’t like what they seem to be and Taissa is a perfect example of this. From the start, we could see the evil side of Taissa as all she wanted from life was success. She never wanted to taste defeat and her courageousness made her hate the ones who preferred to play safe and ventured for defensive play.

As a soccer player, she harmed one of her teammates because Taissa thought that she wasn’t capable while as a politician fighting for the senate seat, she lets no one come in the way. Taissa is extremely pretentious and doesn’t want anyone to see her weaker side. She enjoys it when people are feared of her status and power. Taissa depicts that she has a perfect family but on the contrary, she is just bearing with them.


Never go over anyone’s appearance and with Misty’s character it is quite evident. She seems like a sweet, shy, and simple girl but from inside, she is more clever and manipulating than you can imagine. It is a fact that Misty has lived a torn life and everyone bullied her. But, that has nothing to do with the heartlessness that she has as an adult.

After the plane crash, Misty became a hero for all as she knew everything about survival due to her Red Cross training. Everything was in her hand. Horrendously, Misty smiled after eating one of her teammates. Even as an adult, she has zero empathy for anyone. Misty is a caretaker of senior citizens but she treats them harshly.


Natalie is a “Salt N Pepper” type of person. As a teenage girl, we all idealized her because she had the voice to speak and the courage to stand not only for herself but for others as well. Natalie has lived a tough life but never complained, instead, focused on living a chilled-out life made on her rules.

After the incident, everything changed and she became a drug, sex, and alcohol addict. Natalie was really in the worst condition but after the death of Travis (her boyfriend), she was insistent on finding and punishing the character herself. Natalie never supported wrongfulness but her sole aim was to kill those who disrupted her life.


Here’s your chance to unveil which Yellowjackets character are you most like? A person smart like you would never miss the Yellowjackets Trivia. Answer the quiz and let the world know that it’s impossible to beat you!

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