【战锤40K·背景介绍】战锤任务:黑石要塞 II

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【战锤40K·背景介绍】战锤任务:黑石要塞 II

2024-07-01 07:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文摘选自《Warhammer Quest - Blackstone Fortress》,该译文作为练习仅为个人与交流使用,不用作商业用途。 



To reach the Blackstone Fortress requires a harrowing journey, navigating to the distant edge of the Imperium through sectors in which heresy and Chaos have taken hold. Yet it is the last leg of the voyage that is most perilous, for there are no warp charts of the silent zone in which the Blackstone Fortress lies, and the light of the Astronomican becomes distorted beyond recognition as it beams further into this dead space. As such, the exact position of the Blackstone Fortress is only vaguely known, for few travellers have managed to locate it, and fewer still have returned.


Those who follow the signals emanating from the Blackstone Fortress may be able to navigate the uncharted tracts of warp space or the vast void expanses that separate it from the nearest stars. At the end of this journey is a sprawling field of debris stretching for millions of miles in all directions - a dense cloud made of the remnants of ancient warships and fragmented battle stations. Where this astral detritus came from and how it came to surround the Blackstone Fortress is a mystery. Some bear insignia from the early millennia of the Imperium, whereas others are branded with Chaos marks, Aeldari runes or Necron glyphs. But the overwhelming majority are of designs not capturedby Imperial records, giving hint to numerous ancient xenos species that vanished long before Mankind took to the stars. The number of these wrecks is beyond counting, but each bears evidence of some great and destructive force that was levelled against them, with enormous holes burnt clean through their hulls, and fuselages crushed as though in the grip of mighty claws.


The wrecks orbit slowly around the Blackstone Fortress, which lies hidden at the centre of this nebula of debris. Newly arriving vessels dare not travel too close, for aside from the danger of colliding with haphazardly floating wreckage, there is the risk that whatever apocalyptic armaments caused such obliteration could still be operational. Yet there is much to entice those who have made the voyage to the edge of the debris cloud. Amongst the wrecks there are weapons systems, star charts and archeotech unseen elsewhere in the galaxy, and scavenger crews are sent out in small shuttles to pick clean the skeletal remains of the dead ships. But the truly adventurous delve even further into the nebula, wending their way through the floating graveyard towards the Blackstone Fortress itself.



Travelling into the nebula requires a vessel small and nimble enough to avoid the colossal debris drifts and eddies of scrap that constantly circulate. There are no maps to guide pilots and navigators towards relatively clear channels - or if such charts do exist, they are guarded closely by those who possess them. But a craft that is able to survive eventually emerges into a sphere of empty space, at the heart of which lies the Blackstone Fortress.


Under the shadow of the monolithic structure there is a small way station. Cobbled together from pieces of scrap and anchored to a solitary node of warp-entangled space, it is called Precipice by its ragtag inhabitants. Upon arrival, each vessel is lashed to one of Precipice's mooring spars, preventing it from being drawn in by the massive gravity well of the Blackstone Fortress, and before being allowed to enter the station anultimatum is delivered to the crew -set aside animosities, ancient hatreds and petty factionalism before coming on board, or face annihilation. Such aggressive precautions are a necessity, for Precipice is populated with star-farers from disparate warring races who must be dissuaded from tearing each other, and the station, apart. An ad hoc cadre of the most powerful and influential captains enforce this uneasy truce, though acts of sabotage and assassination are still commonplace, especially when it serves these captains' purposes.


Regardless of its dangers, Precipice is the final port of call for those brave and brash enough to enter the Blackstone Fortress itself. It serves as a bartering point where travellers can buy, sell or steal the equipment and knowledge needed to survive the horrors that lie ahead of them, and a locale where adventurers of every ilk can form temporary alliances for shared survival. It is the last point of reason before plunging into a realm of madness.


Rogue Trader Janus Draik 


Warrant of Trade R38-79N1


Datalog Entry:11703


Unless I am mistaken -and I am rarely mistaken - the accounts of a Blackstone Fortresses having been uncovered are true. By means of parley with the various scavenger factions I have learnt of a stable port at the centre of the wreckage nebula, and am currently en route to this station of Precipice. Due to the sheer mass of floating debris, it was necessary to leave the Draikstar at the nebula's edge, along with the vast majority of my personnel to guard it. I feel rather nostalgic going forth in my shuttle - after all, it was aboard Vanguard that I conducted my earliest conquests, expanding the Emperors domain while enjoying aged amasec.



Firing weapons on Precipice, especially somewhere as visible as the Helmsman, can lead to exile or even execution, so things could have gone badly for us. 



What little law there is on Precipice is upheld by a cabal of self-appointed leaders (scoundrels, to a man) who enforce their will with an iron hand. 




This sleek and manoeuvrable shuttle has been in Janus Draik's possession since he first inherited his Warrant of Trade. A handful of Draik's most trusted attaches have accompanied him aboard Vanguard, where they aide him in his exploits and guard his considerable collection of xeno-tech artefacts.



Amasec is a popular alcoholic drink distilled from wine. It can range from lesser brews barely fit for firebombs, to well-aged brands suitable for only the finest of the Emperor's servants.

②“你提出的任何建议我都会感兴趣的,” 霍伊如此说道,他没有理会阿玛塞克酒,而是伸手从盘子后面取了一瓶没怎么见过的饮料,“来杯纳吉拉如何?我担心我们本地的阿玛塞克酒酿得不怎么样。首先,这里几乎没有种粮食的地方。”

'I'd be interested in any suggestions you might have,' Hoy said, ignoring the amasec, and reaching for an unfamiliar drink at the back of the tray. He smiled. 'Have a nagila? I'm afraid our local amasec isn't up to much. Hardly anywhere to grow the grain, for one thing.'



The explorers' spacecraft huddle close together at a sort of port city located nearby one of the Blackstone Fortresses' known apertures, where valuable archeotech can be bartered. This forlorn and isolated outpost is known simply as Precipice.


Precipice is a city only in the crudest sense of the word. Its core has been cobbled together from the wreckage of ancient craft that orbit the Blackstone Fortress, and newly arrived and still-functioning craft moor onto its haphazard spars. It is more like a fortified camp than a true city, a formation of vessels that offer collective protection against possible intruders and close proximity for the exchange of goods and services.


Each craft docked with Precipice is still largely self-reliant, but trade is conducted both for practical reasons and to cater to the explorers' various vices. There is no law or government, and the inhabitants are constantly looking to avoid - or to commit - backstabbing acts of treachery. Basically, this is a dangerous place filled with dangerous people, looking to go to even more dangerous locations.

To be continued…




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