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2024-07-10 08:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Let's talk business.来谈谈正事吧This fat bastard is moving in这下流的死胖子一直想on Morizio's business.介入马利吉欧先生的地盘You know Morizio is a reasonable guy.你也知道 马利吉欧先生是个明理的人He just wants a little conversation.他只想和对方谈谈But this guy, he don't wanna hear about it.但这个死胖子 就是不买♥♥他的帐Maybe he'll listen to you.我想他也许会听你的He comes to town every Tuesday.他每周二都会来这儿Are you free Tuesday?你星期二有空吗?Yeah, I'm free Tuesday.是的 我星期二有空Nice to see you again, Mr. Jones.很高兴又看到你 琼斯先生Remember, neatness counts.You got one half hour.记住 把数目弄清楚你有半个小时时间One hour.嗯 一个小时What?干嘛? It's Tonto, downstairs.我是楼下的 陶图There's a guy wants to talk to you.这里有个家伙要找你What's he look like?看起来怎么样? Serious.很严肃Tell him I'm coming up.告诉他我要上去了He's coming up.他要上去了Somebody's coming up. Somebody serious.有人来了 来者不善Mickey,米奇open your eyes. We got company.招子放亮点 有人来找碴了We got company.有人来找碴了Come on.来吧Stop, man!停下来Tell the driver to wait for us out back, and hurry up.叫司机把车开到后面等我们 快点Sweetie, what's going on?亲爱的 发生什么事了? Don't worry, baby.It's cool. Take a nap.别担心 宝贝 没事的 小睡一下吧Oh, my God.噢 我的天啊Those fuckers blocked both the exits.那些混♥蛋♥把两个出口都挡住了Check the terrace!去阳台看看911 emergency.911紧急报案处I need help.Somebody's trying to kill me.快救我 有人要杀我Just stay on the line.I'll just be off a moment.好 先别挂断 我帮你转接I'm gonna connect you with an officer.先生 我帮你接到警官那里去DetectiveJefferson. May I help you?杰弗生警探 你好 你需要帮助吗? I'll call you back.我再打给你Relax, man.放松点 兄弟I got half of Bolivia sitting in them suitcases.那边皮箱里的毒品 可以买♥♥下半个玻利维亚Hasn't even been cut yet.还没有混过水 纯度很高Go ahead, take it.It's yours.去吧 拿去吧 全是你的Dial this number.拨这个号♥码I'll talk to you later, sweetie, okay?我们再联络 亲爱的 好吗? Bye.再见 Hello?喂It's Morizio. Remember me?我是马利吉欧 记得我吗?I see you're back in town.我看到你又回来了Yeah. I mean, no.Just for today.是的 不 我是说 没有 只是今天刚好回来So it's safe to say today's your last day in town...所以我是不是可以说 今天是你在这里的最后一天and we'll never see your fat fucking face again.以后在这个城市 我就再也看不到你那张肥猪脸了?Yeah. Right.是 是的Let me speak to our mutual friend.让我跟我们的朋友说话He wants to talk to you.他要跟你说话Yeah.是的Make sure he understands, and let him go.确定他搞清楚了再放他走Do you understand?你搞清楚了吗?So say it.说啊I understand.我搞清楚了Good.很好Jesus.天啊Two milk as usual?照常是两罐牛奶吗?Why did you hide the cigarette?为什么要把烟藏起来? This building's full of rats.这栋建筑物到处是老鼠I didn't want my old man to find out.我不想被我老头子发现Got enough problems.麻烦已经够多了What happened?发生什么了? I fell off my bike.我从脚踏车上摔了下来Don't tell my dad about the cigarette, okay?不要告诉我爸有关烟的事 好吗?Why are you doing this to us? I don't know...你为什么这么做? 我不知道People got memory problems these days.这几天有很多金钱纠纷It must be the sun.一定是那小子干的Know when to come out of the sun.你知道那小子什么时候出去的?I don't know how it happened.我不知道事情是怎么发生的What's my job? I'm just a holder.我能怎么样? 我只是个托管人I hold the stuff you give to me.我只负责保管东西就好像 你只负责把东西交给我一样I don't look at it or touch it.东西我动都没动过 I don't know how to cut it.我甚至不知道要怎么稀释那东西Try to follow me.你仔细听好 好吗?In June, we gave you the dope.我们六月把毒品给你的时候It tests 100 percent pure.纯度还是百分之百Now it's July, we pick up the dope,现在七月了 我们把那些毒品拿回来 and it tests 90 percent pure.但是纯度只剩下百分之九十Somewhere between June and July,在六月至七月这段期间ten percent turned to cut!有百分之十被偷了I don't know. It's none of my business.我不知道 这不关我的事You give me the stuff, I hold it.你把东西给我 我只负责保管That's all I know.我知道的就这些I'm trying to help you out here...嘿 听好了 我在试着帮你but if you're gonna be a hard-ass about it...但是如果你硬是不肯说实话I gotta disturb him.我只好去麻烦他了Let me tell you.我告诉你When he's into his music,当他在听音乐的时候he hates being disturbed.他最讨厌有人烦他了I'm telling you the truth.我说的全是实话I hope so,希望是这样because he's got a talent for sniffin' out a lie.因为他有嗅出谎话的能力It's scary.It's almost like a sixth sense.很可怕的 简直就像是第六感Are you gonna现在change your tune你是要改变你的说法or I gotta bust into his?还是要惹他翻脸I'm telling you the truth.我说的全是实话All right.好吧 Stan.史丹Stan.史丹I'm sorry. He said he didn't cut the dope.我很抱歉 你也听到了 他说他没拿Of course he didn't.他当然没拿Just do me a favor.Find out who did by tomorrow.帮我一个忙 找出来是谁干的Noon.明天中午Malky, wait.马其 等一下I didn't cut your shit.Find out yourself!我没拿你的东西 你们自己去找吧What are you doin' out here?你在这里干嘛? Get inside and do your homework.进去做你的功课I did it already.我已经做完了Get inside and help your sister...是吗? 那就进去帮你姐姐clean up the goddamn house!打扫这该死的房♥子! And stop smoking cigarettes!不许再抽烟!Time's up. My turn.时间到了 该我看了Change the channel, and I'll smash your face.你敢换台 我就撕烂你的脸Sorry, sweetheart.对不起 亲爱的Good morning.早安 小睡猪Hi, honey,you two.嗨 亲爱的 喂 你们两个Sweetheart, turn that down.亲爱的 把电视关掉Mama's got a headache.妈妈有点头痛She took my turn.她霸占了我的时间She wants to watch goddamn cartoons!她只想看那些该死的动画片It wouldn't hurt her to move her ass.动一动她的屁♥股♥又不会死I'm not the one with a fat ass around here.我又不是那双肥臀的主人Can someone who's doing nothing all day可以请那个整天什么都不干but watching cartoons...只会看动画片的人




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