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2023-05-13 17:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

English Idioms 英文成语

1. one in a million

(one in a million = very rare:非常罕见)

英文解释:When this idiom is used to describe a person, it is a compliment - it means the person is very special and unique. The expression "one in a million" is also used in a different phrase: the chances are one in a million, which means it's almost impossible; it's very unlikely to happen. 当这个成语用来形容一个人时,是一种赞美——表示这个人很特别,很独特。“100万分之一”的表达也被用于不同的短语中:几率是百万分之一,这意味着这几乎是不可能的,不太可能发生。

例句:I've known my best friend for over four decades. Friends like that are one in a million. 我认识我最好的朋友已经四十多年了。像那样的朋友是非常罕见非常难得的。

2. put two and two together

(put two and two together = come to the logical conclusion:做出合理的分析;得出合乎逻辑的结论) 

英文解释:This idiom comes from math (2 + 2 = 4): if you add two and two, the result is four. "Putting two and two together" means that you put some pieces of information together to produce a logical conclusion. 这个习语来源于数学(2+2=4):如果你把2和2相加,结果是4。“把两个和两个放在一起”的意思是你把一些信息放在一起,产生一个合乎逻辑的结论。

例句:I saw him leaving the hotel early in the morning with another woman... so I put two and two together and figured he must be cheating on his wife.  我看到他一大早就和另一个女人一起离开了酒店...所以我根据事实合理的推断,认为他一定是背叛了他的妻子。

3. hindsight is 20-20

(hindsight is 20-20 = things are perfectly obvious when you look back on them in the past:当你回顾过往,事情是非常清楚的) 

英文解释:"20-20" is a term used by optometrists to describe perfect eyesight (vision). People often use this expression when reflecting on something they regret in the past. At the time, the results of the action were not clear, but now they can look back and see clearly. “20-20”是验光师用来描述完美视力(视力)的术语。人们在反思自己过去后悔的事情时,经常会用到这个表达。当时,行动的结果还不清楚,但现在他们可以回头看,看得一清二楚。

例句:We should have hired the other candidate; even though Jack was more qualified, he turned out to be a terrible employee. Oh well - hindsight is 20-20. 我们应该雇用另一个候选人,尽管杰克更有资格,但结果证明他是个糟糕的员工。好吧事后诸葛亮。

4. fifth wheel

(fifth wheel = an extra, unwelcome person:多余的,不受欢迎的人) 

英文解释:Cars have four wheels. A fifth wheel would be extra and unnecessary. This idiom is used to describe an uncomfortable social situation when you feel like everyone else has a partner and you "don't fit." 汽车有四个轮子。第五个轮子将是额外的和不必要的。这个习语用来描述一种不自在的社交场合,你觉得别人都有搭档了,而你自己是“多余的”。

例句:Everyone else brought a date to the banquet, and I went alone. I felt like a fifth wheel the entire evening:其他人都带了个女伴来参加宴会,我一个人去。整个晚上我都觉得自己像个多余的人




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