
您所在的位置:网站首页 请问马蹄可以生吃吗 马蹄可以生吃吗听说致癌是吗,请问马蹄可以抗癌吗?


2024-04-29 23:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

马蹄可以生吃吗听说致癌是吗,请问马蹄可以抗癌吗? 综合百科 最后更新:2024-04-29 22:05:50 ゆ阴气太重 发布:3年前 6万阅读



马蹄可以抗癌。马蹄,又称荸荠。原产于印度。我国是盛产马蹄的地方。它以个头大、皮薄肉嫩,水分充足,清甜无渣,爽脆可口既做蔬菜也可做水果,广西马蹄久负盛名,营养丰富,含有蛋白质、维生素C,还有钙、磷、铁、质、胡萝卜素等元素;马蹄作用价值甚大,能清热润肺、生津消滞、舒肝明目、利气通化作用。岭南诸类佳果,各佳其味,但生熟可食,健疾不忌,加工成马蹄罐头口味更好。  马蹄是荸荠的俗称,是一种生长在水田中的多年生草本植物,我们吃的是那呈扁圆形的地下茎。根据资料,马蹄入药,历史悠久,其中《随息居饮食谱》只用了26个字就概括了马蹄的保健作用,即:“荸荠甘寒。清热、消食、醒酒、疗膈、杀疳、化铜、辟蛊、除黄、泄胀、治痢、调崩”等。  现代科学研究还发现,马蹄含有丰富的淀粉、蛋白质、粗脂肪、钙、磷、铁、维生素A、B1、B2、C等。还含有抗癌、降低血压的有效成分--荸荠英。  中医临床上常用马蹄配成“雪羹汤”清热去痰,降血压和治疗大便干硬。中医认为,用新鲜马蹄配芦根、鲜藕汁同饮,是清热、生津止渴的理想饮料。 


马蹄可以生吃吗? 马蹄可以生吃,但需要注意几点。首先,马蹄在生长过程中会与湿润的土壤接触,有可能会带来某些细菌和寄生虫。因此,如果要生吃马蹄,需要仔细清洗并消毒。其次,马蹄含有少量毒素。一般情况下,这些毒素不会对人体造成影响。但是,如果食用过量或质量不好的马蹄,可能会导致胃肠道不适或其他不适症状。因此,推荐适量食用。 马蹄会致癌吗? 目前,没有证据表明马蹄会致癌。但是,马蹄中含有亚硝酸盐。亚硝酸盐在一定条件下会转化为致癌物质亚硝胺,对人体健康造成危害。因此,在烹饪过程中,需要避免亚硝酸盐与蛋白质结合,尽量减少烧烤、烤肉等高温烹饪方式。如果要进行高温烹饪,可以先将马蹄在沸水中焯水,以减少亚硝酸盐的含量。此外,马蹄中含有丰富的营养物质,如维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维等。适量食用可以对人体有益。但是,如果有相关过敏史或慢性疾病,应该在医生的指导下食用。吃马蹄不会致癌,但亚硝酸盐的食用量需要控制在安全范围内。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Horseshoe can fight cancer. Horseshoe, also known as water chestnut. Native to India. my country is a place rich in horseshoes. It has a large size, thin skin and tender meat, sufficient water, sweet and slag-free, crisp and delicious, and can be used as both vegetables and fruits. Guangxi horseshoe has a long-standing reputation and is rich in nutrients. It contains protein, vitamin C, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, quality , carotene and other elements; horseshoe has great value, can clear heat and moisten the lung, promote fluid and eliminate stagnation, relieve liver and improve eyesight, and benefit Qi and Tonghua. There are all kinds of good fruits in Lingnan, and each has its own taste, but it is edible raw and cooked, and it is not afraid of diseases. It tastes better when processed into canned water chestnuts. Horseshoe is the common name for water chestnut, a perennial herb that grows in paddy fields. What we eat is the oblate underground stem. According to the data, horseshoe has a long history of being used as medicine. Among them, "Suixiju Diet Manual" only uses 26 words to summarize the health care effect of horseshoe, namely: "water chestnuts are sweet and cold. Copper melting, expelling Gu, removing jaundice, deflating bloating, treating dysentery, regulating collapse" and so on. Modern scientific research also found that horseshoe is rich in starch, protein, crude fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, etc. It also contains water chestnuts, an active ingredient that fights cancer and lowers blood pressure. In traditional Chinese medicine, horseshoe is commonly used in "Xue Geng Decoction" to clear heat and remove phlegm, lower blood pressure and treat dry and hard stools. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that drinking fresh water chestnut with reed root and fresh lotus root juice is an ideal drink for clearing heat, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst.​​


马蹄 抗癌 




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