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2020年研究生入学统一考试试题(英语一)答案及解析下载 Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)


1.【答案】C  On

【解析】此处考察介词词义辨析。On a cold winter’s day意思是在一个寒冷冬日。介词on后加具体的某一天;in后加一段时间,例如in winter,in 2002;toward表方向,不与时间搭配;till意思是直到,例如till tomorrow,till next week,与句意不符。故正确答案为on。

2.【答案】A  match

【解析】此处考察动词词义辨析。文章的首段首句提到:即使家庭成员不太可能经常坐下来一起吃饭,但数百万英国人将在这个周末参加这个国家最伟大的传统活动之一:星期日烤肉。On a cold winter’s day, few culinary pleasures can __2__it. 在一个寒冷的冬日,很少有什么乐趣与之匹配。match 匹配。express表达。satisfy满足,满意;确信;符合。influence影响。

3.【答案】B  enjoyment

【解析】此处考察上下文逻辑关系。上文说到星期日烤肉是一项开心的活动。后文Yet进行语义转折:然而正如现在报道的那样,食品卫生部门认为这种  3  会导致另一种有罪的快乐  4   损害我们的健康。enjoyment乐趣与上文pleasures和下文another pleasures互为关联信息。patience耐心,耐性。surprise惊喜。concern关心。

4.【答案】D  guaranteed

【解析】 此处考察非谓语动词做后置定语的用法。空格所在句指出:这种快乐会导致另一种有罪的快乐   4   损害我们的健康。 guaranteed有保证的,一定的,填入空格处意为:这种快乐会导致另一种有罪的快乐,肯定会损害我们的健康。 intensified增强,加剧;  privileged享有特权,专用,特许;compelled强迫。

5.【答案】A  issued

【解析】此处考察词义辨析。The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has __5__ a public warning… 食品标准管理局     一项公开的警告… issued发表,发布,发出;received接收,接到; ignored忽视,忽略;canceled取消。issued a public warning发出一项公开的警告符合文意。

6.【答案】B  at

【解析】此处考察介词辨析。in some foods cooked __6__ high temperatures. under在…下面;for为了;因为;对于; by在…旁边; 通过; 由于; 经过。

7.【答案】D  avoid

【解析】此处考察上下文逻辑关系。7空句首this mean代词this指代上文高温炙烤的食物里会有化学复合物有害人体身体健康。所以下文提出建议人们应该  7  炸土豆,不吃薄皮披萨并且…7空同时也与reject构成语义并列的关系,故avoid正确。forget忘记;regret 后悔;finish完成。

8.【答案】A  partially

【解析】此处考察词义辨析+上下文语境。…and only__8__ toast their bread.  8空前文说到建议人们不吃炸土豆,薄皮披萨或者只是   8  烤面包。partially部分地,偶尔地;regularly有规律地; easily 容易地;initially最初地。故A选项正确。

9.【答案】D  While

【解析】此处考察上下文逻辑关系+逻辑连接词辨析。 __9__ studies have shown that acrylamide can cause neurological damage in mice, there is no __10__ evidence that it causes cancer in humans.   9   研究表明丙烯酰胺可引起小鼠神经损伤,但是没有  10  证据表明它会导致人类患癌症。前后句为转折/对比/让步的逻辑关系,故选择while表示虽然,尽管。Unless除非,表条件的逻辑关系;Since因为,表因果逻辑;If如果,表条件的逻辑关系。

10.【答案】C  conclusive

【解析】此处考察词义辨析+上下文语境。  9   研究表明丙烯酰胺可引起小鼠神经损伤,但是没有  10  证据表明它会导致人类患癌症。conclusive决定性的; 令人信服的; 确凿的

secondary第二的,中等的;间接的;  external外面的,外部的; 表面上的; 外用的; 外国的; negative消极的,否认的。

11.【答案】C  likely

【解析】此处考察固定搭配。be likely to 可能。insufficient 不足的,不够的;bound捆绑的,束缚的,有义务的;slow缓慢的。

12.【答案】A  On the basis of

【解析】此处考察短语辨析+上下文逻辑。__12__ the precautionary principle, it could be argued that it is __13__ to follow the FSA advice.   12   预防性原则,可以说遵循FSA的建议是 13  。 On the basis of以…为基础,根据,按照;At the cost of以…为代价;In addition to除…之外; In contrast to与之相对,相反。

13.【答案】B   advisable

【解析】此处考察形容词词义辨析。 根据预防性原则,可以说遵循FSA的建议是 13  。interesting有趣的; advisable明智的,可取的; urgent急迫的; fortunate侥幸的,幸运的。

14.【答案】D  After all

【解析】考察逻辑关系。原文中上一句说“基于“预防原则”,可以认为最好遵循FSA的建议”。本句说“在有证据证明吸烟与癌症之间的联系之前,吸烟导致癌症的传言就已经流传多年了。结合选项分析,As usual像往常一样,In particular尤其,特别,By definition根据定义,After all 毕竟,只有After all符合文意。

15.【答案】C  connection


16.【答案】B  served

【解析】本题考察主谓搭配,此处为被动语态,和主语a piece of boiled beef 构成实际上的“动宾关系”,句意“毫无疑问,一片煮熟的牛肉总能在周日和一些蒸蔬菜一起__16__”。这里served up 表示“上菜,端上”正和文意。而其他选项made制作,saved节省,used使用,均不符合。

17.【答案】A  To be fair

【解析】本题考察主谓搭配,上一句说“但是生命值得过下去吗?”本句话说,“英FSA表示,它并没有告诉人们….不吃烘焙食品”,可见后文并没有对上文进行举例(for instance)或总结(To be brief)或表示经常发生的事情(in general),故,应该选择顺承关系的To be fair。

18.【答案】B  entirely

【解析】此处考察副词的修饰关系。本句话句意为“英FSA表示,它并没有告诉人们不吃烘焙食品__18__”。结合各选项分析:reluctantly不情愿地,entirely完全地,gradually逐渐地,carefully小心谨慎地,能跟前面的否定词not呼应使用表示一种部分否定的,只能是entirely才合适,not …entirely表示“并未完全…”。

19.【答案】C  campaign

【解析】本题考察主谓搭配。根据原文语境“然而,他们(FSA)的…有风险给人一种‘劝诱式’保姆的感觉” ,答案campaign表示“(开展的)运动,活动”放在这里最合适。promise承诺,experience经历或经验,competition竞争,均不能体现本文中FSA所做行为的代称。

20.【答案】D  end up

【解析】考察动宾搭配,这里的句义是“持续不断的健康威胁__20__却没有人在听。”这里想强调太多的的对健康的恐慌的最终结果,只有“结束,以…告终”这个含义最符合,所以选择end up, 而follow up跟踪,坚持完成,pick up捡起,拾起,偶然学到,open up打开,开发,均不符合文义。

Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)

Text 1

21 C increase the economic strength of Britain’s towns

这道题是细节题。题干问库珀和她的同事们认为“文化之城”这一奖项可能会怎样可以定位在第一段第三句:“Cooper and her colleagues argue that the success of the crown for Hull,……” “赫尔之冠”的成功并不局限于城市,它为赫尔带来了2.2亿欧元的投资和大量艺术作品。英国的城镇,确实没有被阻止申请,但他们通常缺乏资源来凑齐一点来击败他们更大的竞争对手。有人认为,“文化之城”奖可以成为一项年度活动,吸引资金并创造就业机会。所以能看出答案是C. 增强英国城镇的经济实力。

22 B a self-deceiving attempt

该题是推断题, 题干问:根据第二段,这一提议或许会被一些人认为是…….。 可以定位在第二段第一句“Some might see the proposal as a boo by prize for the fact that……”“有些人可能会把这个提议看作是一个嘘声,因为英国已经不能再申请更有声望的欧洲文化之都的称号了……” 能看出来有些人是持反面态度的。很多人不认识boo,但是也能从后面的on the verge of disappearing into an endless fever of self-celebration in its desperation to reinvent itself for,在绝望地为英国退欧后的世界重塑形象之际,英国即将消失在一场无休止的自我庆祝热潮之中. 接下来几个反问句,能看出来是一种自我欺骗的尝试,所以选择B。

23 D commits to its long-term growth


24 A. a contrasting case

这题是写作目的题, 题干说:第3段提到格拉斯哥是为了展现什么。可以定位到第三段倒数第一句。可以看到前面有明显的BUT,知道和前面的意思成相反。“这个问题很难解决,需要高度的远见卓识,也需要城市当局、私营部门、社区团体和文化组织之间的合作。但这是可以做到的:格拉斯哥作为欧洲文化之都的一年,可以被看作是一系列复杂的因素之一,这些因素把这座城市变成了艺术、音乐和戏剧的力量,直到今天。”

25 D favourable


Text 2

26 细节题 D  its content acquisition cost nothing

根据题干中关键词a licence to print money because ,定位到第一段第二句,其他科学家也免费进行同行评议的专门工作,因为它是获得地位和生产科学知识的核心要素。正确选项D,acquisition原词, for free替换选项中的,cost nothing.

27 细节题 A thrived mainly on universities libraries

根据题干关键词Elsevier定位到第三段第一句话,The Dutch giant Elsevier, ….made profits of more than 490m last year. while UK universities alone spent more than 210m in 2016,该公司去年利润超过4.9亿英镑 然而仅英国大学在2016年就花费了超过2.1亿英镑。正确选项A 主要依靠大学图书馆 为定位句的同意表达

28态度题 B concerned

根据题干中关键词Sci-Hub的成功定位到第四段第二句, The success of Sci- Hub, …. have themselves legally accessed shows the legal ecosystem has lost legitimacy among its users and must be transformed so that it works for all participants这表明法律生态系统在其用户中已经失去了合法性,必须进行改造,以便为所有参与者服务. 可见作者对于Sci- Hub的成功采取否定态度,正确选项B concerned担忧,担心。A relieved宽慰的,C puzzled困惑的属错误选项, D encouraged鼓励的,正反混淆

29推断题 A allow publishers some room to make money

根据题干关键词open access定位到第四段,最后一句 …so that the publishers can make a profit before…,合理收取费用是未来出版商能够获利,A选项为同义替换。B render publishing much easier for scientists使发表对科学家来说容易得多 .C reduce the cost of publication substantiality 降低出版成本 D. free universities from financial burdens使大学摆脱财政负担

30 细节题 D the few feed on the many

根据题干关键词scientific publishing model定位到最后一段第五句,labour is provided places free in exchange for the hope of status, while huge profits are made by a few big firms who run the market places.劳动力被免费提供,以换取地位的希望,而一些经营市场的大公司则获得了巨额利润。 可知少部分作者免费劳动,大部分公司盈利,A选项为同义替换

Text 3

31 态度题 A help little to reduce gender bias

纵观全文,文章一直在论述该法案,在最后一段作者提出了自己的想法,下次有人把企业配额作为促进性别平等的一种方式。请记住,这些基本上都是自私自利的措施,让他们的赞助商感觉良好,但其实并没有什么帮助,由此可见作者对此法案采取否定态度,A help little to reduce gender bias对减少性别偏见没什么帮助为同义替换的正确选项

32 细节题 C it may go against the constitution

根据题干中的关键词 California measures定位到原文第五段第二句,Because the California law applies to all boards, … courts are likely to rule that the law violate the constitutional guarantee of “equal protection” violate 违反宪法,选项C against替换violate为正确选项

33. 例证题 D the needlessness of government interventions


根据题干中catalyst替换到第7段,论点为上一句The number of women on corporate boards has been steadily increasing without government . 在没有政府的情况下,公司董事会中的妇女人数一直在稳步增加。可见D选项中the needlessness of government interventions政府干预的不必要性

34 细节题  C the entry of unqualified candidates into the board

根据Norway定位到倒数第三段第一句,要求将性别作为董事会成员的主要资格,必然会导致私营部门董事会减少。紧接着下文董事会成员的机会越来越多,却没有合格的女性来担任董事会成员, 由此可见会有不合格的人进入董事会,正确选项C 不合格候选人进入董事会

35 推断  B Feasibility should be a prime concern in policymaking


Text 4

36. 【C】 impose a levy on tech multinationals 细节题。根据题干直接定位到第一段第一句话 a digital services tax, which would impose an entirely new tax on large multinationals that provide digital services…;选项C中的“levy”和“tax”同义复现;“tech multinationals” 和digital services 同义复现。因此C为正确答案,奇遇选项均未体现。

37.【A】may trigger countermeasures against France 推断题。根据提干定位到第二段,第二段第二句话but it has already sparked significant controversy,…,which in turn could lead to trade sanctions against France(这已经引起了巨大的反抗,…, 反过来也会导致针对法国的贸易制裁)和选项A相一致;其中选项中的“trigger”和原文的“lead to”同义复现,“sanction”和“countermeasure”同义复现。其余选项均未体现。

38.【B】the current international tax system needs upgrading 细节题。根据题干定位到第四段最后一句话 “they all share a view that the international tax system has failed to keep up with the current economy(他们都认为国际税收体系并未跟上当前经济形势)。选项B目前的国际税收体系需要升级是该句话的反义复现。其余选项均为体现。

39.【C】is faced with uncertain prospects 细节题。根据提干定位到第五段最后一句话”raise questions about what the future holds for the international tax system(对于国际税收体系的未来充满疑虑)”和选项C相一致。其中选项中的“uncertain”和原文中的“raise questions”同义复现,“prospects”和原文中的 “future”同义复现。

40【B】France leads the charge on digital tax 主旨题。题干中的title为标题题的信息,所以此题考查的是文章的主旨大意。B 选项里的 tax是贯穿全文的主旨词;而文章以法国对数字服务征税为起点,全文描写了包括法国在内的其它国家对全球税收系统的担忧,因此选项B和文章的主旨相符合。剩余选项均选项未能体现文章关键词和全文主旨。

Part B

41.答案:C. Eye contact can be a friendly social signal 解析:本段第三句说了,“can be a complimentary significant of paying attention”,此外本段最后一句也说:眼神接触和微笑能signal availability and confidence发送可用性和自信的信号。都说明眼神接触是个友善的社交信号。 因此选C。

42.答案:E 解析:本段第一句就出现了hormone 荷尔蒙,此外,本段中出现的oxytocin催产素,hign-functioning高官能,autistic spectrum symptoms自闭症谱系症状等词都说明是在聊生物因素。最后一句中还有explore探索,brain scanning 脑部扫描。所以选E

43. 答案:G 解析:本段第一句就说了eye contact can signal very different kinds of messages,depending on the situation眼神接触根据不同情况会发出不同的讯息。下一句主干说在不利环境中,会与dominance支配or intimidation恫吓有关联。因此G为正确答案。

44.答案:A 解析 :本段第一句就提到了time,第二句清楚地说到了These pauses typically occur at about three per second,通常每秒三次,充分说明很快,所以选A。

45. 答案:D 解析:第一句话中就有personality。在引用中转折之后,but their brain reactions also differ人们脑部反应不同,最后一句话更加明确说到高负能量的人更觉得被人直视令人不舒服。因此选D。

Part C Translation

46.With (the gap between) the church’s teachings and ways of thinking being eclipsed by the Renaissance, the gap between the medieval and modern periods had been bridged, leading to new and unexplored intellectual territories.


47. Before each of their revelations, many thinkers at the time had sustained more ancient ways of thinking, including the geocentric view that the Earth was at the centre of our universe.


48. Despite attempts by the Church to sop suppress this new generation of logicians and rationalists,more explorations for how the universe functioned were being made at a rate that people could no longer ignore.


49. As many took on the duty of trying to integrate reasoning and scientific philosophies into the world, the Renaissance was over and it was time for a new era.


50. Such actions to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew were captured by the Latin phrase ‘Sapere aude’ or ’dare to know’.

这些探索知识并且理解已知信息的行为可以用拉丁文“Sapere aude”或英文“dare to know”描述。

46. With (the gap between) the church’s teachings and ways of thinking being eclipsed by the Renaissance, the gap between the medieval and modern periods had been bridged, leading to new and unexplored intellectual territories.


1. 本句主干为 the gap between the medieval and modern periods had been bridged(中世纪和现代时期之间的差距得以弥合)

2. With (the gap between) the church’s teachings and ways of thinking being eclipsed by the Renaissance做伴随状语,其中being eclipsed是with+宾语+宾补结构的一部分。

3. leading to new and unexplored intellectual territories现在分词作结果状语。



47. Before each of their revelations, many thinkers at the time had sustained more ancient ways of thinking, including the geocentric view that the Earth was at the centre of our universe.


1. 本句主干为many thinkers at the time had sustained more ancient ways of thinking(当时的许多思想家都采用更为古老的思维方式) ,其中 at the time作后置定语修饰many thinkers 。

2. Before each of their revelations部分为时间状语。

3. including the geocentric view that the Earth was at the centre of our universe,分词作后置定语修饰ways of thinking,其中that后是同位语从句修饰限定view。


48. Despite attempts by the Church to suppress this new generation of logicians and rationalists,more explorations for how the universe functioned were being made at a rate that people could no longer ignore.


1. 本句主干为more explorations for how the universe functioned were being made(更多对于宇宙是如何运作的探索正在进行着),其中for后面是how引导的宾语从句。

2. Despite attempts by the Church to suppress this new generation of logicians and rationalists

做方式状语,其中to suppress…作后置定语修饰attempts

3. that people could no longer ignore做定语从句修饰rate。



49. As many took on the duty of trying to integrate reasoning and scientific philosophies into the world, the Renaissance was over and it was time for an Age of Reason.


1. 本句主干为the Renaissance was over and it was time for a new era. (文艺复兴结束了,而此时一个新的时代到来了),是两个并列单句。

2. As many took on the duty of trying to integrate reasoning and scientific philosophies into the world为时间状语从句,as译为“当…….什么时候”

(1) took on the duty,意思为“承担责任”

(2) of后是介宾短语作后置定语修饰duty。



50. Such actions to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew were captured by the Latin phrase’s‘Sapere aude’or‘dare to know’.


1. 本句是一简单句,主干的谓语动词是were captured

2. to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew 部分是不定式作后置定语,修饰such actions,其中what information we already knew是 understand 的宾语从句。


试图去寻求知识和理解我们已有信息这种行动由拉丁文词语 ‘Sapere aude’ 或 ‘dare to know’来描述。

Section IV Writing Part A


December 21, 2019

一段:To ensure that students from overseas have abundant extracurricular activities, I am writing to inform you of some relevant information with regard to the singing competition.

二段:This event will be held in the auditorium of our university on May 10, 2020, and it will start at 7 and end at 10 o’clock in the evening. At the opening ceremony, our headmaster will make clear that the purpose of the competition is to enrich the extracurricular activities of the students on campus. Participants will be from different majors in our university. Then is the time for the singing contest.

三段:We are looking forward to seeing you there. You will have memorable and happy time in this event.

The Student Union

Part B

52: Directions:



写作时,按照一般顺序。第一段图画描述段,左图是位女孩正在非常努力地做着学校作业,心里想着是“尽早完成才放心”,右图是位男孩躺在沙发上也不看书,书桌上只有一本摊开的书和一支笔,心里却想着“不到最后不动手”,这两幅所反映的内容正好相反,它所反映的寓意依然是合理自洽即可,小编认为两者的不同在于习惯,女孩有很好的规划能力并有效利用时间完成任务,而男孩则恰恰相反,空耗时间只待最后“速成”,结果自然不会理想,因而我们需要养成合理规划时间的好习惯;第二段是寓意阐释段,按照品质类的框架结构,即关键句和具体作用, 可以说scheduling有助于我们充分利用时间以达到学业乃至事业上的成功,还可以讲acquire the habit of time management有助于我们克服拖延,做时间的主人;第三段是个人评论段,框架结构是关键句+具体建议+结尾句,可以说我们需要加强人们对此种品质的意识,希望人人都可以拥有这种美好的品质。




From the first simple but compelling cartoon we can see that a young girl is making great efforts on her schoolwork with earnest expressions, which successfully captures our eyes. On the contrary, what is differently delineated in the second photo is that a lazy boy is not reading but lying on the sofa with an unfold book and a pen on the book desk. Apparently, by the contrast of these two pictures, the explicit implication emerges in front of us that the power of good habits should be attached great importance to.

Various functions, as a matter of fact, are behind this quality illustrated in this picture out as far as I know the following two matter enormously. To begin with, scheduling is the art of planning your activities so that you can achieve your goals and priorities in the time that you have available. When it’s done effectively, it helps you understand what you can realistically achieve with your time and work steadily toward your personal and career goals; In addition, here is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally admitted that it takes time to change a habit, and procrastination is a habit that requires a little bit of effort to overcome. Task aversion, distractibility and impulsiveness are common types of procrastination. Moreover, they are the easiest to overcome if we acquire the habit of time management.

Based on the afore-said discussion, it is advisable for us to take steps to carry forward the quality. All in all, it is high time to strengthen people’s awareness in this aspect. Only in this way can we make the best of time managment and embrace a bright future.


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